liking this a lot. they did a great job with the sets and effects. very fun to watch with the direction. better than what i expected it to be.
Is that the one where Willem Dafoe plays a demon? I have to watch that
yeah, and its f***ing horrendous lol tbf willem does a fine jjob tho
There’s people that are saying this is on the level of death note live action bad and that’s absolutely ridiculous. Death note live action might be the worst movie oat. People really need to relax
it's nowhere near that or the live action Dragonball Z...I finished season 1 this morning and started watching it again with a friend and even the issues that stuck out to me first time around don't matter as much the 2nd time around (maybe because I'm not spending the whole time comparing everything to the anime this time idk)...not saying it's perfect and I'm not gonna disagree with anyone who says some things could have been done better but I don't think it's a complete catastrophe by any means
liking this a lot. they did a great job with the sets and effects. very fun to watch with the direction. better than what i expected it to be.
yeah once you get used to the old school/B movie feel with the directing and cinematography it's actually pretty too many close up shots of faces while people are talking but I think that's them trying to give it a anime-like feel...with Vicious and Julia they clearly wanted to spend more time with those characters than the anime did and with that comes more character's good in some ways but bad in other ways and the end result is their characters feeling a bit cliche or stereotypical (Vicious with the daddy/masculinity issues and Julia with the whole damsel in distress routine though eventually it develops into a more femme fatale type deal)
it's nowhere near that or the live action Dragonball Z...I finished season 1 this morning and started watching it again with a friend and even the issues that stuck out to me first time around don't matter as much the 2nd time around (maybe because I'm not spending the whole time comparing everything to the anime this time idk)...not saying it's perfect and I'm not gonna disagree with anyone who says some things could have been done better but I don't think it's a complete catastrophe by any means
im actually looking forward to season 2. I think they can fix the Ed character or figure out how to make it not look so memeish over the next year or so. Think they knew they had to atleast throw something in there or people would be freaking out.
im actually looking forward to season 2. I think they can fix the Ed character or figure out how to make it not look so memeish over the next year or so. Think they knew they had to atleast throw something in there or people would be freaking out.
with Ed I think they should keep it to a minimal...just can't imagine that character hanging out with them constantly working well with a live action...have her send them missions like she did earlier in the season or pop up on a screen when they need her help with's a "faithful" portrayal of the character but reminded me of some live action Rugrats type s*** and feel like too much of that next season just isn't going to work...we'll see if they even get renewed though seems like they're doing a lot as far as promotion and stuff for the show but with the mixed ratings and reception online who knows
yeah, and its f***ing horrendous lol tbf willem does a fine jjob tho
this is a real movie
Is that the one where Willem Dafoe plays a demon? I have to watch that
You seem to like campy stuff so it won’t annoy you as much as people who don’t
I thought it was alright but Willem and even Lakeith were far and away the best parts
this is a real movie
Idk wtf Netflix was smoking cause that will Smith movie where he’s a cop came out at the same time
You seem to like campy stuff so it won’t annoy you as much as people who don’t
I thought it was alright but Willem and even Lakeith were far and away the best parts
Also never seen the anime, so
Is it good?
the consensus seems to be if you love the anime and want it to be like it, this will piss u off. Otherwise, its a fun watch with some cheesy moments
the consensus seems to be if you love the anime and want it to be like it, this will piss u off. Otherwise, its a fun watch with some cheesy moments
So basically it's passable as its own thing, but doesn't justify it needing to be Cowboy Bebop?
So basically it's passable as its own thing, but doesn't justify it needing to be Cowboy Bebop?
This could’ve done its own thing like Firefly did but Hollywood isn’t interested in “original” IP now because they want a guaranteed audience
Netflix is a terrorist organization
Netflix is a terrorist organization did it better
I want Netflix to keep making these adaptations just so I can troll anime fans by saying I liked the live action adaptation of x show better than the anime.
You should open up a Twitter account if you don’t already have one lol
I'm like 3 episodes in and I like it so far, maybe because i wasn't expecting a copy/paste of the original
I like the dude playing Jet he's doing a great job so far but I don't like that his ex wife is basic af.
I like that Spike has more personality in this, even tho he ain't as cool as he was in the anime.
I don't like Vicious tho he seems like a b**** so far.
Idk how I feel yet on the differences in the story that they're doing, so I'll just wait to see how it plays out.