  • Sep 4, 2021

    I can see both sides of it

    He's always gonna give you the weird voices and s*** but GKMC type beat is not the same as a TPAB type beat; and same for TPAB > DAMN

    The same way you can say that for College Dropout > LR > Grad > 808s

    As someone who saw that trait of growth from Comeback Season > SFG > TML and arguably up until IYRTITL it got to a point where you could no longer say that bout Drake albums sometime around Views and beyond

    He changed his subject matter for tpab I guess but its almost similar to section 80 content wise

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke
    · edited

    Huh? They're singing the hooks on those songs and rapping the rest. That's not what I'm talking about. None of the guys you mentioned came out the gate with songs like Houstonatlantavegas, Sooner than later, Brand new, etc on their breakout projects.

    The point here is that you say Drake needs an "unarguable classic" like GKMC, The Blueprint, etc

    Yet how are you supposed to have an "unarguable classic" when songs like your pop songs and rnb songs are automatically going to be hated by the same people who talking about all those other rap albums you mentioned. You can't.

    yeah i mean those solely pop rnb songs aside from a few gems are mostly included for radio success which is the whole point here

    he's afraid of having an album not be all over the radio and break all types of records which IMO has hindered his creativity since Views broke all those records

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    yeah i mean those solely pop rnb songs aside from a few gems are mostly included for radio success which is the whole point here

    he's afraid of having an album not be all over the radio and break all types of records which IMO has hindered his creativity since Views broke all those records

    Not sure what this has to do with what we was talking bout but ok.

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    it's a negative because we've been having this conversation since 2016 and its getting to the point where Drake really doesn't have THAT defining classic genre shifting album. A Blueprint, A Graduation, A GKMC. All Eyez on Me, Aquemini, etc. an album that unarguably is in the classic category of rap albums

    he has the Take Care - NWTS - IYRTITL run which was great but none of those are THAT album

    and that's why people have the reaction they do...we've been waiting since Views for THAT album and he keeps stat padding which is good for him but that's why people even have these conversations about it the quality or the success?

    Your expectations are too high bro not everyone can create a “genre shifting” album

    I personally enjoy listening to nwts over all of those albums anyway so why does it really matter or would it be considered a negative if drakes fans love it

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    I knew the tropical s*** would come up and Kendrick has songs like that on Black Panther soundtrack which shows he can if he wanted to dive into that bag




    Songs like The Heart are pretty much his equivalent of the time/place tracks

    Drake can't make TPAB type songs though lol

    He’s not doing it anywhere near the level drake is it anywhere near as consistently

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply
    calzone jones

    Your expectations are too high bro not everyone can create a “genre shifting” album

    I personally enjoy listening to nwts over all of those albums anyway so why does it really matter or would it be considered a negative if drakes fans love it

    And the genre has shifted already because of Drake. So many younger artists cite him as an influence. He’s a big reason why melody and vulnerability are pillars of new age rap

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Drake albums always have bad user reviews. You have to remember OP that drake has a dedicated haterbase. Some people have an unhealthy hate obsession with dude its mad weird

    this 100%.

    Its the weirdest thing ever.

    It's a trend at this point.

  • Sep 4, 2021


  • Sep 4, 2021

    Drake albums always have bad user reviews. You have to remember OP that drake has a dedicated haterbase. Some people have an unhealthy hate obsession with dude its mad weird

    Facts. I remember being on wshh before i even knew what ktt was arguing with drake haters in the comments calling 5am trash . These people will let no drake praise prosper

  • Sep 4, 2021
    Halloween Gang

    I don’t think it would’ve been anywhere near as intense if they didn’t drop their albums within a week of each other and there weren’t the antics in the lead up. I almost wish Drake waited a couple months and let Ye have his moment.

    Why? Kanye’s the one that was intentionally stepping on Drake’s release. He’s done this for Scorpion and CLB now

  • Sep 4, 2021

    petty boys vs pretty boys

  • Sep 4, 2021

    I felt both projects were quite underwhelming, unfortunately…

  • Sep 4, 2021

    nope. the beef didn’t do s*** lmao. drake has artistically peaked, it is what it is.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    He really went at him literally 3 bars into the album

  • Listen I was a huge Drake stan from the beginning up to Views. Someone put it perfect saying there was growth from Room for Improvement all the way to IYRTITL and the Meek derailed him heavy that I think him doing Pop music was a safety net. Hotline Bling literally changed his whole career and he followed that sound (Hotline Bling GOAT) but after that he chased after being Viral making playlists instead of bodies of work. That’s why a lot of us are mad about his discography starting from Views.

    This is the 3rd album f***ed with by a beef. Maybe he thrives off s*** like this but it always ruins his headspace.

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Not sure what this has to do with what we was talking bout but ok.

    You made it seem like he had to do those pop rnb records lol

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Halloween Gang

    And the genre has shifted already because of Drake. So many younger artists cite him as an influence. He’s a big reason why melody and vulnerability are pillars of new age rap

    So is it 808s or Drake lol

  • Sep 4, 2021
    Halloween Gang

    He’s not doing it anywhere near the level drake is it anywhere near as consistently

    Yeah because it would get old hence you having to make this thread about Drake and not Kendrick lol

  • Sep 4, 2021

    You made it seem like he had to do those pop rnb records lol

    You kinda changing the subject dog. I really don’t care.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    CLB hard as bricks. Metacritic stay mid

  • Sep 4, 2021

    So is it 808s or Drake lol

    Both. 808s started it but drake definitely made it cool and mainstream

  • Sep 4, 2021

    “Drake really doesn't have THAT defining classic“

    He has like 6 of them