Damn. The actual dude who fired everybody basically just danced all over the fired people's grave.
Love Ken Napzok. Glad he’s firing back at these idiots on top who ran Collider to the ground
Collider doing a town hall stream at 3pm PST. Need to watch this lol
Damn. The actual dude who fired everybody basically just danced all over the fired people's grave.
He's somewhat right tho. Those Host were still getting paid while that channel was bleeding viewership.
He's somewhat right tho. Those Host were still getting paid while that channel was bleeding viewership.
Lmao what? Did you even read the tweet? He was clearly denigrating and devaluing everybody that was apart of those shows. The viewership declined because they made idiotic decision after idiotic decision
He's also one of the higher ups at Collider so he should be above taking shots at people that just lost their job who only showed respect
How s***ty of a boss you gotta be to be on vacation while you tell someone else to fire your entire staff for you
Roxy hate baffles me
She a baddie but she seems like such a sweet person and really passionate
Waiting for that OnlyFans to go live any day now
Waiting for that OnlyFans to go live any day now
Roxy a baddie but she seems like a really hard worker and smart af. And plays up her being a typical blonde.
She wifey material IMO
Waiting for that OnlyFans to go live any day now
I know times are harder now but they talked about that once on Live said she'd sell her nudes but for no less than 10k
I know times are harder now but they talked about that once on Live said she'd sell her nudes but for no less than 10k
It be like that when you haven’t ”fucked” in over a year....
Thank god. Wipe this bootlicking trash from existence
It's been awful for about 2ish years now, last time I legitimately enjoyed Collider as a whole was some time in 2017. You knew once the Schmoedown left Kristian wouldn't be far behind and that would be the final nail in the coffin.
Also lmao at Fernandez cancelling Jedi Council but not his Star Wars show, what a clown.
rule of two is cancelled also
p sure they cancelled like everything lol
Nobody in here know how to embed?
Head of Collider Video, Marc Fernandez is appearing on the John Campea Show tomorrow to talk about the situation.
Head of Collider Video, Marc Fernandez is appearing on the John Campea Show tomorrow to talk about the situation.
oh gosh
rule of two is cancelled also
p sure they cancelled like everything lol
Yeah I realized that afterwards, wasn't part of the original announcement tho so I thought it was still on
Head of Collider Video, Marc Fernandez is appearing on the John Campea Show tomorrow to talk about the situation.
Holy cow.