  • Nov 2, 2024
    BlueChew Sean

    I had an ex I broke up with multiple times. Eventually she broke up with me in early 2020 but we kept chatting daily during COVID, so I thought we'd get back together. End of 2020 she became distant. I suspected she moved on and confronted her about it the next time I saw her

    Couple of years later, I see her driving while walking my dog. She parks outside a house close to mine. For the next few months, I walk my dog hoping to see her again. Even try to time my walks so that she sees me. See her driving to the house a few times, see her car parked outside the house a few times (was probably dating someone who lived there)

    It felt pathetic to be doing all that. Now I just walk my dog without thinking about her. Women really don't gaf about how you're in your feelings over them. Like you said, they tend to come running back when you finally moved on. So just move on @op, you won't convince her with obsessive behavior

    Yeah same time frame almost

    For me we were on/off from 2020-2021 but i thought about her nearly all of 2022 even when i had other gfs. We talked again very briefly in very early 2023 and i finally realized i was infatuated with the idea of her and she was infatuated with the idea of me. We came to the conclusion that if we had any respect for each other we would both walk away bc if we kept our cycle up no way we didnt end up completely hating each other. Have barely even spoke to her since besides an occasional happy birthday or condolences text, but I wish her the best man she changed me forever lol.

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Rocket you are a millionaire

    You know, I got every damn car, multiple cribs
    But it's like, "No, I want that," ha

  • Nov 2, 2024
    BlueChew Sean

    Tbh if there's an event that I knew an ex I still had feelings for would probably be going to, I'd actually try and avoid attending

    Get out of this headspace man She chose to end things, there's nothing you can do about it right now. Because trying to convince her to come back will just push her further away. Let her go, focus on yourself

    To be fair it's the type of event I have every right to be at and I'm not gonna change my life schedule. If anything she should be the one not to show up

    But you're right and you're right about everything else too

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    You would give up millions of dollars to be with this young lady?


  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    I don’t get you mate

    Why haha

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Why are you having trouble sleeping @op ? Are you overthinking in bed?

    Get out of bed if you can’t fall asleep. Journal and dump your thoughts out. Read a non-stimulating book. Take a short walk outside. Avoid phone or blue-light emitting screens 1-2 hours before bed.

    If you’re stressed during the day and getting regretful thoughts, hit the gym to take your mind off it and boost your mood.

    Talk to friends and family about it, but don’t talk too much about it. There’s a point where it goes from helpful to detrimental. But a support system helps.

    Most importantly, you’ll move on eventually in time. Might be longer than usual.

    The more you look at old texts or pics or IG stuff is going to restart the clock. So delete anything that’s unnecessary and mute her or mutual friends you got on the TL

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply


    You fasho glamorizing her lol

  • Nov 2, 2024
    BlueChew Sean

    You know, I got every damn car, multiple cribs
    But it's like, "No, I want that," ha

    And the next album he’s referring to her as his ex to the new girl he’s in love with lol

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Why haha

    You’re one of the nicest people on ktt2 people like you.

    I have never seen you this distraught before. You’ll find someone else

  • PIMP 💿
    Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Doesn't mean I can't be depressed

    I would give up everything to be with her again tbh

    I know the feeling but reconsider the thought process of giving everything up for someone thats not family

  • RICH 💸
    Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    To be fair she was going to leave him even before she knew me

    How long have you known her and long were/have you been together

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Why are you having trouble sleeping @op ? Are you overthinking in bed?

    Get out of bed if you can’t fall asleep. Journal and dump your thoughts out. Read a non-stimulating book. Take a short walk outside. Avoid phone or blue-light emitting screens 1-2 hours before bed.

    If you’re stressed during the day and getting regretful thoughts, hit the gym to take your mind off it and boost your mood.

    Talk to friends and family about it, but don’t talk too much about it. There’s a point where it goes from helpful to detrimental. But a support system helps.

    Most importantly, you’ll move on eventually in time. Might be longer than usual.

