I'm a Christian, certainly not an exemplar one but at least a practicing one. I don't know what OP has in mind at all. In fact, the writing on Donda feels like Kanye made every feature read the Psalms...
Nothing about LP3 seemed Christian like.
Some of the darkest s*** Ye has ever performed.
This is another take I keep seeing that makes no sense to me. Why? Because Kanye had Marilyn Manson? Jesus hung out with prostitutes, murderers and tax collectors, while Paul tells us to put all others above ourselves as Christ did when He became incarnate for our sake. Kanye lit himself on fire? God is a consuming fire, purification by fire is something that constantly comes up in the Bible, and Jesus Himself said He wished to burn the world with fire - which happens at Pentecost.
Definitely in the music but in his day to day life he takes it very seriously, from what we have seen.
We don't see s***
You just not feelin what he sayin. The themes of christianity pervades throughout all this album. Just because the album takes sounds from trap doesnt make the message any less potent.
How you can say the spirit of God isnt there when we have songs like 24 and even Pure Souls. You want Ye to be preachin but he's a human just like us speaking on his experience.
I dislike this stereotypical idea or christianity and how what christian imagery is and as someone who loved JIK and Donda I think they both have great presentations of christianity in different forms
features aren't just regular album features tho. big majority of them reflect either christian or spiritual themes
Got lil baby and lil durk spillin their heart out, but @op only hears trap music
Actually as an actual Christian I think he’s one of the most genuine to do it and that’s obvious
love how y’all speak about someone y’all never met a day in y’all life
Internet made everybody an expert on everything and everyone
JIK lowkey better than Donda
No it isnt. Its Jesus d***riding fest w 0 substance and lacking production w here and there a very good track
No it isnt. Its Jesus d***riding fest w 0 substance and lacking production w here and there a very good track
JIK lowkey better than Donda
If anyone says JIK is a good album I cant take their opinion seriously, or they’re a Jesus freak to an extreme, in which case, I also can’t take their opinion seriously
It's becoming more and more apparent that Kanye is making content under the surface level guise of Christianity
The most glaring example of this is featuring trap related content on Donda. He has mixed surface level Christian commentary with regular album features. To any actual Christian this contradiction would be felt.
The spirit of God is not here, but instead, a victory over the struggles of life at a more carnal level - yet labelled as Christianity. "Make me new again, I repent for everything I'm going to do all over again"
This kind of thing is not a unique theme in the broader music scene. See for example people like Buddy.
But is the authenticity of the intention as important as the impact of the product? Well, that's the question. We as consumers need not understand the difference
We all have sinful nature
You don't know God. His moments and behavior have been completely Christian, the one that you're aware of and the one you aren't lmao