they need to just give the game an indefinite delay until everything's ready. crunch time is always a result of s*** project management and arbitrary internal deadlines, and AAA game devs just don't care.
it's also very ironic that the game shoves anti-corporatism themes down your throat (aka the entire genre), but the company doesn't mind dabbling in borderline sweatshop labor to get it out.
people dont know how serious this is.
they really thought that this game is in a such bad state they should better delay and lose out the black friday sales
this is a huge red flag
Why did my two most anticipated games have to be Silent Hills and Cyberpunk 2077?
resident evil village got your back until silent hills get canceled again
making a video game
f***ing losers sound like they are on the front lines of the hospital fighting covid
100 hour week sucks no matter what job and doing it in front of a screen definitely effects your health. I'd rather work a regular nursing job than do what they do lol
people dont know how serious this is.
they really thought that this game is in a such bad state they should better delay and lose out the black friday sales
this is a huge red flag
but not Christmas sales
they need to just give the game an indefinite delay until everything's ready. crunch time is always a result of s*** project management and arbitrary internal deadlines, and AAA game devs just don't care.
it's also very ironic that the game shoves anti-corporatism themes down your throat (aka the entire genre), but the company doesn't mind dabbling in borderline sweatshop labor to get it out.
yeah, felt the same way about red dead 2. brilliant criticism of American culture but difficult to separate it from s***ty labor practices
Why did my two most anticipated games have to be Silent Hills and Cyberpunk 2077?
U enjoy pain
people dont know how serious this is.
they really thought that this game is in a such bad state they should better delay and lose out the black friday sales
this is a huge red flag
we're like 9 months from the original release date too they delayed this s***, what, 4 times now?
I guarantee that the game is gonna be bugged the f*** out/poorly optimized on new gen consoles.
If I had a base console id wait until reviews to cop, it's sounding real bad for them. Even ps4 pro I'm worried, thank God ps5 coming in soon
do the devs get paid good
depends on what kind of devs. Level designers , 3d artist get paid well. but i think the devs that work on bugs get paid 40k starting salary.
But idk anything about polish salaries.
depends on what kind of devs. Level designers , 3d artist get paid well. but i think the devs that work on bugs get paid 40k starting salary.
But idk anything about polish salaries.
polish average (minimum wage) salery is 500 euros
so nah not really good paid
Regardless of how well the game does, management or top guys should get fired. The deadlines they set were ridiculous.
Complete mismanagement has got them crunching for damn near a year
prob and they get 10% of profits
Thing is with that though is we don’t know how that 10% is distributed.
Most of it could go to project leads.
its sad to know that top aaa games cant be made without crunch
the last of us 2
red dead 2
cyberpunk 2077
wondering about japanese games (from software/sqaure/capcom). i think crunch must be the hardest there and to talk about, it is kinda hard
its sad to know that top aaa games cant be made without crunch
the last of us 2
red dead 2
cyberpunk 2077
wondering about japanese games (from software/sqaure/capcom). i think crunch must be the hardest there and to talk about, it is kinda hard
Japanese work ethic is completely different tho, ive Seen videos of regular salarymen in Japan working days like that and it's just a normal thing.
May 2019 -
"We asked 'what's the plan if we can't deliver in the set deadline' and up until December the answer from management was 'we have to, there is no plan B', so here you go, first year of crunch there, of course, first a 2 month delay and then another 6 months of delay, and - to give a picture of how low is the level of communication between the management and developers - we found out both times ON TWITTER and other social that the game was being delayed, with a mail from Adam following few hours later."