every time..
What’s wrong with wanting to make something better
They literally have a big ass billboard right outside their main offices with the November 19th release date.
What’s wrong with wanting to make something better
wanting to make something better at the expense of your workers personal wellness is what's wrong
I actually think they should delay this for much longer if it means they won't treat their devs like they're in sweatshops.
wanting to make something better at the expense of your workers personal wellness is what's wrong
I actually think they should delay this for much longer if it means they won't treat their devs like they're in sweatshops.
Delays never alleviate crunch in AAA development though, unfortunately.
It’s been proven time and time again.
wanting to make something better at the expense of your workers personal wellness is what's wrong
I actually think they should delay this for much longer if it means they won't treat their devs like they're in sweatshops.
I feel that
Seen a dude in the steam comments of the announcements going ape s*** cause he took 3 weeks off to play this
Normally thatd be a big ass waste of vacation days, but with the covid honestly that seems like a good enough reason to spend them, if he had the days sitting around anyways
wonder how much time it took to add custom d***s
have we ever seen a AAA game get delayed after going gold before?
Either failed certification or never actually went gold
f***ing lol
least i don't have to worry about losing out on game time when i'm visiting the fam for thanksgiving vacation though
I wasn't gonna play it until the next gen version was out anyways so I don't really care
Why did my two most anticipated games have to be Silent Hills and Cyberpunk 2077?