I understand that part of it too but if you’re willing to invest into crime, why not invest 1 hour if your time talking to someone that is mores successful than you and get some pointers? From my experience, a lot of successful ppl will give you advice cuz at one point they were just like you
i get that, some people don't seem to get ahold of that wisdom in time though, id rather say we fix some of the educational and economic situations that lead to people thinking their only way out is crime, that way better chances they can choose to set goals
There are other ways besides crime. Everyone makes it sound like being poor is indefinite and impossible to pull out of. Just takes a little effort and discipline but everyone wants the quick way out like robbing or scamming ppl
We really parroting Republican talking points itt lol yall are something else
i get that, some people don't seem to get ahold of that wisdom in time though, id rather say we fix some of the educational and economic situations that lead to people thinking their only way out is crime, that way better chances they can choose to set goals
100% agree w that
Because a rich white kid who was sheltered his entire life is such a great comparison
JB was famous at like 12 y/o, do you know what sheltered means?
We really parroting Republican talking points itt lol yall are something else
You’ve never in the history of posting on ktt have ever said anything remotely close to an intellectual thought. Stick to opinions on things that don’t matter. Your peasant brain isn’t developed enough to discuss matters like this
You’ve never in the history of posting on ktt have ever said anything remotely close to an intellectual thought. Stick to opinions on things that don’t matter. Your peasant brain isn’t developed enough to discuss matters like this
Why is the King Von thread locked ? Are the sources confirmed ??
Because all the weirdos came out to say von deserved it
that user i got blocked really said he’d choose dinner with Jay Z 😭
Yes, pick a goal and work towards it. I got two grad degrees with very little effort. I had job offers a year before I even graduated. I’m not smart at all. Just takes a little effort
Unrelated but post giving me flashbacks to this thread ktt2.com/spotify-playlists-for-rap-are-fucking-garbage-4856
JB was famous at like 12 y/o, do you know what sheltered means?
uhh..what are you trying to say here? Was he not a sheltered child?
I understand that part of it too but if you’re willing to invest into crime, why not invest 1 hour if your time talking to someone that is mores successful than you and get some pointers? From my experience, a lot of successful ppl will give you advice cuz at one point they were just like you
The way I see it though a lot of these dudes vetted in crime from an early age were built on mostly depending on themselves to support their families and if they did look up to someone they were likely doing crime too it's a vicious cycle
We really parroting Republican talking points itt lol yall are something else
Dude always on some weird s***
We really parroting Republican talking points itt lol yall are something else
This site has a weird amount of maga weirdos
Dude always on some weird s***
And I’m on weird s***, sit down
And I’m on weird s***, sit down
Nigga you listen to hopsin f*** outta here
And I’m on weird s***, sit down
Meanwhile you twerkin for hopsin
Lets cut it out lil buddy
Nigga you listen to hopsin f*** outta here
Literally says that I’m not a fan you illiterate f*** lmao
Literally says that I’m not a fan you illiterate f*** lmao
The fact that you a made a thread defending the nigga says otherwise p****
I mean his intentions seem pretty pure so he shouldn't be getting backlash but it's much deeper than simply wanting.
He not wrong but the convo is so much more than this
Hip hop’s values gotta be rebuilt from the inside out if niggas fr about changing s***
Not even just hip hop. Black community as a whole needs to look in the mirror about what is glorified in our community.