  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I feel like desperately finding ways to defend cynical cash grabs banking off name recognition is a worse impulse.

    Adaptations happen every single mfing day it's not that serious. Whole anime world is built on adaptations lmaooo

    If you don't like it you don't like it but I'm not getting why people so offended by the concept

    ESPECIALLY something like Cowboy bebop that has that universal appeal

  • Nov 20, 2021
    5 replies

    Netflix is a terrorist organization

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Netflix is a terrorist organization

    If I ever see the show runner I’m Spartan kicking them in the chest, on god.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    3 replies

    I want Netflix to keep making these adaptations just so I can troll anime fans by saying I liked the live action adaptation of x show better than the anime.

  • Nov 20, 2021

    this was trash man i cant believe what they did to vicious character

    netflix stay woat for anime live action

  • Nov 20, 2021

    this look like some friends in cosplay hamming it up at a convention

  • wes

    you sure?

    Not my Edward. Whoever that was, y'all can have

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Netflix is a terrorist organization


  • Nov 20, 2021

    Knew this was gonna be bunk when they mangled the intro. If you cant do that right then there was never hope

  • Nov 20, 2021

    finished season 1 this morning...all in all I just thought it was solid...not as good as the original anime by any means but also not as terrible as a lot of ppl have made it out to be...Spike, Jet, and Faye were cast very well but some of the other casting choices I'm a bit iffy on...finale was okay but didn't like some of the drastic changes to the story...IF it gets a season 2 we'll see if they improve on some of the weaker aspects...keep Ed to a minimal or off camera completely though bc too much of that character in a live action is not going to work

  • Nov 20, 2021

    soundtrack for this is on streaming btw and is pretty dope

  • Nov 20, 2021

    I want Netflix to keep making these adaptations just so I can troll anime fans by saying I liked the live action adaptation of x show better than the anime.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    rich scouser

    Adaptations happen every single mfing day it's not that serious. Whole anime world is built on adaptations lmaooo

    If you don't like it you don't like it but I'm not getting why people so offended by the concept

    ESPECIALLY something like Cowboy bebop that has that universal appeal

    Yeah it doesnt affect the original show at all so I dont see the point in getting all pissed over it. Just dont watch it if youre not into it.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Except for Vicious and Julia, be mad at that cause what they did to them was

  • proper 🔩
    Nov 20, 2021

    I want Netflix to keep making these adaptations just so I can troll anime fans by saying I liked the live action adaptation of x show better than the anime.

    can’t wait for your letterbox reviews

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Has watanabe said anything?

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Netflix is a terrorist organization

    Crine. Did he smash after this?

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    rise zero

    Except for Vicious and Julia, be mad at that cause what they did to them was

    At least Julia had character development in this.

    She was barely memorable in the anime

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    green man

    At least Julia had character development in this.

    She was barely memorable in the anime

    She's meant to be a mystery. Spike loved her, that's all we need to know.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    rise zero

    She's meant to be a mystery. Spike loved her, that's all we need to know.

    I don’t care man

    I felt nothing when she died in the anime. I had no feelings for their relationship in the anime whatsoever.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    2 replies

    There’s people that are saying this is on the level of death note live action bad and that’s absolutely ridiculous. Death note live action might be the worst movie oat. People really need to relax

  • Nov 21, 2021

    Call me crazy, but I'm on the first episode and I like it. It's a bit more campy than I'd like but so far I'm enjoying this.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    green man

    I don’t care man

    I felt nothing when she died in the anime. I had no feelings for their relationship in the anime whatsoever.

    I dont think youre meant to feel super bad about her dying, cause like you said we barely know her. She dies to drive Spike's story forward. He's devastated by it and it's what leads him to confront Vicious one last time. That's the important part.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    2 replies
    Bourbon Ben

    There’s people that are saying this is on the level of death note live action bad and that’s absolutely ridiculous. Death note live action might be the worst movie oat. People really need to relax

    Is that the one where Willem Dafoe plays a demon? I have to watch that
