What no the lyrics have definitely not taken a step back from JIK. That album is full of surface level religious platitudes often parroted by the recently-saved, the kind of people who don't have the experience with or depth of understanding necessary to communicate the Christian life in a meaningful way. The writing really caps the appeal of that album.
One listen to Jesus Lord illustrates the increased nuance in Kanye's understanding of Christianity and the potential challenges and contradictions of religious thought, specifically regarding abortion, the loss of loved ones, etc.
Kanye is similar to Prince in this aspect. Even though Prince made a "gospel" album titled Rainbow Children, it still isn't gospel. He has hit records on Purple Rain that are bible driven but aren't gospel songs.
Yea they're songs that bump in the whip and are gas for the day. What keeps me at bay calling Donda a gospel album is the aesthetics and esoteric imagery, having Manson and Carti involved. Wearing all black, burning himself. That's all weirdo, goofy esoteric behavior.
Jesus walks is the best form of Christian Kanye has ever been. The record was fully spiritual and focused lyrically with radio appeal. Kanye can’t do that anymore because he’s surrounded by weirdos. He probably burned a lot of bridges too...
it’s not your normal christian music, but i do feel a “hopefulness in the midst of darkness” when listening to the album as a whole
It's becoming more and more apparent that Kanye is making content under the surface level guise of Christianity
The most glaring example of this is featuring trap related content on Donda. He has mixed surface level Christian commentary with regular album features. To any actual Christian this contradiction would be felt.
The spirit of God is not here, but instead, a victory over the struggles of life at a more carnal level - yet labelled as Christianity. "Make me new again, I repent for everything I'm going to do all over again"
This kind of thing is not a unique theme in the broader music scene. See for example people like Buddy.
But is the authenticity of the intention as important as the impact of the product? Well, that's the question. We as consumers need not understand the difference
How is it a contradiction? Contradicting what? The Bible? How many Christians have read the Bible lol
Nothing about LP3 seemed Christian like.
Some of the darkest s*** Ye has ever performed.
Normal Christians ain't perfect. Kanye, who has been clear he has struggled with substance and alcohol abuse, made an album that is being transparent about who Kanye is rn. Not to mention the fact he was dealing with major family problems, and it's pretty obvious this album has darker songs because this album isnt about Christianity, it's about Kanye West.
Nothing about LP3 seemed Christian like.
Some of the darkest s*** Ye has ever performed.
have you read the bible?
Kanye is fairly a new Christian and doctrinally speaking he's probably all over the place but he still seems very sincere in his belief. Christianity is all about having a relationship with Christ at the end of the day.. we don't know this man's spiritual life. All I know it's clear God is using Kanye in some capacity as Kanye clearly alludes to as well.
Normal Christians ain't perfect. Kanye, who has been clear he has struggled with substance and alcohol abuse, made an album that is being transparent about who Kanye is rn. Not to mention the fact he was dealing with major family problems, and it's pretty obvious this album has darker songs because this album isnt about Christianity, it's about Kanye West.
This. The idea that Christians are this perfect holier than thou judgmental types who are better than everybody comes from American Christianity.. in reality real Christians are just normal flawed human beings and we go through the same temptations and are not immune to them in anyway, most of us probably worse than non-Christians in terms of our sins, we just recognize we can never truly fix ourselves and accept the grace of God sacrifice for us. That's all being Christian is. It's very simple. Everything else is extra.
I think Kanye wanted to make Christian record sound cool and dope. With JIK faith related themes were very straightforward and the aesthetic kinda matched the aesthetic of old, maybe a little bit trippy, Christian-themed albums (not only gospel, there is a lot of old Christian psychodelic folk or rock). This time Kanye used matrices of modern, very current trends (drill, explorations of trap, all black, dark visuals etc) and toned down his preaching mode in order to make the same message sound much more cool and up to date.
This. The idea that Christians are this perfect holier than thou judgmental types who are better than everybody comes from American Christianity.. in reality real Christians are just normal flawed human beings and we go through the same temptations and are not immune to them in anyway, most of us probably worse than non-Christians in terms of our sins, we just recognize we can never truly fix ourselves and accept the grace of God sacrifice for us. That's all being Christian is. It's very simple. Everything else is extra.
The Christian dogma of god will forgive you if you repent no matter what stems from the church forcing that narrative to not make the ruling class (nobility, royalty, clergy..) feel bad about their sins
Different interpretations of Christianity existed via different monasteries but most got persecuted by the catholic church
It's not really what "Christianity is about" but moreso a forced narrative that benefitted the ruling class
I also feel like kanye being a rich billionaire and all, is embracing this idea of Jesus making him new again and washing him from his sins for self agrandizing purposes but what do I know
I don't really care for seemingly self-interested Christians who operate like mega - church pastors but again what do I know right lol
Only thing that we know for certain is that following Christianity is about following christ - read his gospel and follow him to be a Christian
The Christian dogma of god will forgive you if you repent no matter what stems from the church forcing that narrative to not make the ruling class (nobility, royalty, clergy..) feel bad about their sins
Different interpretations of Christianity existed via different monasteries but most got persecuted by the catholic church
It's not really what "Christianity is about" but moreso a forced narrative that benefitted the ruling class
I also feel like kanye being a rich billionaire and all, is embracing this idea of Jesus making him new again and washing him from his sins for self agrandizing purposes but what do I know
I don't really care for seemingly self-interested Christians who operate like mega - church pastors but again what do I know right lol
Only thing that we know for certain is that following Christianity is about following christ - read his gospel and follow him to be a Christian
yer i think modern day christianity has lost its way. and yer kanye meeting up joel esteen was weird that guy is a motivational speaker under the guise of a preacher. but i think kanye is still learning tbh. he's all over the place but i think he is sincere deep down and trying his best with what he knows.
i feel like kanye focuses on too many things at a time to not go beyond a surface level of christianity anyway. he needs to focus and look more deeper but he's trying to do like a million things at a time.
times like these i wish i was a mod so i can just delete bros whole account
Why not save yourself and all of us the trouble and delete your own account?
Why not save yourself and all of us the trouble and delete your own account?
ima spit in ur mouth g
Before saying some s*** like this Y’all gotta sit back and ask yourselves what the f*** do you even know about Kanye’s relationship with god, or anyone’s at all?