this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it
this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it
This is such an excellent post
People not getting paid. Using likenesses without consent, no shade but most ai music sounds like s***, removes people from artistic endeavors and cheapens the years of work human beings put into it. The list goes on
Like imagine robots being the dominant creative force. Its cartoonish. I like the spongebob and meme ai tracks. But tracks passing as legit tracks is dangerous
You're argument against Ai is assuming that we never iron those things out. So in scenario when likeness is taken into consideration and used correctly with consent and people are still bring paid then what are your thoughts?
Brian Eno, OPN and countless other musicians use ai already in their work. Musicians been using it since the 70’s. So I'm still not sure about the argument that it “cheapens work” considering popular music made today often feels cheap and unauthentic. Most music I've heard that has used Ai has been more interesting than say someone like Olivia Rodrigo.
The real questions that should be asked is what is about music that feels cheap vs something has soul and I'm not convicened it has anything to do with programs that utilize ai.
You're argument against Ai is assuming that we never iron those things out. So in scenario when likeness is taken into consideration and used correctly with consent and people are still bring paid then what are your thoughts?
Brian Eno, OPN and countless other musicians use ai already in their work. Musicians been using it since the 70’s. So I'm still not sure about the argument that it “cheapens work” considering popular music made today often feels cheap and unauthentic. Most music I've heard that has used Ai has been more interesting than say someone like Olivia Rodrigo.
The real questions that should be asked is what is about music that feels cheap vs something has soul and I'm not convicened it has anything to do with programs that utilize ai.
I think what OPN does with using parts of strange ai generated content in his work is obviously a pretty different case (one that I have no issues with) than say completely ai generated songs inevitably charting on the hot 100
I think what OPN does with using parts of strange ai generated content in his work is obviously a pretty different case (one that I have no issues with) than say completely ai generated songs inevitably charting on the hot 100
What's the difference between an Ai song that charts 100 and pop song made in a room by a large amount of writers and A & R’s sourcing popular words and phrases / content to make sure the song is a “hit” using carefully orchestrated product testing?
That s*** lowkey better than the average CLB song
People will never admit this
Yes - There are good and bad songs on CLB, but to say Winters Cold would be the WORST song in his discography is just absurd lol
I’m telling you, AI talk elicits extreme responses from people.
That s*** lowkey better than the average CLB song
This is not the praise you think it is.
What's the difference between an Ai song that charts 100 and pop song made in a room by a large amount of writers and A & R’s sourcing popular words and phrases / content to make sure the song is a “hit” using carefully orchestrated product testing?
Now we’re asking the right questions.
People will respond with: “BEcAUse thEre arE aCTtual pEOPle cOmInG up wITH thE wORDs.”
this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it
What's the difference between an Ai song that charts 100 and pop song made in a room by a large amount of writers and A & R’s sourcing popular words and phrases / content to make sure the song is a “hit” using carefully orchestrated product testing?
Pretty sure people still call out industry plants to this day because of the fact that it is disingenuous and feels cheap but go off.
This is not the praise you think it is.
Clb is top3 worst albums oat
My biggest issue is that ai is trained on existing music so any “new” ai song is just a regurgitation of what’s been done before
If ai music fully takes over we’ll be stuck in a feedback loop of the same sounds forever which would suck
Humans are kinda already doing this without ai though so idk, music is cooked
Like there's a reason why that Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak album didn't hit the way many thought it would and it came and went. You can tell that was an extremely industry planned and produced album. Sure, there were a few good songs on it, but it feel more like a cheap imitation of a bygone era of music. It didn't have the legs to stand on its own, and felt more like a novelty of nostalgia. Which is why even though it was clearly produced to hit a certain way, it only did so briefly.
Just KTT dorks that were fooled into thinkin Kendrick’s response was AI after everyone clowned that dork for it. And then Drake drops a classic diss with Pac and Snoop
Like there's a reason why that Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak album didn't hit the way many thought it would and it came and went. You can tell that was an extremely industry planned and produced album. Sure, there were a few good songs on it, but it feel more like a cheap imitation of a bygone era of music. It didn't have the legs to stand on its own, and felt more like a novelty of nostalgia. Which is why even though it was clearly produced to hit a certain way, it only did so briefly.
When the main topic around music has been sales since the birth of streaming it doesn’t shock me that people aren’t against this. Now I’m for AI as a creator outside of music, mostly in the video editing world if it helps you not waste time setting certain things up and just get straight to the point of creating. But if your use of AI is just to use other peoples likeness you’re both easily entertained and childish. So many cool possibilities and the one they’re stuck on is just going backwards and making stuff alluding to stuff that already exists smh
Pretty sure people still call out industry plants to this day because of the fact that it is disingenuous and feels cheap but go off.
But it's not just plants.
this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it
I'm confused on the angle for this comment. Can you elaborate.
I'm confused on the angle for this comment. Can you elaborate.
people like OP seem to frame their disinterest in creation or even understanding what would compel someone to train / make things themselves as 'enlightenment,' talking dismissively about actual artistry in the process. they look at genAI as some 'inevitable' next step in human expression and can't grasp why having a LLM mash together stolen works for them to brand theirs is antithetical to that. it's too much of a bother—too big of an ask—to learn how to do the thing the claim they want to do or even commission someone that did bc they dont respect the practice or the process. i mean OP said music is nothing but a product to be consumed by them. i truly believe the years and years of STEM being heavily pushed onto young students as the only worthwhile career path while the arts were being defunded or outright slandered as 'just hobbies' have something to do with this. at the end of the day, they would rather pay midjourney a sub for the fleeting high of seeing a generated piece or 10 done in a minute
My biggest issue is that ai is trained on existing music so any “new” ai song is just a regurgitation of what’s been done before
If ai music fully takes over we’ll be stuck in a feedback loop of the same sounds forever which would suck
Humans are kinda already doing this without ai though so idk, music is cooked
I was about to say, isn’t this what’s already happening with “real” music aside from a very select few?