true. Doing all this is great, but if you are not giving us new games that are the same level to what Sony is giving us, then why would I even switch?
I guess we'll find out next week.
also seems weird hes saying this when Halo Infinite is supposedly dropping soon. Maybe he means after that
Thats true and probably why Sony exclusives will always have the better games in term of quality...but also think of it as a PC.
Regardless if you have the latest PC hardware or not, you could still play the games but in lower quality.
That’s true but the main thing it’s gonna hold back is game design. With the PS5 we’re gonna be getting games that flat out weren’t possible before, whereas it seems Xbox is gonna be offering the exact same type of games we’ve been playing for years now
also seems weird hes saying this when Halo Infinite is supposedly dropping soon. Maybe he means after that
Halo Infinite is also cross-gen I think
yeah I get the thinking behind it but I don’t think it’s the right move after Sony spent last gen hammering them with quality exclusives.
Making the most powerful console ever and offering nothing but glorified Xbox One games with some better resolution just sounds backwards and basically gives me zero incentive to buy a Series X
Yeah, I feel like Sony will now double down on their exclusive content, and keep pushing on putting out the best games in terms of graphics and gameplay.
What a clickbait rubbish thread. OP will probably grow up to work for them shady news outlets
also seems weird hes saying this when Halo Infinite is supposedly dropping soon. Maybe he means after that
Halo might be really good tho. If the games they show next week are great, might end up getting the cheaper xbox they've been talking about.
I don’t really care about exclusives except for Nintendo because their IP is timeless
I’ll still cop xbox
Halo might be really good tho. If the games they show next week are great, might end up getting the cheaper xbox they've been talking about.
well now that they sayin halo infinite is going to pc, im content with jus getting it on there.
Ofc, for me I ain't getting another new Halo ever again until they remove sprint. Halo 3 on PC been amazing tho
Imagine bashing a company for not forcing you to pay 500$ to play all their upcoming games
That title is clickbait af. Why are people roasting them over a consumer friendly move
playstation users been known to have small d***s
dumbass niggas becoming a service now
still PC gang
xbox taking an L? this every day