  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Looking to leave my current company soon (Unicorn)

    Targeting FAANG but have been lazy on the leetcode grind. Getting done with work then leetcoding blows

    In the exact same situation rn
    Crazy how when I was a new grad all those companies wouldn't reply to me and now they're the ones reaching to me but I can't pass their interviews anymore

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    In the exact same situation rn
    Crazy how when I was a new grad all those companies wouldn't reply to me and now they're the ones reaching to me but I can't pass their interviews anymore

    Same starting leetcode from what feels like pretty much ground 0 is ass. But I gotta do it because I wanna leave lmao

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Same starting leetcode from what feels like pretty much ground 0 is ass. But I gotta do it because I wanna leave lmao

    Which company would be your preferred destination?

  • Jul 10, 2022

    Which company would be your preferred destination?

    Idk I'm not one of those people who has like a dream company. But coming from Coinbase I want something stable and chill so Google sounds pretty good. My bestfriend works there rn and he makes it sound pretty nice.

  • Jul 12, 2022
    3 replies

    Didn't make it to past the Google onsite. Said I needed to brush up on Data Structures and code legibility, but aced the Behavioral
    Oh well. Onto the next company. Definitely not waiting for the Google cooldown to break into tech

  • Jul 15, 2022

    Anybody good at Magento 2?

  • Jul 15, 2022

    I am currently training someone to work on my react project with me

    I am prepared to download my brain into his 🫂

  • Jul 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Didn't make it to past the Google onsite. Said I needed to brush up on Data Structures and code legibility, but aced the Behavioral
    Oh well. Onto the next company. Definitely not waiting for the Google cooldown to break into tech

    What difficulty LC did they ask you

  • Jul 18, 2022

    What difficulty LC did they ask you

    I think medium? I only remember two out of the three questions:
    Given a infinite stream of points, return if a square can be made using that point

    Given a list of Apartments and a list of Interns, design a function that places interns into apartments. Apartment has variables of number of rooms, and apartment name. Intern has variables of name and boolean wantsRoomates

    I used a list on the first and HashMap on the second

  • Jul 18, 2022
    1 reply

    Didn't make it to past the Google onsite. Said I needed to brush up on Data Structures and code legibility, but aced the Behavioral
    Oh well. Onto the next company. Definitely not waiting for the Google cooldown to break into tech

    Lol Code legibility. Type your s*** clean bro

    I had onsite Google interview in January didn't make it either. Said the same about needing to have better grasp of data structures and arriving to the solution quicker. Recruiter said she'd hit me up in 10-12 months but don't think I'll try to be at Google in that time frame. Finally got a job last month. Took a year and 3 months after finishing my internship to get it, 2 years after getting my degree. So if anyone out there struggling, keep grinding and don't give up

  • Jul 18, 2022
    1 reply

    I always debate interviewing w/ Google but based on Blind they’ve been low balling and down leveling lately.

  • Jayto

    Didn't make it to past the Google onsite. Said I needed to brush up on Data Structures and code legibility, but aced the Behavioral
    Oh well. Onto the next company. Definitely not waiting for the Google cooldown to break into tech

    Read 'Clean Code' and type anything anyone else needs to look at like that.

    Keep your personal projects how u like em ;)

  • Jul 19, 2022

    I always debate interviewing w/ Google but based on Blind they’ve been low balling and down leveling lately.

    Worst they can do is say no. Just don't put all your eggs in that one basket like I did lol

  • Jul 19, 2022
    Lu The Ruler

    Lol Code legibility. Type your s*** clean bro

    I had onsite Google interview in January didn't make it either. Said the same about needing to have better grasp of data structures and arriving to the solution quicker. Recruiter said she'd hit me up in 10-12 months but don't think I'll try to be at Google in that time frame. Finally got a job last month. Took a year and 3 months after finishing my internship to get it, 2 years after getting my degree. So if anyone out there struggling, keep grinding and don't give up

    Definitely will keep grinding. Gonna take the Dropbox Online Assessment in a few days and apply other places I've heard of/places that actually have information on in the meantime

  • Jul 23, 2022
    1 reply

    I passed my phone interview for Google but now there’s a hiring freeze. My luck is so s***. Bro, the work I put into studying for this s***.

    Good thing I already accepted an offer elsewhere.

  • Jul 27, 2022
    1 reply

    I passed my phone interview for Google but now there’s a hiring freeze. My luck is so s***. Bro, the work I put into studying for this s***.

    Good thing I already accepted an offer elsewhere.

    Congrats and I know the pain of studying for that. Was a job in itself. Where's your offer at?

  • Jul 27, 2022

    Congrats and I know the pain of studying for that. Was a job in itself. Where's your offer at?

    Angi, the base pay is close to Google’s. Google just gives a lot more RSU.

    I have an interview with Uber tomorrow but I don’t even want to do it, just doing it for practice. I was on the fence about Google because they wanted me to move to the Bay Area, I’m not moving for no Uber lol. Rather stay remote in LA.

    I also finished my last interview with PlayStation today but they’re RTO too, it’s near LA. But I still don’t know if I want to accept a non fully remote position.

  • Jul 27, 2022

    Google hiring freeze over after I accepted another offer. Wtf is this s***

  • Jul 30, 2022

    I be seeing solutions I submitted on Leetcode back in 2019 like damn I used to be good at this s***

  • Aug 2, 2022
    2 replies

    So which area are you all doing/interested in?

    Frontend, Backend, SRE/DevOps, Infra, ML/DS, Mobile, etc?

  • Aug 5, 2022
    2 replies

    Anyone stuck in this weird wanting to build something, but there's nothing that interests them/makes them want to build something phase?

  • Aug 6, 2022
    2 replies

    So which area are you all doing/interested in?

    Frontend, Backend, SRE/DevOps, Infra, ML/DS, Mobile, etc?

    It's been a minute since I have been on here but recently RE and compilers.

  • Aug 6, 2022

    So which area are you all doing/interested in?

    Frontend, Backend, SRE/DevOps, Infra, ML/DS, Mobile, etc?

    I worked full stack, then backend, now full stack again.

    I prefer full stack tbh.

  • Aug 6, 2022

    It's been a minute since I have been on here but recently RE and compilers.

    RE being reverse engineering?
