  • The worst thing about Ye and Drake’s beef kicking off again and them essentially going head-to-head with their albums is that most people are seemingly incapable of enjoying both projects - one album has to be trash and the other amazing.

    I feel the reception to CLB (and Donda too, to be fair) is overly negative in some places not because of the music but because people are blindly siding with the other artist.

    CLB’s user rating on metacritic is awful at the moment and I’ve got no doubt Ye fans are at least partly responsible for that.

    It’d be good if people just put the stan wars to the side and enjoyed the f***ing music. If it’s not for you, cool, keep it moving. CLB is a quintessential Drake album that Drake fans are going to enjoy. He’s not trying to make an artsy, ethereal album like Ye.

    Donda is a cool project too. Comparing the albums is ridiculous anyway because they’re so different it’s not funny and clearly each album has a vastly different purpose.

    Even if Drake and Ye won’t ever squash their issues I hope they just ignore each other in the future and do their own thing.

  • Sep 4, 2021
    6 replies

    CLB is objectively bad, dog.

  • Sep 4, 2021
    2 replies

    CLB is objectively bad, dog.


  • Sep 4, 2021
    2 replies

    I'm enjoying both albums but I'm one of the most objective people on earth so there's that

  • I’m getting tired of their beef. Kanye is clearly insecure about Drake and his popularity and Drake’s ego won’t let it go, he’ll always respond. Just squash it.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    CLB is objectively bad, dog.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    I'm enjoying both albums but I'm one of the most objective people on earth so there's that

    Thank god I’m not the only one, niggas on ktt think one or the other has to be a 0/10

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Dondas decent clbs bad that’s all there is to it

  • Sep 4, 2021

    5 songs in, 1 miss? But that stuff really ain't in the bible so

  • "cLb iS trAsH" while ya'll have Champagne Poetry blasting your eardrums 😂😂 Album is great, stop being followers

  • Sep 4, 2021

    CLB is objectively bad, dog.

    please learn what the word objectively means

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Breathed life into both's career after hiatus/middling output for years

  • Sep 4, 2021
    4 replies

    Drake albums always have bad user reviews. You have to remember OP that drake has a dedicated haterbase. Some people have an unhealthy hate obsession with dude its mad weird

  • Himothee


  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Guarantee a bunch of metacritic users went to spam 0s on his album page

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Drake albums always have bad user reviews. You have to remember OP that drake has a dedicated haterbase. Some people have an unhealthy hate obsession with dude its mad weird

    Dedicated hate fan base as in 99% of ye fans lmao, glad I can enjoy both

  • Sep 4, 2021
    2 replies

    People in here a day later saying it’s trash, if it’s so bad, why you still here? Forget it and move on with your life.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    People in here a day later saying it’s trash, if it’s so bad, why you still here? Forget it and move on with your life.

    Creating a narrative so they can bring the boy down

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    CLB is objectively bad, dog.

    It’s a typical Drake album that Drake fans are going to love. I can understand initial disappointment that his subject matter hasn’t really evolved or that it’s “safe”, but why are those necessarily bad things? He knows his strengths and the songs cater to a variety of people and settings. I think the reason people keep saying Drake albums are mid is because they’re creating expectations of evolution that may not happen. But why is it a negative if Drake continues a winning formula and keeps a wide variety of people fed?

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Guarantee a bunch of metacritic users went to spam 0s on his album page

    Yep exactly, that’s what I meant. Sad really.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    both seem like they rushed out projects and made it easy for kendrick

  • Sep 4, 2021

    I can't the difference between a swiftie and a CLB anymore

  • Sep 4, 2021

    CLB is objectively bad, dog.

    Do you know what objectively means?

  • Sep 4, 2021
    4 replies
    Halloween Gang

    It’s a typical Drake album that Drake fans are going to love. I can understand initial disappointment that his subject matter hasn’t really evolved or that it’s “safe”, but why are those necessarily bad things? He knows his strengths and the songs cater to a variety of people and settings. I think the reason people keep saying Drake albums are mid is because they’re creating expectations of evolution that may not happen. But why is it a negative if Drake continues a winning formula and keeps a wide variety of people fed?

    it's a negative because we've been having this conversation since 2016 and its getting to the point where Drake really doesn't have THAT defining classic genre shifting album. A Blueprint, A Graduation, A GKMC. All Eyez on Me, Aquemini, etc. an album that unarguably is in the classic category of rap albums

    he has the Take Care - NWTS - IYRTITL run which was great but none of those are THAT album

    and that's why people have the reaction they do...we've been waiting since Views for THAT album and he keeps stat padding which is good for him but that's why people even have these conversations about it the quality or the success?

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm enjoying both albums but I'm one of the most objective people on earth so there's that

    I really enjoyed Donda too. Come to life is one of my favourite Ye songs ever and there are several other gems. Comparisons are just dumb, Kanye and Drake aren’t doing anything remotely similar on these projects. I could kinda understand pitting then against each other if they were in the same lane but they’re not at all.