  • Jul 8, 2023
    rnb sponge

    Imagine he works a menial job and that’s his life savings getting ready to spend on a nut

    Nah I’m not that dumb. Me and my dad own a bunch of smoke shops and corner stores pretty sweet gig, if I had a regular job I’d just go to therapy

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I be so surprised how often and common it is for niggas to pay for p****

    S*** be wild everytime

    S***s old as time

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I be so surprised how often and common it is for niggas to pay for p****

    S*** be wild everytime

    oldest profession


    you've heard it all probably

    people are just hush hush about it

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    It’s also quite possible that this will be satisfying for a moment, and then you’ll want to do it again, and again

    just keep filling the void that emotionally disconnected s***won’t be able to fill, all the while your money is draining and u lose track of it all and spiral

    I’m very aware of my actions. Used to use coke pretty heavily and imagine this could be bad for me as well so I intend on it being a one time thing no matter how good it is, besides s***life with my ex crumbling the only reason I want to do this is because I want to f*** this particular escort I have a strictly sexual thing for her

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I’m very aware of my actions. Used to use coke pretty heavily and imagine this could be bad for me as well so I intend on it being a one time thing no matter how good it is, besides s***life with my ex crumbling the only reason I want to do this is because I want to f*** this particular escort I have a strictly sexual thing for her

    dont blow 5 stacks on a b**** man. rub one off, buy a ticket, take your friends with you idk party in Lisbon ? Madrid is fun af, Bangkok is lit as always...

    its never worth it...

  • Jul 8, 2023

    $1000 - 1 hour
    $1500 - 1 hour 30 minutes
    $5000 - Overnight

  • Jul 8, 2023
    3 replies

    dont blow 5 stacks on a b**** man. rub one off, buy a ticket, take your friends with you idk party in Lisbon ? Madrid is fun af, Bangkok is lit as always...

    its never worth it...

    I’ve f***ed a girl who did scat/puke content when I was 20 trust me bro I’ve done way dumber s*** (no pun intended) than pay for p****

  • Jul 8, 2023

    Spain would be fire but I heard Brit’s like to maraud around there during the summer and I hate those people

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

  • Jul 8, 2023

    Me and my girlfriend are pretty much finished and I am in need of s***seeing that things started getting awkward with my now ex when we tried being intimate. I’ve narrowed it down to who I want to book, it’s this onlyfans girl/former p***star/stripper who also escorts.

    I’ve only had experience with escorts once before and that was in college with my roommates but it was different since we had an orgy together. Anything I should consider before making this decision?

    i say go for it

    if u have the money an she seems solid

    best case u have a great time, worst case u spent a lil money it was whatever, who cares money aint s***

    i say this as someone who spent money on a escort before

  • Jul 8, 2023

    Dam op is unhinged nigga would drop 5 racks on an escort

  • Jul 8, 2023

    $1000 - 1 hour
    $1500 - 1 hour 30 minutes
    $5000 - Overnight

    god damn find another b**** wtfff

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    Don’t worry I made it very clear I was uncomfortable with anything involving s*** but she did puke while giving me head, 6/10

  • Jul 8, 2023

    That op unpacked a lot very quick

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Move to gng btw

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Man you niggas be thirsty for hit threads. You already know what’s to it both ways, you just want people to flame you for 7 pages.

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    pros: p****(?) but do you really wanna pay for that

    cons: you had to pay someone to touch your d*** and knowing someone attractive is only with you for your money and pretending to have fun, STDs, potentially sketchy repercussions

    its not really about the sex, its about surviving the night without doing something even dumber than f***ing a prostitute

    hormones are crazy

  • Jul 8, 2023

    I’ve f***ed a girl who did scat/puke content when I was 20 trust me bro I’ve done way dumber s*** (no pun intended) than pay for p****

    even more reason to not do it ? im just saying, theres WAY more fun things to do with 5stacks than nut on a mid girl...

    pnc will clear things up...

  • Iamhiphop was peak trolling

  • Jul 8, 2023
    Water Giver

    Move to gng btw

    Nah they haven’t accepted my request yet

  • Jul 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Don’t worry I made it very clear I was uncomfortable with anything involving s*** but she did puke while giving me head, 6/10

    bro u trolling

  • plants 🌻
    Jul 8, 2023

    Plants is telling you to masturbate instead

    glad u got it

  • Jul 8, 2023
    5 replies

    It sounds like you're craving acceptance and some deeper kind of love and using an unhealthy fixation on s***as a substitute. This woman is going to tell you exactly what you need to hear because she cares about her business, not you. You're going to associate that feeling with the act of sleeping with escorts. You're gonna end up doing this repeatedly, and the addiction is going to drive away any woman who won't have to pretend to give you what you need for money. You'll end up alone... broken, having spent your best years and thousands of dollars.

  • Jul 8, 2023
    2 replies

    bro u trolling

    No I just have very strange kinks

  • Jul 8, 2023

    It sounds like you're craving acceptance and some deeper kind of love and using an unhealthy fixation on s***as a substitute. This woman is going to tell you exactly what you need to hear because she cares about her business, not you. You're going to associate that feeling with the act of sleeping with escorts. You're gonna end up doing this repeatedly, and the addiction is going to drive away any woman who won't have to pretend to give you what you need for money. You'll end up alone... broken, having spent your best years and thousands of dollars.
