Computer Science Thread

  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Is it weird to message people working in the same department at a place you want to work at instead of just the hiring manager/recruiter

    Dont wanna make a weird impression but will do anything that gives me a leg up lol

  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    where is the new discord server

  • Jun 1, 2023

    Is it weird to message people working in the same department at a place you want to work at instead of just the hiring manager/recruiter

    Dont wanna make a weird impression but will do anything that gives me a leg up lol

    on linkedin? Approach with caution, professionally

  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    There’s really no point in reading an entire textbook when there’s so many resources and code examples online

    Occasionally I’ll read a chapter the prof suggests but even then now a lot of the time I’ll link the pdf to chatgpt and ask for a synopsis

    i have a friend who used to devour a java textbook of our school's library, he never did any graduation beyond highschool but hes always employed in the development field, that studying led him to beat bullying and shyness too, now hes married and has a son, thats inspiring tbh

    textbooks are good because theres tons of exercises and tips

  • Jun 2, 2023
    1 reply

    I pmd you btw ktt doesnt seem to do notifications for messages idt

    sent my email feel free to slide ur resume

  • Jun 2, 2023

    i have a friend who used to devour a java textbook of our school's library, he never did any graduation beyond highschool but hes always employed in the development field, that studying led him to beat bullying and shyness too, now hes married and has a son, thats inspiring tbh

    textbooks are good because theres tons of exercises and tips

    yea nothing wrong with textbooks i just find it easier to use online resources, i think most college students these days feel the same

    that studying led him to beat bullying and shyness too, now hes married and has a son, thats inspiring tbh

    this s*** has me dead tho

  • Jun 3, 2023

    sent my email feel free to slide ur resume

    Bet i sent it over to your email thank you

  • Jun 12, 2023
    1 reply

    neetcode solving leetcode problems for 24 hours straight

  • Jun 13, 2023
    1 reply

    neetcode solving leetcode problems for 24 hours straight

    thank god ive never had to grind leetcode s*** is so stupid

  • Jun 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Starting to learn rust and it’s making me appreciate c/c++ a lot more lol

    took some time off my rust project but i think im gonna have to learn it

    need to come up with a different starter project tho

  • Jun 14, 2023
    2 replies

    thank god ive never had to grind leetcode s*** is so stupid

    agreed. it's so bad, but that's how you get into FAANG sadly

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    took some time off my rust project but i think im gonna have to learn it

    need to come up with a different starter project tho

    are you just learning rust to learn or for another reason?

  • Jun 14, 2023

    agreed. it's so bad, but that's how you get into FAANG sadly

    faang seems boring as hell just well paying

    gonna be working in fintech, they cared more about my crypto knowledge and projects in the interview, only did pseudocode and system design questions with pen and paper

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    are you just learning rust to learn or for another reason?

    was thinking for solana smart contracts but those can be written in c++ too so i might just keep practicing that

    i can see why people who love rust do but writing in c++ is so much faster

    idk im working on two projects now that i probably wont be done with before i start work so i probably wont get around to a rust project this summer even tho itd be nice to since its trendy

    have you written anything in rust before?

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    agreed. it's so bad, but that's how you get into FAANG sadly

    why do you want to work in faang?

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    was thinking for solana smart contracts but those can be written in c++ too so i might just keep practicing that

    i can see why people who love rust do but writing in c++ is so much faster

    idk im working on two projects now that i probably wont be done with before i start work so i probably wont get around to a rust project this summer even tho itd be nice to since its trendy

    have you written anything in rust before?

    gotcha, that's dope man.

    i've never used rust, but always seemed interesting for its safety and concurrency. just never had a need for it though.

    been thinking about learning something new, but i don't know what exactly

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    why do you want to work in faang?

    higher TC. that's all i really care about tbh. just increase my pay for a few years and then join a startup or at least command a higher salary at places i care about

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    higher TC. that's all i really care about tbh. just increase my pay for a few years and then join a startup or at least command a higher salary at places i care about

    imo if there is something you care about and want to start/join a startup doing that you should be looking for a job that will help you learn more about whatever it is you care about, youll likely be paid well anyways, and then even better when you make that next step in your career if you have some more niche knowledge/skills

    TC is nice but my biggest pet peeve as a cs student is the kids who choose it as a major since they hear youll make a lot of money, but are then lazy and act like its harder than it is since its viewed as a high paying profession, when theyre really only going on to be web devs

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    gotcha, that's dope man.

    i've never used rust, but always seemed interesting for its safety and concurrency. just never had a need for it though.

    been thinking about learning something new, but i don't know what exactly

    if you want to learn a new language rust seems like a great option

    what languages do you know and what kind of projects are you working on in your free time right now?

  • Jun 14, 2023

    imo if there is something you care about and want to start/join a startup doing that you should be looking for a job that will help you learn more about whatever it is you care about, youll likely be paid well anyways, and then even better when you make that next step in your career if you have some more niche knowledge/skills

    TC is nice but my biggest pet peeve as a cs student is the kids who choose it as a major since they hear youll make a lot of money, but are then lazy and act like its harder than it is since its viewed as a high paying profession, when theyre really only going on to be web devs

    you're def right, but i feel like joining FAANG as quickly as you can is a shortcut to getting that TC if that's all you care about or if it's your top priority.

    could be awhile to get into a position you love/care about and make the money you do, especially if it's a little niche and doesn't really have an entry point like VR or something

  • Jun 14, 2023
    1 reply

    if you want to learn a new language rust seems like a great option

    what languages do you know and what kind of projects are you working on in your free time right now?

    might look into it.

    i mainly know python and javscript (not incredibly well though).

    tbh, i haven't worked on a serious project in like 3 years (outside of work). want to pick up iOS development or maybe data science, but those fields are competitive and my macbook struggles to do iOS stuff lol

  • Jun 14, 2023

    might look into it.

    i mainly know python and javscript (not incredibly well though).

    tbh, i haven't worked on a serious project in like 3 years (outside of work). want to pick up iOS development or maybe data science, but those fields are competitive and my macbook struggles to do iOS stuff lol

    im not an expert on this and im still in school but if you dont know much c/c++ you should probably focus on that before rust

    gonna be doing mostly ios dev for work this fall, im not that excited for that part of the job but itll be cool for personal projects once i have the experience

  • Jun 16, 2023
    1 reply

    any free resources other than the Neetcode videos y'all suggest for mastering DSA for interviews? I'm tryna enter the matrix and get a FAANG position someday

  • Jun 16, 2023
    1 reply

    2 weeks into a JPMorgan internship and I hate Scrum lmao

    meetings all the damn time