    The more you look at old texts or pics or IG stuff is going to restart the clock. So delete anything that’s unnecessary and mute her or mutual friends you got on the TL

    Thanks for all of the advice bro you're the best

    Yea every night I've been overthinking laying in bed and when I finally do fall asleep I wake up in a panic as if I'm having a heart attack or something

    The lack of sleep is def taking a toll on my mental health

    This insomnia actually is what caused me to make this thread it was my way of "journaling" in the moment

    All of my friends have asked to hear all the details but it's exhausting to continually tell it

    Tbh I genuinely feel like I'm never going to bounce back from this

    Half of her friends already removed me and I removed the other half

    The worst part about iPhones is they love to remind you of old memories

  • Nov 2, 2024
    mr get dough

    You fasho glamorizing her lol

    Not at all tbh

    She's perfect

    I've dated plenty of amazing girls but she is the only one who I truly felt at home at at peace with

  • Nov 2, 2024

    You’re one of the nicest people on ktt2 people like you.

    I have never seen you this distraught before. You’ll find someone else

    Aww thanks bro love you

    I'm in shambles tbh

    First time in a very long time where I hate life

  • Nov 2, 2024
    2 replies

    I know the feeling but reconsider the thought process of giving everything up for someone thats not family

    She's the only person in my entire life where I felt at home and at peace with

    My life felt complete but feels like a nightmare without her

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    How long have you known her and long were/have you been together

    Basically about a year

    But we were literally inseparable and spent every single day together and I slept over 4-5 nights every week

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply
    · edited

    Basically about a year

    But we were literally inseparable and spent every single day together and I slept over 4-5 nights every week

    youll get over her eventually man it takes time to heal and forget about such significant person in your life, once u come to terms that u will never actually forget her and that she was a blessed part of your life u will move on easier

    nobody is actually irreplaceable tbh and this is the you "now" that is sad, once u grow you will recollect yourself and take everything that u learned then, pos or neg as lessons for the rest of your life

    i also had to break up with my first girl after we had been together almost 3yrs and because of the lockdown mainly, we literally spent 2,5yrs day by day with each other
    so for me, i also had to find new routines and get used to the fact that she wasnt there anymore, which indeed was very strange at first and cause u spent so much time together, it feels like every single little thing in your day to day routine is linked to her
    but as time goes, that will fade and will be replaced by newer memories/experiences

    i can say, i still think about my ex, but i dont mind, i dont get emotional about it or something, its as if a friend from high school or whatever pops in my head, ill think about it, reflect on whatever memory and then just move on

    since then i met plenty of girls and never really had issues unless they reminded me of her in a bad way lol then its red flag alert
    like i havent been in a relationshp ever since, cause its not my focus
    but if it were, i already know id have a "better" relationship than the last, cause its just gonna be totally diff

    time heals
    use it to reflect
    dont run away
    or try to neglect/forget

    what u had was powerful, be glad it happened
    learn from it
    become a better and newer you
    blessings will follow suit

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    something important

    such as?

  • Nov 2, 2024

    How you gotta million dollars ?

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Thanks for all of the advice bro you're the best

    Yea every night I've been overthinking laying in bed and when I finally do fall asleep I wake up in a panic as if I'm having a heart attack or something

    The lack of sleep is def taking a toll on my mental health

    This insomnia actually is what caused me to make this thread it was my way of "journaling" in the moment

    All of my friends have asked to hear all the details but it's exhausting to continually tell it

    Tbh I genuinely feel like I'm never going to bounce back from this

    Half of her friends already removed me and I removed the other half

    The worst part about iPhones is they love to remind you of old memories

    is this your first heartbreak bro?

    I'm over a month into a breakup and ngl I've been spiraling but we'll be alright

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    This is beyond a therapy sesh tbh

    To me this is like the equivalent to fumbling Rihanna

    You did a Chris Breezy on her huh

  • Nov 2, 2024

    I’m the type that rarely gets mad but I just overreacted and blew up and it escalated to the point she literally flew out of town that weekend

    Yea you def did a chris breezy


  • Nov 3, 2024
    1 reply

    She's the only person in my entire life where I felt at home and at peace with

    My life felt complete but feels like a nightmare without her

  • Nov 3, 2024

    Depends on the person like i said and calm down with the name calling
