  • Jun 16, 2023

    any free resources other than the Neetcode videos y'all suggest for mastering DSA for interviews? I'm tryna enter the matrix and get a FAANG position someday

    Elements of Programming Interviews (i have the one for Java but there's also a python version)

  • Jun 20, 2023

    2 weeks into a JPMorgan internship and I hate Scrum lmao

    meetings all the damn time

    do u like fintech?

  • Jun 21, 2023

    chatgpt is f***ing crack

    i was about to spend 30 minutes making a macro to save a image with a particular naming format

    i just ask chatgpt "write code for macro to save 4d hyperstack as individual slices" and in 1 minute i have the perfect macro

    its literally the greatest invention of my lifetime

  • Jun 21, 2023
    1 reply

    at first it was just helping debug code

    now im just letting it write my code for me

    edit: wtf the code is completely wrong nevermind i had to coach it thru the process a bit

    its actually obvious that it is making things up. its basically making pseudocode

  • Jul 13, 2023

    Fix one thing break 5 others

  • Jul 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Anyone done tutoring before? Like as a tutor

  • Jul 21, 2023

    first week finally a swe have to learn a new language im surrounded by talented smart people im terrified but were gonna make it im gonna make something great and become great

  • Jul 21, 2023
    2 replies

    im terrified

  • Jul 23, 2023
    2 replies

    im terrified

    im chilling

  • Aug 15, 2023

    im terrified

  • Aug 15, 2023

    im chilling

  • Aug 15, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve been lazy

    Graduated this may and I’ve applied to only like 30 jobs

    I have no motivation in my body to get up and look for jobs knowing how competitive the field is right now

    What’s wrong with me

  • Aug 15, 2023

    I’ve been lazy

    Graduated this may and I’ve applied to only like 30 jobs

    I have no motivation in my body to get up and look for jobs knowing how competitive the field is right now

    What’s wrong with me

    If you’ve only applied to 30 jobs you have no idea how competitive the field is that’s all in your head

    Stay hungry

  • Aug 15, 2023
    2 replies

    at first it was just helping debug code

    now im just letting it write my code for me

    edit: wtf the code is completely wrong nevermind i had to coach it thru the process a bit

    its actually obvious that it is making things up. its basically making pseudocode

    Out of curiosity, what were you asking ChatGPT to do? And was it separate from the macro code you mentioned in your previous post?

  • Aug 15, 2023
    Eazy or EzP

    Out of curiosity, what were you asking ChatGPT to do? And was it separate from the macro code you mentioned in your previous post?

    Yea it was the macro (for imagej/fiji) I just asked it to make the macro and it failed completely tbh. I think I ended up having to do it another way

    Chatgpt is fire but for really obscure s*** or new stuff it's useless rly

  • Aug 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Anyone done tutoring before? Like as a tutor

    I'm TAing a graduate level stats course This semester

  • Aug 15, 2023

    // Import the necessary libraries and modules
    const Web3 = require('web3');
    const EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction;
    const PoolApi = require('my-staking-pool-api-library');
    const BlockChainPlugin = require('my-blockchain-plugin-library');

    // Configure the Web3 instance to connect to the Ethereum network
    const web3 = new Web3('');

    // Set the address of the Ethereum node to use for staking
    const nodeAddress = '0x...';

    // Set the address of the staking pool to join
    const poolAddress = '0x...';

    // Set the amount of Ethereum to stake
    const stakeAmount = '1000000';

    // Set the private key of the Ethereum account holding the stake
    const privateKey = '...';

    // Create a new instance of the staking pool API library
    const pool = new PoolApi(poolAddress);

    // Load the blockchain plugin for the chosen cryptocurrency
    const blockchain = new BlockChainPlugin('ethereum');

    // Set the gas price and limit for the transaction
    const gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
    const gasLimit = '200000';

    // Join the staking pool and stake the specified amount of cryptocurrency
    const txData = pool.join(stakeAmount);
    const txReceipt = await blockchain.sendTransaction(nodeAddress, privateKey, poolAddress, txData, gasPrice, gasLimit);

    console.log(Transaction hash: ${txReceipt.transactionHash});

    Imma get rich..... Debug

  • Aug 15, 2023
    Eazy or EzP

    Out of curiosity, what were you asking ChatGPT to do? And was it separate from the macro code you mentioned in your previous post?

    I replied sry my internet is f***ed cus we don't have power rn

    It was the imagej macro yea, gpt couldn't figure anything out related to it

  • Aug 16, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm TAing a graduate level stats course This semester

    im thinking about taing when i go back to school this spring but will probably just want to focus on my classes, i have two semesters left but theyll both be pretty heavy

  • Aug 16, 2023

    im thinking about taing when i go back to school this spring but will probably just want to focus on my classes, i have two semesters left but theyll both be pretty heavy

    It's rly just a good way to get some money and get in good with professors

    Besides that wouldn't recommend lol it's kinda annoying

  • Aug 22, 2023

    After effects expressions don't have for loops

  • Aug 25, 2023

    im chilling

    I’m killing it

    Dreading going back to school next year I really hope I get a full time offer or at least an internship next summer

  • Aug 27, 2023
    1 reply

    is cs50 worth it in 2023 to start out? I have some basic coding knowledge from college but that s*** was very low demanding tbh (I enjoyed it though)

  • Aug 28, 2023

    data engineering careers any good?

  • Aug 28, 2023
    RICKY 2320

    is cs50 worth it in 2023 to start out? I have some basic coding knowledge from college but that s*** was very low demanding tbh (I enjoyed it though)

    Isn’t it free?
