Almost done with the anime, I’ll go into the show with an open mind.
I'm on like episode 18
I'm on like episode 18
How you feel about it? I’m on the last two episodes. I’ve enjoyed it a lot, great writing, great characterization, not every episode is a hit but there’s some really amazing pieces of fiction in it.
How you feel about it? I’m on the last two episodes. I’ve enjoyed it a lot, great writing, great characterization, not every episode is a hit but there’s some really amazing pieces of fiction in it.
I'm rlly enjoying it! I kinda wish the format was less episodic at times, but overall a great show so far.
I'm rlly enjoying it! I kinda wish the format was less episodic at times, but overall a great show so far.
I feel you! I was thinking the same thing. There some weighty moments in episodes that I feel would have lasting effects on characters but then the next episode would come on and everybody would be mostly back to normal
Missed opportunity for sure but I also appreciate the way you can just drop in on virtually any episode and not need too much background.
I feel you! I was thinking the same thing. There some weighty moments in episodes that I feel would have lasting effects on characters but then the next episode would come on and everybody would be mostly back to normal
Missed opportunity for sure but I also appreciate the way you can just drop in on virtually any episode and not need too much background.
"There some weighty moments in episodes that I feel would have lasting effects on characters but then the next episode would come on and everybody would be mostly back to normal"
Like what?
Starts rough but it's getting better IMO on episode 5 now...wish the series had been given a higher budget to improve some of the iffier visual effects
There’s little to no subtext in this. Hell did the directors even do their homework? Like do they not know how intentional the original was in pretty much everything when it was pieces together? Like it’s an anime jazz western symphony, but this live action just feels corporate and soulless af. Another form of “content” and not art. A waste of talent and time.
you sure?
I don’t see what’s wrong with this tbh lol
Netflix really on a rampage to ruin every anime live adaptation
Which isn’t really surprising, literally the only good live adaptation of anime that exists is Alita and it took 100 years to get that lol
Edge of tomorrow was fire even though that’s a manga/novel
I don’t see what’s wrong with this tbh lol
Can't please everyone lol if they didn't include Ed at all or tried to change up her character ppl would be b****ing about that as well
Nah fam
I’m good
I wanted this to work guys. I really did. I kept faith but I knew from the moment spike stepped on screen and it went into all these cheesy action cuts with 1970s green hornet choreography that this wasn’t the one for me
I wanted this to work guys. I really did. I kept faith but I knew from the moment spike stepped on screen and it went into all these cheesy action cuts with 1970s green hornet choreography that this wasn’t the one for me
I mean that’s kinda what the anime is lmao. The anime is goofy lol
I mean that’s kinda what the anime is lmao. The anime is goofy lol
Nah the anime pulls this off in the most genuine, artful, and elegant way possible and this is simply the RC Cola version of that experience