Late thoughts but middle section was the strongest. I had the “twist” spoiled for me by the póster when I went to buy the tickets lmao
I loved the HIMYM style hard cuts to past or hypothetical events whenever they were referenced and I personally thought the humorous tone was pretty solid.
When the movie was being serious however I thought the dialogue given was so painfully on the nose Jesus. Jack Quaid made the most of his lines but I can’t say the same for everyone else
Jack Quaid was great in this. Dude plays that kinda character well and stole the show for me. Sophie Thatcher I’m not sold on at all tbh, strongest scene for me with her was when she was talking to the cop in German that s\*\*\* was hilarious
But apart from that I can’t tell if she was acting the way she was bc she was supposed to be a robot or bc she just can’t act lmao