Get her to fist you @cousingreg or you ain’t real
Don’t you have a trans gf, now you wanna f*** a female?
Really? I can't scroll past this. This is what we're doing?
Get her to fist you @cousingreg or you ain’t real
I don’t think she’s the type who would be willing to do that, seems cool but I’m worried about potential an@l prolapse
I wouldn’t say I’ve ever viewed s***as a reward or anything like that. I like the act of making others feel good and in turn I was just willing to try whatever even if it didn’t really interest me and I feel like it’s kinda warped my perception of what s***is if that makes sense
So, the reward is feeling good about yourself because you made someone else feel good? Do you find yourself trying to please people in other aspects of your life? And if so, do you find yourself often doing things that you don't want to do or not doing things that you want to do because you think it'll upset someone else?
No I just have very strange kinks
unkink ur brain with some shrooms
So, the reward is feeling good about yourself because you made someone else feel good? Do you find yourself trying to please people in other aspects of your life? And if so, do you find yourself often doing things that you don't want to do or not doing things that you want to do because you think it'll upset someone else?
I wouldn’t say it’s a reward for me it just turns me on. I do find myself trying to please people like my father and will forgo doing certain things but usually it’s never anything super serious or will be something that actually benefits me (like slowing down my d*** use)
unkink ur brain with some shrooms
Did shrooms a couple weeks ago. Still want to be choked.
1. We aren’t together anymore
2. I view trans women as women so I don’t know what you’re implying
3. I’m attracted to people regardless of what they identify as if you’re hot you’re hot
damn this s*** got complex itt
I wouldn’t say it’s a reward for me it just turns me on. I do find myself trying to please people like my father and will forgo doing certain things but usually it’s never anything super serious or will be something that actually benefits me (like slowing down my d*** use)
I hear you. So, it's just something that you like to do because it makes the experience better for you. I think I'm starting to understand a little bit better. Just curious, what would you rate your self-esteem, say, on a scale from 1-10?
1. We aren’t together anymore
2. I view trans women as women so I don’t know what you’re implying
3. I’m attracted to people regardless of what they identify as if you’re hot you’re hot
Idk but you sound like some 4chan mf
I hear you. So, it's just something that you like to do because it makes the experience better for you. I think I'm starting to understand a little bit better. Just curious, what would you rate your self-esteem, say, on a scale from 1-10?
Good days a 7-8. I’m aware of my flaws but I see progress from the absolute loser d***gie I was so it’s getting better, bad days probably a 4 but it’s been much better lately
@Shenanigans i really appreciate you speaking with me, there’s a 30% less chance that I’m going to go through with this now, probably going to start counseling regardless tho
Good days a 7-8. I’m aware of my flaws but I see progress from the absolute loser d***gie I was so it’s getting better, bad days probably a 4 but it’s been much better lately
I'm glad that it's getting better and that you're able to have good days like that. That's a pretty drastic difference between good and bad days. Is today a bad day? Are there specific reasons that you've noticed cause bad days, or does it feel random?
Edit: of course, man. It's no problem speaking. I definitely think counseling is a good idea. If you want it to and put in the work, it can make a big difference. I also recommend keeping a journal to help with expressing and figuring out how you feel and recognizing patterns. When I started journaling, I started to see the things that would have a negative effect and work towards cutting those things and people out of my life.
i’ve considered in the past just for fun once but i always got too scared of being robbed or getting an STD
@Shenanigans i really appreciate you speaking with me, there’s a 30% less chance that I’m going to go through with this now, probably going to start counseling regardless tho
i respect ppl like op, he just human, everyone different and ppl here calling him a 4chn user, bro we all got sumn that'd consider us 4chan users
praying op links with a undercover cop and goes to jail
@op please don’t take advice from people who aren’t mongers
I’ve seen over a hundred escorts so I actually know what I’m talking about
Where are you looking for providers? Eros? Twitter? Backpages? Also what do you want to know about? The process? Safety?