7/11 slushie brained thread
op arguing that its ok that he's dehumanized himself into a zombified seratonin machine
op arguing that its ok that he's dehumanized himself into a zombified seratonin machine
Lol I still listen to real music.
So if I’m correct, the overall takeaway that I’m getting from everyone is that we shouldn’t even listen to AI music?
It’s like yall get mad if someone listens or even acknowledges AI music
Lol I still listen to real music.
So if I’m correct, the overall takeaway that I’m getting from everyone is that we shouldn’t even listen to AI music?
It’s like yall get mad if someone listens or even acknowledges AI music
yes bro
we should not let humanity reduce music, art, creative expression, etc. to a method of consumption that is the vehicle for rich people to get richer
and you could argue "oh that already happens rn" well guess what, we should be fighting that too
But this has been true about pictures for a minute now, you think Pac wanted anything to do with The Game?
I don’t see this energy when people photoshop memes of historical figures on the regular. Maybe if it’s really egregious but for the most part it seems uncontroversial to realistically portray someone doing something they didn’t actually do
Why is audio so much worse
My point isn’t just the reuse of their likeness. It’s that when anybody can do it, make money from it, and reproduce it again saying whatever, that’s the issue. Especially when the voice is the speaker of the soul. An image is an image and usually easy to tell its fake. Niggas struggle to tell if an AI ad on YouTube is real imagine a bunch of “unreleased” music comes out on a nigga that made greatness and passed on but it’s AI, the creator makes bank and the original artist loses value.
Nobody is benefiting from meme pictures in the same way they can benefit from fooling people with something that sounds pleasing to the ears. Even op said that one AI Drake song slaps even though it’s a cheap imitation.
You are just as much a robot as the one making the songs. Learn to connect with the world around you and you will understand there’s more to life than npc stimming
this is you OP.
was gonna say the exact same thing so im not just the only one thinking this
I wouldn’t say, hate. Just indifferent.
And indifference is what leads to a takeover. Attitudes towards something can hold more weight than the thing that is in question. It’s like saying you’d prefer pyrite over actual gold because it still looks like gold and if enough people agree that pyrite is just as valuable then gold means nothing.
I can understand ppl point about AI lacking artistry (even though art is subjective) but I don't get the one about ppl not getting paid
We're all ok with piracy and leaks which essentially steals from artists and companies so why is that a problem when it's AI?
It’s more than stealing at that point. It’s taking everything and using it as you please.
It’s not just about AI music. It’s letting AI infiltrate every aspect of the arts.
We already see awful A.I. images daily that are essentially amalgamations of other people’s work, so it’s theft. Most of Hollywood was on strike last year to protect themselves from being totally replaced by A.I. (and even then things still seem shaky on that front even though the strikes are over). Now we have the biggest artist in the world using A.I. to replicate a dead man’s voice.
No approval from the family. Even if they did it would still be eerie to me. It’s a slippery slope.
It’s all robotic. No genuine human is behind it. A huge part of what makes art art is the human aspect. A.I. is just taking that away
And I’m saying this knowing it’s already hard enough for the actual artist to break through and make worth out of their music. When someone can just take your voice and put it through an algorithm and benefit from it more than you or rather without even caring if it effects your legacy, your family that would benefit from your actual output etc. there is obviously an issue.
I mean if you like it, go for it. It kinda cheapens the value of the real thing though
It’s like wearing fake designer. To a lot of people, it makes no difference as long as it looks good. But for some others, the craftsmanship makes the difference.
The issue is with music being as accessible as it’s become. There’s no loss for the consumer. If you’d paid for music, only to find out it’s not even them speaking on the album, I’m sure you’d feel differently
You get me
I care about it somewhat
My stepdad is actually a painting artist, so I get it.
I’m just not enraged by AI like many people are.
I’m personally not enraged about it, it’s interesting, but it’s f***ed and knowing how humanity tends to take advantage of things like this I know it can and will get more f***ed without anyone actually caring if it’s AI or from a real person.
It’s not just about AI music. It’s letting AI infiltrate every aspect of the arts.
We already see awful A.I. images daily that are essentially amalgamations of other people’s work, so it’s theft. Most of Hollywood was on strike last year to protect themselves from being totally replaced by A.I. (and even then things still seem shaky on that front even though the strikes are over). Now we have the biggest artist in the world using A.I. to replicate a dead man’s voice.
No approval from the family. Even if they did it would still be eerie to me. It’s a slippery slope.
It’s all robotic. No genuine human is behind it. A huge part of what makes art art is the human aspect. A.I. is just taking that away
I’ll always respect your opinion fam. You’ve made great contributions to this site so I value what you say.
as someone who is indifferent about AI, I think the main problem people have with it is based on sci-fi esque fear. just the cliche trope of robots overtaking humans. That’s it really. We are already in the age where most normal people wouldn’t be able to tell from the sound. It’s the actual knownledge of AI that informs their opinion.
Personally I don’t fear AI at all which is why I don’t care for it. I believe it will probs dominate areas of art/entertainment (like music) in the future, but the real issue will lie in the human decision to utilise it due to a decline in human creativity.
Already seeing that decline in popular music ngl, so imo it’s down to artists to start being progressive, interesting and unpredictable if they don’t want that future.
as someone who is indifferent about AI, I think the main problem people have with it is based on sci-fi esque fear. just the cliche trope of robots overtaking humans. That’s it really. We are already in the age where most normal people wouldn’t be able to tell from the sound. It’s the actual knownledge of AI that informs their opinion.
Personally I don’t fear AI at all which is why I don’t care for it. I believe it will probs dominate areas of art/entertainment (like music) in the future, but the real issue will lie in the human decision to utilise it due to a decline in human creativity.
Already seeing that decline in popular music ngl, so imo it’s down to artists to start being progressive, interesting and unpredictable if they don’t want that future.
Well said
its just really lame man and even when its memes and s*** the novelty wears off really quickly, like that twitch stream with ai generated seinfold eps, it was funny for like an hour. or ai presidents playing league of legends. or ben shapiro rapping cardi b lyrics or w/e
That b**** in your avi is crazy af
Hahahahah she an internet artifact at this point, that saga was wild.
this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it
Bars oh my goodness
Idk, s*** sounds very robotic to me
!https://youtu.be/SBYBh71osXAThis is still my favorite
!https://youtu.be/ocXW2Xtw0MAThis beat gotta be 92kbps
That ai song u mentioned is so ass
If drake released that it would be the worst song on his discography
That s*** lowkey better than the average CLB song
I feel like ai will eventually be fully responsible for a massive song, like a song of the summer type song, and everything will change for better or worse after that point
It’s not just about AI music. It’s letting AI infiltrate every aspect of the arts.
We already see awful A.I. images daily that are essentially amalgamations of other people’s work, so it’s theft. Most of Hollywood was on strike last year to protect themselves from being totally replaced by A.I. (and even then things still seem shaky on that front even though the strikes are over). Now we have the biggest artist in the world using A.I. to replicate a dead man’s voice.
No approval from the family. Even if they did it would still be eerie to me. It’s a slippery slope.
It’s all robotic. No genuine human is behind it. A huge part of what makes art art is the human aspect. A.I. is just taking that away