Marxism is outdated but there are aspects worth incorporating in a modern state
Only good book in there I see is "Seeing Like A State" but that one is both critical of the West and East in terms of hyper-modernist statist planning of the 19th and 20th century.
I don't think he read the book considering the YouTuber is a fan of grand state-building projects
Marxism is outdated but there are aspects worth incorporating in a modern state
What makes Marxism outdated
Whatifalthist is a /lit/ s***poster that somehow got a following
His "takes" and a***ysis on history is genuinely awful, Just watch "Understanding Latin America" if you don't believe me.
What makes Marxism outdated
To be clear I was referring to the original conception by Marx and Engels in the mid 19th century
Simply because it does not account for the changes in the world since. Not a failing imo, as it was written for a certain capitalist period
@op watch this video, the person who made the video is not a good historian
! check this out. I don't agree with everything artist says but I find his perspectives interesting
What makes Marxism outdated
Depends on what you refer to as "Marxism" but when I use the term, it refers to the direct descendants of the Second International which was intellectually tied to Marx, Engels and Lasalle
I find Marxism-Leninism (canonizing Bolshevik thought into a system) as defined mainly by Stalin and his side of the post-Lenin struggle to be fulfilling the revolution envisioned by Ferdinand Lassalle and 'the renegade' Karl Kautsky than anything else.
To be clear I was referring to the original conception by Marx and Engels in the mid 19th century
Simply because it does not account for the changes in the world since. Not a failing imo, as it was written for a certain capitalist period
I don’t see what it hasn’t accounted for though
I don’t see what it hasn’t accounted for though
First of all, its now clear labour theory of value is wrong
First of all, its now clear labour theory of value is wrong
Many Marxists don't really believe the LTV anymore, I think it's irrelevant, Marxists shouldn't be Ricardian and Marx wasn't either, he was directly critical of the bourgeois economists of his time and believed LTV wouldn't be able to work in capitalism. Some suppose he had a value theory of labor (, which I am more sympathetic towards.
I recommend you look into value-form theory and the various debates around it, lots of interesting stuff, but it is very abstract.
To be clear I was referring to the original conception by Marx and Engels in the mid 19th century
Simply because it does not account for the changes in the world since. Not a failing imo, as it was written for a certain capitalist period
You’re conflating what Marx and Engels literally and solely wrote as being the same as Marxism as an ideology and framework of thought
Of course there were things Marx and Engels did not and could not speak specifically on or elaborate fully on. This does not mean Marxism is outdated. Marxism is a means of interpreting, criticizing, and changing the world. It is a living science that gives us the tools to a***yze social formations in all their varieties and remains vital for this reason
You’re conflating what Marx and Engels literally and solely wrote as being the same as Marxism as an ideology and framework of thought
Of course there were things Marx and Engels did not and could not speak specifically on or elaborate fully on. This does not mean Marxism is outdated. Marxism is a means of interpreting, criticizing, and changing the world. It is a living science that gives us the tools to a***yze social formations in all their varieties and remains vital for this reason
I would claim Marxism is much closer to a pseudoscience than science, Popper wrote about this
My own criticisms of Marxism as I defined it, particularly in its most hegemonic variants of Leninism and its descendants such at Trotskyism or Maoism (which has its own sub-categories) is that its variant of materialism becomes more of an ironically metaphysical all-encompassing science rather than a method of a***ysis. Nature is not "dialectical" in a Marxist sense, IMO dialectics only matters in Marx in so far that he uses Hegel's method as a***ysis of capital and the social structures surrounding it, nothing more. I blame this shift mostly on old Engels's positivist interpretation in "Dialectics of Nature" as well as "Anti-Duhring".
There is also an issue of stageism which largely descends from Hegel, but you can largely blame the Enlightenment itself, as all liberal thinkers thought like this at the time.
Also the ironic presence of personality cults within revolutions, largely began with the original "Lassalle cult" which Marx and Engels panned in private letters not released years later after their deaths
I would claim Marxism is much closer to a pseudoscience than science, Popper wrote about this
What he says is exactly what happened in China
At first the communists are envious of the rich and they tear them down with force
After this we fall into the contradictory philosophy of believing that the ruling class is inherently evil while needing someone to actually run society. Then we either fall into cycles of perpetual civil war, or the communist regime uses tools like fascism to convince people that the government is good and their enemy is evil, generally leading to genocide
But his point goes deeper into some controversial takes on biology and sex. I don't believe that we can characterize someone based on their s***but I do understand the idea of left brain vs right brain thinking and how in general there are some differences on how men and women generally approach reality. He basically says that when we fall too far in either direction bad s*** happens. He relates facism to extreme masculinity and communism to extreme feminism. I don't think this is sexisf as he makes a point that's feminine traits are only toxic when in excess as is also true with masculinity.
Chiang was literally the hitler of asia
Type of terror instituted in his controlled areas Chiang
“beheaded the chief of the . . . general labor union and kicked his head about with their feet, then filled his belly with kerosene and burned his body.” Peasants in Hubei who belonged to wealthy clans exterminated entire villages with the help of Guomindang troops. They gouged out the eyes of victims, cut out their tongues, cut off their heads, smashed their bones, drew and quartered them, cut off their legs, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive, and branded them with red-hot irons. “In the case of women, they would run string through their breasts and parade them around naked in public, or simply hack them into pieces.” In just three counties of Hubei thousands of people were killed in the first weeks after the coup.3”
Excerpt From
Mao: The Real Story
Alexander V . Pantsov and Steven I. Levine
This material may be protected by copyright.
Mao literally beat Hitler 1 (Chiang) and Hitler 2 (Hirohito) of asia
Mao is a saint
I would claim Marxism is much closer to a pseudoscience than science, Popper wrote about this
Popper also called Lenin “Empiro-criticism” one of the best material philosophy he read
also if ur gonna be an anti-communist read someone interesting like Nemits instead of this dweeb lol
@op watch this video, the person who made the video is not a good historian
! guy is saying that altist is a bad historian because he doesnt use references from established historians and instead uses sources that are considered alternative or outdated
i think that these are valid criticisms but they dont completely undermine his actual points nor do they definitively disprove any of his claims. He doesnt have evidence of particular instances where altist outright lied
I am not familiar with any of the texts mentioned in this video, but i do feel like i can relate to a lot of the things he says, although i do think he exaggerates this incoming "social collapse"
Chiang was literally the hitler of asia
Type of terror instituted in his controlled areas Chiang
“beheaded the chief of the . . . general labor union and kicked his head about with their feet, then filled his belly with kerosene and burned his body.” Peasants in Hubei who belonged to wealthy clans exterminated entire villages with the help of Guomindang troops. They gouged out the eyes of victims, cut out their tongues, cut off their heads, smashed their bones, drew and quartered them, cut off their legs, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive, and branded them with red-hot irons. “In the case of women, they would run string through their breasts and parade them around naked in public, or simply hack them into pieces.” In just three counties of Hubei thousands of people were killed in the first weeks after the coup.3”
Excerpt From
Mao: The Real Story
Alexander V . Pantsov and Steven I. Levine
This material may be protected by copyright.
Mao literally beat Hitler 1 (Chiang) and Hitler 2 (Hirohito) of asia
Mao is a saint
shoulda posted this in life sxn tho not politix wrong audience
they moved it