Just realized the PS5 Pro will be out by the time this drops, so this game will look even better than it does now
I’m really tryna get over the jump of the first few hours but man DS makes me sleepy
It’s gorgeous and ingenious though
I still need to play DS1
Bought it last year during Black Friday sales
I always heard people either loved it or hated it
I have not seen any opinions in the middle for it lol
Definitely a divisive game. If you copped the directors cut I would definitely recommend to play in the widescreen mode, s*** is gorgeous
I feel like you’re gonna love it based on what I know about your tastes tbh, it’s a mindblowing experience the first time through, kojima is a one-of-a-kind writer and worldbuilder
Ima have to try it out before the 2nd one comes out (I guess I have time) lol
It does look REALLY interesting and something I actually would like
this is gonna be the best looking game oat when it drops love the different biomes especially, I already know those sand physics bout to go hard as s***
This highkey has become my most anticipated game now even if i'll have to wait years for a PC port. Feels the most like a next gen game, not only in graphics. Crazy to Imagine the gameplay possibilities based on just the footage we got, how the f*** the moon is gonna play like
Why is everyone saying the guitar dude is the joker when I totally get straight up The Crow vibes
Or am I tripping?
My main criticism of the first game is that there's no real incentive to deviate from a route once it's been established between two points, which is a shame because Death Stranding is one of the few open world games that makes meaningful use of its space by having systems and mechanics that actually require and benefit from open world design. I hope there's something in the sequel like roaming BTs/mules or freak weather events that force the player to improvise and carve out alternative paths.
Why is everyone saying the guitar dude is the joker when I totally get straight up The Crow vibes
Or am I tripping?
Heath Ledger's Joker was totally inspired by the Crow and more people this gen are just more familiar with that
But yeah it’s totally the Crow