  • Sep 8, 2021

    sht up hoe... c***bck afta u found God niggga

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Before saying some s*** like this Y’all gotta sit back and ask yourselves what the f*** do you even know about Kanye’s relationship with god, or anyone’s at all?

  • Justin 😼
    Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply


  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Agreed. A good majority of this growth process is being stunted because Kanye is still surrounded by Yes Men. He needs people in his corner that'll put their foot down when it comes to the gospel, musical and lyrical expressions.

    While the sonics of this album is leaps n bounds above TLOP and JIK, the lyrics have taken a step back.

    The visuals are weird an contrarian as well.

    You are on crack. TLOP reflects OP’s premise. Donda is a legit Christian album and anyone saying otherwise isn’t listening at all

  • Sep 8, 2021

    this is just kanye dealing with his mental illness and trying to find his way to God. I genuinely think Kanye wants to get there but is still wrestling with his ego. Ya'll forget Kanye is human and is working on himself still

  • Sep 8, 2021

    There was no way he was gonna make strictly church music, he had to find the balance

    But technically this is still Christian rap

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    You are on crack. TLOP reflects OP’s premise. Donda is a legit Christian album and anyone saying otherwise isn’t listening at all

    Donda is the most Lukewarm/Cold Christian album I've heard that's not written by Hillsong.

    Donda being labeled as a Christian/God album is disrespectful. Just because it's edited doesn't make it Godly. The subject manner, lyrics, instrumental frequencies etc.

    The BIBLE states make a separation between Holy and Unholy. If you can't do that with an album then you know what side of the fence it's on. It's leaven.

    With caucasian standards who are Gentiles yea it's a passable white gospel album.

    Bruh I grew up & still listen to The Winans, Fred Hammond, Mississipi Mass Choir, Commissioned, Richard Smallwood, Yolanda Adams, J Moss etc etc. There's NOTHING about this album that represents the Gospel.

    I'm not even trynna to be on a high horse. Kanye isn't a dumb, mental mfer. He knows we're the Israelites. That's why he kept rapping about the 400 years. He's privy to what the gold standard is. He stooped down to white peoples standard and AGAIN made their album.

    I like Junya, Praise God etc. but they aren't Gospel nor Godly records. They're hip hop tracks and nothing more.

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply


    I feel like he went the Jesus Freak route to avoid accountability for the MAGA s***

    Instead of owning he f***ed up and supported a racist piece of s***, he did the “I’m a man of God! You can’t hate me now! I’m a man of religion now! Ignore the trump s*** please!”

    So this religion s*** seems insincere to me

  • Sep 8, 2021

    OP is cap

  • Sep 8, 2021


    I feel like he went the Jesus Freak route to avoid accountability for the MAGA s***

    Instead of owning he f***ed up and supported a racist piece of s***, he did the “I’m a man of God! You can’t hate me now! I’m a man of religion now! Ignore the trump s*** please!”

    So this religion s*** seems insincere to me

    in what way is that "avoiding accountability"? lol i dont think anyone in the demographic of who is criticizing him for wearing a maga hat is going to "absolve" him of his "wrongdoing" just because he makes the decision to delve deeper in his christian roots

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    its not an afterthought, look at the music we had right before JIK in I Love It, XTCY etc. its created a big change in his music and personality in general, even on JIK it was a lot about his personal life and family too but rooted in his faith

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    it’s not your normal christian music, but i do feel a “hopefulness in the midst of darkness” when listening to the album as a whole

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Donda is the most Lukewarm/Cold Christian album I've heard that's not written by Hillsong.

    Donda being labeled as a Christian/God album is disrespectful. Just because it's edited doesn't make it Godly. The subject manner, lyrics, instrumental frequencies etc.

    The BIBLE states make a separation between Holy and Unholy. If you can't do that with an album then you know what side of the fence it's on. It's leaven.

    With caucasian standards who are Gentiles yea it's a passable white gospel album.

    Bruh I grew up & still listen to The Winans, Fred Hammond, Mississipi Mass Choir, Commissioned, Richard Smallwood, Yolanda Adams, J Moss etc etc. There's NOTHING about this album that represents the Gospel.

    I'm not even trynna to be on a high horse. Kanye isn't a dumb, mental mfer. He knows we're the Israelites. That's why he kept rapping about the 400 years. He's privy to what the gold standard is. He stooped down to white peoples standard and AGAIN made their album.

    I like Junya, Praise God etc. but they aren't Gospel nor Godly records. They're hip hop tracks and nothing more.

    what do you think of the overall theme of songs like 24, lord i need you, keep my spirit alive, & new again?

    and can you recommend some hip hop that you feel is honestly good christian music

    i’m not trying to come at you if it sounds like it, genuinely want to hear this perspective

  • Sep 8, 2021

    Stop texting

    Go find god

    Come back after you found god

  • Sep 8, 2021
    cool customer

    what do you think of the overall theme of songs like 24, lord i need you, keep my spirit alive, & new again?

    and can you recommend some hip hop that you feel is honestly good christian music

    i’m not trying to come at you if it sounds like it, genuinely want to hear this perspective

    I really like New Again! Been listening to that daily. Have yet to hear the other records ya mentioned. (or at least identify them)

    Good hip hop Christian music, I don't listen to him 100% but I know Eshon Burgundy makes 100% lyrical gospel music. Here's a link tree to Burgandy's record label. It's all gospel music.

