  • MCU peaked at gay witch s***im afraid

  • So yeah - I don't understand the clear and directed hate towards this movie

    This movie did a really good job of establishing who Sam Wilson-Captain America is. I feel like they made it a point to show you how visually, he IS different than Steve Rogers and that is done mainly through fight scenes: his mannerisms while in combat and more importantly, his fighting technique itself are completely unique to Sam. Visually - this is done through his use of the wings both on land and in air. The aerial scenes were legit awesome, especially the main sequence at the end of the movie.

    Much of the movie captivated me: the black ops missions, the Leader build-up, again, the aerial sequence at the end of the movie, the build-up to the "second" ending of the movie - I was bought in

    People calling it a Hulk movie can't have it both ways: personally, I love when we see heroes mixed with characters typically from other heroes' stories. This is a comic book movie - thats what makes comic books so great, the ability to do just that and tell endless amounts of fun new stories. I really liked seeing Sam interact and problem-solve in a "Hulk world"

    I loved Giancarlo Esposito's Sidewinder - his scenes are exactly what I want to see in Marvel movies going forward. Continue to give us glimpses of "smaller" characters to aid with world-building. For example: having a Spider-Man movie start with him quickly taking care of The Rhino or something similar - give us a window into these worlds without giving us the the main event. This builds out stories and a world long-term

    Sabra was pointless and she looked off to me - could have done without her

    No clue how this is being rated worse or similar to the likes of Love & Thunder, Quantamania, The Marvels, etc

    Strong 7.5/10 for me

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    MOM was great

    MOM had hints of greatness but it was bogged down by Marvel's rancid spaghetti of storylines


    MOM had hints of greatness but it was bogged down by Marvel's rancid spaghetti of storylines

    when Raimi is allowed to be Raimi, those were the good moments

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    yea thats how i know most of y’all ITT are trippin

    the movie is probably not top tier marvel but first of all.. MOM was great, The Marvels was good, d&W was GREAT. like what are y’all even saying in here

    BW and Eternals was a dud and so was Quantumania and Love & Thunder. as long as its not BW bad I think we’ll be alright

    plus it sounds like this is another major step towards the next Avengers level event

    Just wasn't into the jokes man, idk, Ryan shtick has worn off, plus as a standalone film, the story was weak as hell with nostalgia crutches. You need to have already formed a connection with the side characters in the previous films (which isn't an issue if you're looking at the trilogy as a whole) but I love storytelling as an art form and D&W just didn't deliver on that front. It was lazy as hell and became the very thing it used to clown on in the first movie

  • Seeing it tn in Dolby

  • Feb 14
    1 reply


  • Chip Skylark



  • Feb 14

    Said this in the spoiler thread, but movie was surprisingly decent. Pretty entertaining throughout. Can’t really tell what’s reshot and what was in the OG so they did their job to make it feel cohesive.

    But it’s bizarre that Sam didn’t get that good of an arc in here while Ross did. They did Mackie dirty with this script. Which is crazy because his performance was stellar. Harrison Ford went dummy too.

    Also, worst post credit scene in Marvel history. Bar none. Some dude yelled “Ya’ll made us wait here this whole time for that?”

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    Just wasn't into the jokes man, idk, Ryan shtick has worn off, plus as a standalone film, the story was weak as hell with nostalgia crutches. You need to have already formed a connection with the side characters in the previous films (which isn't an issue if you're looking at the trilogy as a whole) but I love storytelling as an art form and D&W just didn't deliver on that front. It was lazy as hell and became the very thing it used to clown on in the first movie

    Yeah that movie did not hit for me lol. People praise it just for having Deadpool and a comic accurate Hugh Jackman Wolverine. But the character development was undercooked, the plot was generic and felt secondary to the nostalgia, and yah the whole “watch these characters f*** each other up for 10 minutes even tho there’s no real consequences for either of them” did absolutely nothing for me.

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    This movie and thunderbolts are just made to funnel people too Disney plus

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    F*** this bum ass movie. Ugly bland cinematography and locations, corny ass dialogue, Sam might as well be a supporting character, the choreography and action is a quarter of a step above CW level, unimaginative from an adaptation standpoint and largely forgettable

    A 4/10 if I’m being generous

  • Feb 14

    Yeah that movie did not hit for me lol. People praise it just for having Deadpool and a comic accurate Hugh Jackman Wolverine. But the character development was undercooked, the plot was generic and felt secondary to the nostalgia, and yah the whole “watch these characters f*** each other up for 10 minutes even tho there’s no real consequences for either of them” did absolutely nothing for me.

    my thoughts exacly


    F*** this bum ass movie. Ugly bland cinematography and locations, corny ass dialogue, Sam might as well be a supporting character, the choreography and action is a quarter of a step above CW level, unimaginative from an adaptation standpoint and largely forgettable

    A 4/10 if I’m being generous


  • Feb 14
    1 reply
    PFLP optimisticman

    This movie and thunderbolts are just made to funnel people too Disney plus

    Thunderbolts actually looks good though

  • 53% yeah it’s over

  • Disney mcu movies not blindly being given good reviews anymore? Damn


    Thunderbolts actually looks good though

    I wouldn't bet anything on marvel at this point. They clearly dont care about getting a good script before making the movie

  • Feb 14


    Spoilers incoming

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    This was not bad at all

    How tf does this have a worse score than Love and Thunder, and a similar score to Quantumania ?!

    This was a far better movie than those films and is far from one of the worst MCU films

  • Another bad MCU movie after Infinity War. Who knew?

  • Feb 15

    This was some mid on god

  • BlueDream

    This was not bad at all

    How tf does this have a worse score than Love and Thunder, and a similar score to Quantumania ?!

    This was a far better movie than those films and is far from one of the worst MCU films

    I have a take regarding the super negative reviews but I’m not sure I wanna put it out there
