grace was also saying earlier drafts had Kang involved
Majors s*** def made them change that lmao
My name is Jeff
bro Channing was too funny
movie was 8.5/10 for sure
yeah his stuff was hilarious
Does Deadpool poke fun at Ryan Reynolds having played the guy in Blade 3
No but he pokes fun at the Snipes/Reynolds beef
Just got out of a showing. It does lmao
Would you say the movie is gory and bloody? Gonna watch it with my wife but she don’t like the blood and gore s***
Would you say the movie is gory and bloody? Gonna watch it with my wife but she don’t like the blood and gore s***
Yes there is
wesley blade showing up in MCU before the first onscreen appearance of Mahershala
No but he pokes fun at the Snipes/Reynolds beef
Must have missed this. What was the line?
Must have missed this. What was the line?
Don’t remember verbatim but Blade says something about not liking Deadpool and Deadpool replies with a quip about it
Don’t remember verbatim but Blade says something about not liking Deadpool and Deadpool replies with a quip about it
this was funny af lmao didnt realize they had beef until after the movie
No spoilers (I know lol) but should I see Deadpool 2 and the Fox X-men movies before seeing this?
Seen Logan, The Wolverine, Wolverine Origins, and X-men 1 but not the others