Niggas be so stuck up their ass like I can acknowledge he’s not a good person and still honestly critique the music
Who stuck up their ass?
Dude you were responding to
Oh s*** my bad I thought he replied 😂
My fault fam but I’m saying niggas is delusional. First post proof
At a 2013 meeting with Adidas designers at the company’s headquarters in Germany, he drew a swastika on one of their sketches. He later told a Jewish Adidas manager to kiss a portrait of Hitler every day. And West told Adidas colleagues that he admired Hitler’s command of propaganda.
Word, word
the picture of hitler s*** was 2018. swastika s*** was actually used negatively in that context im not gonna fight for my life about it but obviously there was an even further mentality shift between those years
aren't you a travis scott stan ?
the picture of hitler s*** was 2018. swastika s*** was actually used negatively in that context im not gonna fight for my life about it but obviously there was an even further mentality shift between those years
I’m just saying Nazi imagery existed in 2013 and it’s well reported and discussed. I wouldn’t put it past that he started deteriorating further into psychedelics and amphetamines (MBDTF and Yeezus hella psych inspired) and never recovered from his alcohol addiction and we saw it all blow up again end of 2016-South Carolina
Still doesn’t excuse his nasty beliefs. Pray he sees the light one day
I’m just saying Nazi imagery existed in 2013 and it’s well reported and discussed. I wouldn’t put it past that he started deteriorating further into psychedelics and amphetamines (MBDTF and Yeezus hella psych inspired) and never recovered from his alcohol addiction and we saw it all blow up again end of 2016-South Carolina
Still doesn’t excuse his nasty beliefs. Pray he sees the light one day
the fact of the matter is he has a certified mental illness he doesn’t treat. then whatever substances he took and personal events exacerbates it further
the fact of the matter is he has a certified mental illness he doesn’t treat. then whatever substances he took and personal events exacerbates it further
Doesn’t excuse all of the sentiments he comfortably expressed and sat within for years and fought back at anyone that tried to tell him otherwise because “we took broke to have an opinion” now he can stand on business for his decisions. Glad he’s free, but at what cost? lol. Will gladly support the next show/album when I see he’s taking s*** serious again like the Korea show. Donda was great
Doesn’t excuse all of the sentiments he comfortably expressed and sat within for years and fought back at anyone that tried to tell him otherwise because “we took broke to have an opinion” now he can stand on business for his decisions. Glad he’s free, but at what cost? lol. Will gladly support the next show/album when I see he’s taking s*** serious again like the Korea show. Donda was great
Coming home from the “bar” I went to an hour away. Was in there for 2 seconds and saw 2 ppl I know small world
Coming home from the “bar” I went to an hour away. Was in there for 2 seconds and saw 2 ppl I know small world
going to a bar an hour away when the liquor store down the street
I don’t like when Ye stans act like it’s weird to complain about this.
Does it get old? Yes.
But with the quality of what Ye put out before his fall off, and the eventual sheer loss of quality we’ve seen, for various reasons, it’s no small loss.
It’s not like we hate Ye. We all love his work, at least. We just want to see a return to form; and not acknowledging the slippage will not help anyone.
Eh....we get like 50 threads about this all the time.
He had a strong prime and can still make great beats and drop some amazing songs here and there.
He's cemented in history at this point and has nothing left to prove.
I also think Donda is currently underrated as hell and I'm still not convinced that TLOP is much better than it. The main thing that held it back was being bloated but Ye himself complained about Universal contributing to that.
Overall, though, Ye's doing fine even in spite of the Vultures stuff that's beneath him. He's just a borderline legacy act now. Wayne is a legacy act too. We're not going to get a MBDTF or Carter 2 moment ever again but it's fine at this point.
I don’t like when Ye stans act like it’s weird to complain about this.
Does it get old? Yes.
But with the quality of what Ye put out before his fall off, and the eventual sheer loss of quality we’ve seen, for various reasons, it’s no small loss.
It’s not like we hate Ye. We all love his work, at least. We just want to see a return to form; and not acknowledging the slippage will not help anyone.
As an Eminem fan, you should know how repetitive it can get for people to focus on it excessively.
I don’t like when Ye stans act like it’s weird to complain about this.
Does it get old? Yes.
But with the quality of what Ye put out before his fall off, and the eventual sheer loss of quality we’ve seen, for various reasons, it’s no small loss.
It’s not like we hate Ye. We all love his work, at least. We just want to see a return to form; and not acknowledging the slippage will not help anyone.
It's delusion.
The fall off is clear as day.
Mental Illness, The Kardashians, venturing off into the fashion industry & not prioritizing the music, d*** abuse, etc.
They all add up.