  • May 23, 2021
    1 reply

    That’s becoming less true, as a hip hop beat maker I can basically do anything with an iPad that I would do on a computer

    what software you using?

  • May 23, 2021

    been known you can cook on anything that has a sampler

    SP404 is ass and mfs have made crazy beats off that s***

    but i don't think mobile will ever be the main thing for production, computers are better because that have more inputs for hardware, easier to access storage and atm all the plug-ins are on pc and prolly will be for a hot sec

  • May 23, 2021
    2 replies

    that steve lacey s*** has to be absolute bullshit as well

    0 chance he mixed that on a phone or even Mac garageband

    0 chance

  • May 23, 2021

    what software you using?

    Logic on computer, koala and various synths like korg on iOS

  • May 23, 2021
    2 replies

    Koala is a pretty well rounded sampling app, but obviously is not nearly as efficient as using desktop DAWs. nobody wants to go through hassles of importing packs/samples onto your ios device when you could have it all in one workplace lol. but, at the end of the day, accessibility is also key.

  • May 23, 2021
    1 reply

    that steve lacey s*** has to be absolute bullshit as well

    0 chance he mixed that on a phone or even Mac garageband

    0 chance

    He probably exported the stems to pro tools lets be real

  • May 23, 2021

    having 300gb of Omnisphere libraries on an iPhone

  • May 23, 2021

    Already been happening on Android.

    And a lot of daws such as ableton n fl, the two most popular for rap production, have mobile versions.

    There are a few popular songs with beats made on mobile too already.

    PC/Android is just easier to make/port programs for.

  • May 23, 2021
    best poster

    Koala is a pretty well rounded sampling app, but obviously is not nearly as efficient as using desktop DAWs. nobody wants to go through hassles of importing packs/samples onto your ios device when you could have it all in one workplace lol. but, at the end of the day, accessibility is also key.

    I don’t think they’ll ever overtake desktops, but one day I see them becoming a viable option.

    PC gaming is arguably the best way to game. Best graphics and tech, largest collection of games, and emulators, Yet people still choose consoles. Consoles are technically worse than PCs, but they’re easier to access and more of a seamless experience. I see a similar thing happening with iOS production

  • May 23, 2021

    that steve lacey s*** has to be absolute bullshit as well

    0 chance he mixed that on a phone or even Mac garageband

    0 chance

    Yea he probably didn’t mix it in GarageBand, wasn’t really sure

  • May 23, 2021

    He probably exported the stems to pro tools lets be real

    man idek tho do any of those sounds sound like garageband stock sounds? the only sounds you have access to on a iphone?

    like its so sus i cant trust this nigga man

    vocals sound way too clean too

  • May 23, 2021

    bro made this on a phone while he was freshman s*** crazy

  • May 24, 2021

    Made this on garage band. I had recently learned how in depth the mixing and effects went and messed around with that for a week or 2

  • May 24, 2021
    1 reply

    OVO 40 says he could do a lot of production on his phone and basically said that's what's next

  • Garageband is mad cumbersome (and thats the biggest on iOS obv) but I imagine there's some better ones

    Steve Lacy runs all his s*** thru this app I heard, which f***ing blows my mind.

  • the answer is kinda

  • May 24, 2021

    OVO 40 says he could do a lot of production on his phone and basically said that's what's next

    One day he’ll tell us about how some future drake album was produced on his iPhone 17 and it’ll make people start to really think different

  • cop the koala sampler if you make beats

  • May 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Ofcourse, the world is your canvas

  • BobRoss

    Ofcourse, the world is your canvas

  • May 24, 2021
    Troy Ave Stan

    It can, just need a programmer to make the right app and it’s over

    inb4 Ye finds or knows said programmer

  • best poster

    Koala is a pretty well rounded sampling app, but obviously is not nearly as efficient as using desktop DAWs. nobody wants to go through hassles of importing packs/samples onto your ios device when you could have it all in one workplace lol. but, at the end of the day, accessibility is also key.

    it's pretty easy actually if
    you save your s*** to icloud

    you can access it on your ipad, phone, or macbook