    Devin Morrison makes solid gospel Rnb. Pj Morton, Cory Henry, Doobie Powell too.

    If you can. One thing I've been doing is playing the audio version of Psalms or my favorite Bible Chapters & finding an instrumental that backs it. Whether I make it on my own, or find one on YouTube etc. That's really fun!

  • Sep 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Agreed. A good majority of this growth process is being stunted because Kanye is still surrounded by Yes Men. He needs people in his corner that'll put their foot down when it comes to the gospel, musical and lyrical expressions.

    While the sonics of this album is leaps n bounds above TLOP and JIK, the lyrics have taken a step back.

    The visuals are weird an contrarian as well.

    What no the lyrics have definitely not taken a step back from JIK. That album is full of surface level religious platitudes often parroted by the recently-saved, the kind of people who don't have the experience with or depth of understanding necessary to communicate the Christian life in a meaningful way. The writing really caps the appeal of that album.

    One listen to Jesus Lord illustrates the increased nuance in Kanye's understanding of Christianity and the potential challenges and contradictions of religious thought, specifically regarding abortion, the loss of loved ones, etc.

  • Sep 8, 2021


    3 songs later: “smoke a opp pack, it ain’t funny like that”

    Kanye too funny man

  • yesac

    its not an afterthought, look at the music we had right before JIK in I Love It, XTCY etc. its created a big change in his music and personality in general, even on JIK it was a lot about his personal life and family too but rooted in his faith

    Yup I remember in an interview (I forget which one) he basically said that after I Love It he had to reflect on himself and the messages he’s putting out into the world through his music

    I think with his children getting older now he realizes he wants a better society for them to live in. Instead of glorifying s***and drinking/drugs like he used to, he now wants to glorify God and family values. Which explains the tweets about “Jesus Tok”, not wanting his children to do Playboy shoots, etc.

    Obviously Donda isn’t a strictly gospel/Christian rap album, but that wouldn’t reach as many people as a project that also mixed in some secular themes like this one did

  • Gojira 🦖
    Sep 8, 2021

    Very clear

  • Sep 8, 2021
    delete deleted

    Came to comment this ya beat me to it!

  • Sep 8, 2021
    1 reply

    I think Kanye wanted to make Christian record sound cool and dope. With JIK faith related themes were very straightforward and the aesthetic kinda matched the aesthetic of old, maybe a little bit trippy, Christian-themed albums (not only gospel, there is a lot of old Christian psychodelic folk or rock). This time Kanye used matrices of modern, very current trends (drill, explorations of trap, all black, dark visuals etc) and toned down his preaching mode in order to make the same message sound much more cool and up to date.

  • Sep 8, 2021

    You're kinda generalizing the album as one thing while ignoring the actual Christian songs and ideas. Are they still relatively "surface" level? Yeah. But are we expecting Kanye West who's juggling quite a few themes here and is aiming to make a mainstream product to go deep at the extent of a career Gospel artist?

    Donda does not have the same approach as JIK, but why does that make Christianity an "afterthought" on the album rather than an additional theme? This is still a tribute album to his mother, a continued perspective of his life in 2021, AND how God comes into that. At the core themes like mercy, forgiveness and being born (or new) again are still very much Christian no matter how "basic" it may be. They're actually quite important parts of the religion too.

    A lot more features than you might realize also take a testimony-like approach to their verses. There are still several religious songs here too.

    Just was listening again and that’s a great description, a lot of the features are like testimonies and realising that makes me enjoy the project even more

  • Sep 8, 2021

    I wish he were more creative with it then just “God this” “God that”

    There are so many interesting things to discuss about the Bible in a creative way but he’d rather keep it shallow I guess

  • Sep 8, 2021

    It's becoming more and more apparent that Kanye is making content under the surface level guise of Christianity

    The most glaring example of this is featuring trap related content on Donda. He has mixed surface level Christian commentary with regular album features. To any actual Christian this contradiction would be felt.

    The spirit of God is not here, but instead, a victory over the struggles of life at a more carnal level - yet labelled as Christianity. "Make me new again, I repent for everything I'm going to do all over again"

    This kind of thing is not a unique theme in the broader music scene. See for example people like Buddy.

    But is the authenticity of the intention as important as the impact of the product? Well, that's the question. We as consumers need not understand the difference

    Not even on some stan s***, but I believe that in his mind he thinks that it’s the forefront, even though he contradicts it constantly, but from the outside you are right

  • Sep 8, 2021

    What no the lyrics have definitely not taken a step back from JIK. That album is full of surface level religious platitudes often parroted by the recently-saved, the kind of people who don't have the experience with or depth of understanding necessary to communicate the Christian life in a meaningful way. The writing really caps the appeal of that album.

    One listen to Jesus Lord illustrates the increased nuance in Kanye's understanding of Christianity and the potential challenges and contradictions of religious thought, specifically regarding abortion, the loss of loved ones, etc.