Computer Science Thread

  • Aug 7, 2022
    1 reply

    It's been a minute since I have been on here but recently RE and compilers.

    Dang that’s sick I work in compilers too

  • Aug 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Dang that’s sick I work in compilers too

    Any suggestions for getting into compilers? Have no experience with them at all, but was curious

  • Aug 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Any suggestions for getting into compilers? Have no experience with them at all, but was curious

    Crafting interpreters is a great book to start w and see if you enjoy the field. If you want more theory oriented intro check out Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin Pierce

  • Aug 8, 2022

    Crafting interpreters is a great book to start w and see if you enjoy the field. If you want more theory oriented intro check out Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin Pierce

    Awesome! I'll definitely check that book out. Appreciate it!

  • Aug 8, 2022
    2 replies

    Why the hell didn't I get a response from Dropbox to move onto the next step until after I asked for one two weeks later? It's literally your only job as a recruiter

  • Jayto

    Why the hell didn't I get a response from Dropbox to move onto the next step until after I asked for one two weeks later? It's literally your only job as a recruiter

    tbh i could understand why recruiters would care about follow up rates as well.

    Literally have the current job at a startup because of the consistent followup I did.

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Why the hell didn't I get a response from Dropbox to move onto the next step until after I asked for one two weeks later? It's literally your only job as a recruiter

    Recruiters ghosting now a days, a lot of hiring freezes.

    Except Amazon, they still ruthless and won't leave me alone.

  • Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies

    Anyone stuck in this weird wanting to build something, but there's nothing that interests them/makes them want to build something phase?

    Every time I start a React project I end up staring at the screen cause I have no ideas on what to make.

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Every time I start a React project I end up staring at the screen cause I have no ideas on what to make.

    Lol, same here. I've been learning React for some time, but just never know what to build. I think I have an idea this time around, but actually need to sit down and make it happen

  • Sep 12, 2022
    2 replies

    Can anyone help me with Python? I have to do a guess my age assignment and I’m terribly confused I had to hire a tutor.

  • Sep 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Can anyone help me with Python? I have to do a guess my age assignment and I’m terribly confused I had to hire a tutor.

    You still need help?

  • Sep 13, 2022

    Every time I start a React project I end up staring at the screen cause I have no ideas on what to make.

    Make a personal site

  • Sep 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Can anyone help me with Python? I have to do a guess my age assignment and I’m terribly confused I had to hire a tutor.

    If you ever need help holla tutoring can be very useful as well, if you’re gonna go that route try to ask them for help on problem solving skills vs stuff like syntax

  • Sep 13, 2022

    Got a potential new opportunity that’s really close to getting back to me, so I’ve been slacking sooo hard at my job. It’s unbelievable what you can get away with in certain companies as a remote worker

    Deadass have done about 5 hours of work in the last 2 weeks

  • Sep 13, 2022

    You still need help?

    Thanks for responding but I was able to get some tutoring help at my university.

  • Sep 13, 2022
    1 reply

    If you ever need help holla tutoring can be very useful as well, if you’re gonna go that route try to ask them for help on problem solving skills vs stuff like syntax

    Thank you! I’m meeting with a tutor tonight for my beginning programming class and I’m going to ask him this.

  • Sep 14, 2022

    For those underrepresented persons ITT that like to go to conferences for underrepresented persons Google will pay:

    Each conference has a deadline too btw
    I ain't apply yet because
    insert excuse here

  • Sep 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Thank you! I’m meeting with a tutor tonight for my beginning programming class and I’m going to ask him this.

    Might be too busy for this if you're currently taking classes n shiet,
    but I highly recommend reading this:

    Gives you a great understanding on how to write code thats eaiser to understand, and how things should flow.

    The fact it isn't written in python shouldnt deter you, the principles apply here too. I read it about a year ago to improve my python coding.

    The pdf is free lots of places too

  • Sep 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Dankmustard Mobile

    Might be too busy for this if you're currently taking classes n shiet,
    but I highly recommend reading this:

    Gives you a great understanding on how to write code thats eaiser to understand, and how things should flow.

    The fact it isn't written in python shouldnt deter you, the principles apply here too. I read it about a year ago to improve my python coding.

    The pdf is free lots of places too

    I need really needed this because I’ve been extremely confused trying to remember functions, strings, variables, and integers. Thank you

  • Oak

    I need really needed this because I’ve been extremely confused trying to remember functions, strings, variables, and integers. Thank you

    Most of that comes with time too.
    And if you're not in an exam/interview situation you'll always have google to help with what you forgot.

  • Sep 17, 2022
    1 reply

    left my former job and was considering getting into tech be it IT, Cybersecurity or project management. I am looking at course era courses since I have the upcoming winter and feel in 90 days I have a lot of possibilities. Just thinking of where best to start and if it truly enables career. Even if its A+ certification

  • Sep 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Why do so many companies ask concurrency questions

  • Oct 1, 2022

    is there a ktt cs discord? if not ill start one idk many people at my school since i transferred and i need a lot of help lol

  • Oct 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Why do so many companies ask concurrency questions

    i've interviewed at most of the top companies and none asked about concurrency outside of qualitative stuff. however i can say i know engineers that use it a fair amount for pretty important features of big companies

  • Oct 1, 2022
    1 reply

    i've interviewed at most of the top companies and none asked about concurrency outside of qualitative stuff. however i can say i know engineers that use it a fair amount for pretty important features of big companies

    From the top of my head Salesforce, Confluent, Visa give concurrency questions/problems. But it's probably specific to the roles I'm applying for.
