and anyone who thinks that accelerationism will lead to the usa becoming more progressive is smoking rock
Biden is literally in the most comfortable lead possible on improved polling data, has the biggest coalition to f*** over an incumbent president from the Lincoln Project and Literal Bush Alumnis to literally Bernie and AOC and unironically isnt disliked even remotely to the same level as Hillary or Trump where him being creepy with people was pushed as a meme for 8 years.
Trump won 2016 by the slimmest of margins, is bleeding voters, and has mishandled every crisis this election.
Pretending he is going to btfo out of Biden, who outside of memes is an unironically better speaker than Trump, who can actually work with other individuals (Hence his leadership score on, him having such a large coalition, him actually being invited to George Floyds funeral, him actually being able to walk outside during the Delaware protest and not get shot, etc etc) is stupid.
The fact some of you think that Trump is going to somehow win despite an ever shrinking base of voters who have lost 100s of thousands of loved ones due to COVID19. Who have been negatively impacted by his tariffs in rural areas... bro, leave your f***ing house, Trump is primed to lose to a f***ing goat at this point.
And he’s still gonna win so crazy
Yeah we’ll be alright, the US has been through and had worse.
But I don’t Biden as Pres, he’s losing it and can you imagine having that guy run the worst powerful nation in the world? He looks like he can barely run a netflix account
he’d have the protests stopped faaaaaaast f*** a curfew with this guy
But if u don’t vote for him U ain’t black
What a f***ing joke lmfao
I repeat: vote for your personal interest
DO NOT pretend that because you’re voting for Biden this November you’re by extension doing anything for Black people. Neither of these 2 will change anything.
This mans literally just said “ok so we succeeded at depriving Black Americans of a fair shot at life by institutionalizing them, now let’s throw them in prison for not being able to act ‘accordingly’ outside the bounds of the environment which we personally let rot”
everything you said is exactly what everyone said 4 years ago
i dearly, truly hope you are right and ofc i'll be voting biden even tho they stole the nom from my guy bernie, but i dont think it's in the bag like you think so
and the way you're insulting me is just childish btw
Hillary didnt have half of Biden's coalition. You are smoking literal crack
Also stole the Nom? Get over yourself.
I dont feel bad insulting you if you think people are stealing the nom from the senator of bumfuck Ben and Jerrys land.
Only Bernie supporters say this annoying "rigged", "robbed", s*** as if this is a NBA championship.
They didnt vote for your candidate, f*** off
If he gets elected a second term ... I hope for a Civil war pt 2
What’s the desired outcome for each side?
Man don’t act like the second he won that election half the country didn’t cry out tyranny
you’re proving my point
you’re proving my point
Trump was hated the moment he made his bid public is my point.
We’re not in an entirely different position today.
Trump was hated the moment he made his bid public is my point.
We’re not in an entirely different position today.
it’s worse today
Yes but the next 4 years isn't really what we have to worry about. We have two SCJ's that are in their eighties and if they die and Trump gets to fill those positions, we're f***ed for decades to come.
Hillary didnt have half of Biden's coalition. You are smoking literal crack
Also stole the Nom? Get over yourself.
I dont feel bad insulting you if you think people are stealing the nom from the senator of bumfuck Ben and Jerrys land.
Only Bernie supporters say this annoying "rigged", "robbed", s*** as if this is a NBA championship.
They didnt vote for your candidate, f*** off
People who post like this never have anything to say but their babies first political takes on the only 2 elections they bothered paying attention to
If Trump was a foreign asset tasked to take down American from within what would he do differently?
People who post like this never have anything to say but their babies first political takes on the only 2 elections they bothered paying attention to
god bless you
What’s the desired outcome for each side?
One side massive reform from education to police to workplace and the other idk all I see is people wanting things to be stagnant and stick to traditional values that don't work anymore
One side massive reform from education to police to workplace and the other idk all I see is people wanting things to be stagnant and stick to traditional values that don't work anymore
Interesting. The problem with me is that these sort of ideals always get paired up with socialist type uprisings 9/10 times which is why I’m usually not for it.
But overall I agree we need massive reform, I just don’t know if it’ll truly result in a civil war in 2020 when the majority of the people on the side you’re talking about are the same people trying to remove the rights of citizens to own military grade weaponry. Meanwhile the military will be on the side of those trying to keep the status quo intact.
He's going to win lmao. You think the polls matter? Niggas do NOT learn anything
Polls said Hillary had 99% chance of winning lmao
Polls do matter, Hilary Clinton underperformed because an unprecedented amount of people stayed at home, and many other factors that contributed to her downfall. I don’t think anyone anticipates that happening this year. Even then, in June 2016, Clinton was up by an average of 1.5 points in polls, fast forward to June 2020, Biden is up 8 points on average. Also take into account that Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million, and lost by a combined 72,000 votes in 3 swing states. 2020 is very different than 2016. The way Trump has been polling, no incumbent has ever won in those same circumstances. And also take into account that a lot of people chose not to vote because they hated Hilary Clinton, although Biden has some criticisms, he is nowhere close to being as unpopular as Clinton was. Add also add in that people have had 4 years to see how incompetent Trump is.
the same thing that made me think he was gonna win the first time despite everyone clowning me and calling me an idiot - huge swaths of racist america that yield to nothing
I see what you mean and I understand why you would be so hesitant to say Trump will not win. But Trump is actually in an awful position to win. The margin that Biden is up on Trump is much bigger than Clinton’s was. And also take into account Biden isn’t nearly as hated, and that Trump has been nationally unfavorable for virtually his whole term
Yeah we’ll be alright, the US has been through and had worse.
But I don’t Biden as Pres, he’s losing it and can you imagine having that guy run the worst powerful nation in the world? He looks like he can barely run a netflix account
You think Biden is losing it because of a few gaffes? Have you even seen how the current dude in the white house acts?
everything you said is exactly what everyone said 4 years ago
i dearly, truly hope you are right and ofc i'll be voting biden even tho they stole the nom from my guy bernie, but i dont think it's in the bag like you think so
and the way you're insulting me is just childish btw
He's delusional
People still think these manipulated polls are reliable
He's delusional
People still think these manipulated polls are reliable
bro after 2016 im not confident about anything