  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    look i saw kraven the hunter in theaters so i'll be just fine watching this

    Kraven was good

  • Feb 13

    Kraven was good

  • I think marvel is making a mistake making all of their movies the same color scheme & camera

  • ragedsycokiller

    Actors can lie you know?

    The comments under that article already said the article was a lie

  • MarcoPreme

    Directed by Julius Onah.

    Julius. The people are saying "O, nah..."

    S***s sad tbh. His movie Luce was pretty good. But then again, his Cloverfield movie was dogshit.

    Some people just need to stay away from the big studio s*** lol

  • Feb 13
    Mac Foley

    another stinker

  • Feb 13

    Now seated

  • Boutta watch this rn, I’m optimistic this will at least be decent. I’m open to a good movie

  • Feb 13

    Wasn’t even worth posting about after the Wednesday screening.

    Just a boring flick.

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    Above average at best, boring at worst

    Not as bad as Ant Man 3, Thor Love & Thunder or Eternals

    But just as mid as Black Widow, Doctor Strange MOM and the Marvels

  • Just finished this. Yeah I don’t get how this is a bad film. It’s decent. Why is an average ass film suddenly the worst movie ever?

    This was solid but nothing crazy

  • Feb 14
    4 replies

    Above average at best, boring at worst

    Not as bad as Ant Man 3, Thor Love & Thunder or Eternals

    But just as mid as Black Widow, Doctor Strange MOM and the Marvels

    MOM was great

  • Elric

    MOM was great


    MOM is one of the gems post Endgame

  • Everest

    damn the whistleblowers and anonymous crew members going to outlets to tell-all era has already begun

    @Brave @FREE

  • Feb 14
    1 reply


  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    Mid after mid. Even Deadpool and wolverine was mid

    yea thats how i know most of y’all ITT are trippin

    the movie is probably not top tier marvel but first of all.. MOM was great, The Marvels was good, d&W was GREAT. like what are y’all even saying in here

    BW and Eternals was a dud and so was Quantumania and Love & Thunder. as long as its not BW bad I think we’ll be alright

    plus it sounds like this is another major step towards the next Avengers level event

  • mjpplus


    excited to hear your thoughts brotha! My viewing is at 10pm

  • Feb 14

    MOM was great

    maybe mid is too harsh, it’s better then the rest I listed

    But it definitely has stuff in it that bogs it down, no matter how much Raimi cooked with it

  • "Harrison Ford was one of the crankiest performers I ever dealt with. Which was sad. I’m a fan. But he was very much a diva. I don’t know if you remember, but he got in a plane crash. He couldn’t even raise his left arm above his chest. We have to suit up 80-something Harrison Ford in these motion-capture dots. To me, it seemed like he hated it and didn’t want to do it. And when Harrison was done, he was done. Everyone was trying to scramble to make him happy. That made for a very awkward work environment."

    holy s***

    why would Feige even hire Ford

  • 8.5 easily

  • Honestly did not really like this. It wasn’t terrible or a complete mess but the more I think about it the more I realize how NOT a Sam Wilson story this is. This is a Thaddeus Ross story. Ross gets a bulk of the emotional weight in this film. He’s the only character in this film that has some sort of arc. Sam’s emotional moments feel unearned or out of place. He has no real arc at all. He has no real invested interest in anything going on in the story aside from Isaiah Bradley’s presence. And Bradley is a nothing burger, merely a pawn so Sam Wilson can have SOMETHING to fight for but even that doesn’t feel all that authentic. I really feel like I have to repeat this, but Sam Wilson feels like such an afterthought here and it sucks! I get we had the show which did add quite a bit to his character but in the film… there is no where else for him to go… at least that’s the way the creators are treating him. Who is even is this man behind his duty to the American government? I don’t even know.

    Oh and also.. the cough uhh Israeli woman… what was her purpose? She was kind of pointless. Maybe not even kind of… Wilson and her both come to the same conclusion about the conspiracy rather quickly so why did she even need to be involved in the first place? Hopefully I’m not saying too much spoiler-y.

    Idk, Mackie got the short end of the stick here. This is a Thaddeus Ross/Incredible Hulk sequel. There is so much damn grace given to Ross it’s crazy! Giancarlo?? Mostly wasted. Not mentioning the other one because.. uh NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. Very predictable film.

    Ok I guess it sounds like I’m hating. It’s a watchable film but it’s espionage for beginners.

  • Calling this an Incredible Hulk sequel is crazy.

    I thought they balanced it well personally

    Also a good way to build investment for us and our protagonist

  • Feb 14

    I actually liked this quite a bit. I think Sam is worthy of the mantle and this movie shows it. Harrison Ford is good taking up the role of Thunderbolt Ross and is a great foil for Cap. The action for the most part is good and I do like the political thriller style that this film went for. The aerial battle on Tiamut was the best action sequence by far. I appreciate the ties to the MCU Hulk film and how things carry over (more on this later). Also, almost everything that had to do with Isaiah Bradley was top notch. That doesn’t mean this film has all positives.

    Some of this movie was pretty shaky. The stuff with Sidewinder was weak and some of the green screen was pretty bad. Some of the dialogue was hammy and on the nose and the movie tries to be political, but is a little too scared to GO THERE. I wish the design of the main villain was altered a bit as well. This movie also probably contains one of the worst post credit scenes in MCU history.

    On the topic of Ruth, I think that could have literally been any other character. The character is fine and decently written, but there was nothing specific to that a character that was unique to the comic inspiration in Sabra. Putting my feelings toward the Israel-Palestine situation aside, I don’t even think Shira Haas gave that good of a performance.

    Another thing I would like to point out is how this is an Incredible Hulk sequel that is about 12 years too late. I like that movie more than most, and I was glad to see some threads picked back up, but it shouldn’t have been in a Captain America film. It should’ve been in a stand alone Mark Ruffalo Hulk film. I would’ve at least felt better if Bruce Banner at least was a supporting character in the film.

    Overall, I do think Brave New World is a solid entry into the MCU. It moves forward the status quo of the earthbound universe and establishes a new leader in Sam Wilson’s Captain America. I do think for me, the positives outweigh the negatives.


  • The critics going way too hard on this. This is a super fun, enjoyable, crowd pleasing movie. Honestly reminded me of the MCU’s prime in the best ways. Far from a perfect film and has some glaring issues, but for an action popcorn superhero/political thriller flick, it’s a blast

  • just watched it randomly with a date

    honestly had good tie ins but pretty mid overall. the leader was so goofy at the end lmao
