The stupid ass myth of Black on Black violence being repeated because it's a convenient sound bite that helps blame individuals instead of institutional and historical conditions
Blacks don't kill each other because they are black, maybe one day they'll get it🙏🏽
This mindset is f***in dumb
It's not something I'd do, because I'm too afraid of the consequences. I've got friends who've done a lot of time over that s***, and I have another friend who got shot in the process. I faced a potential 5 years for a burglary one time, and that was enough for me but I don't fault other people for doing what they gotta do. The way I look at it is this, if their material conditions were right, they wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures. I will, however, fault people for trying to take from other poor people.
“ we gotta stop killing each other....look at Michael buble. “
I fixed it.
What is he trying to say with this lmao?
it seems like hes tryna say the biggest artists aren't doing that but the way he's explaining it is so far from the point lol
It's not something I'd do, because I'm too afraid of the consequences. I've got friends who've done a lot of time over that s***, and I have another friend who got shot in the process. I faced a potential 5 years for a burglary one time, and that was enough for me but I don't fault other people for doing what they gotta do. The way I look at it is this, if their material conditions were right, they wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures. I will, however, fault people for trying to take from other poor people.
There are other ways besides crime. Everyone makes it sound like being poor is indefinite and impossible to pull out of. Just takes a little effort and discipline but everyone wants the quick way out like robbing or scamming ppl
There are other ways besides crime. Everyone makes it sound like being poor is indefinite and impossible to pull out of. Just takes a little effort and discipline but everyone wants the quick way out like robbing or scamming ppl
a little effort?
a little effort?
Yes, pick a goal and work towards it. I got two grad degrees with very little effort. I had job offers a year before I even graduated. I’m not smart at all. Just takes a little effort
bro whats up w these fbg niggahs on twitter like a bunch niggas just pretending to be in fbg
Yes, pick a goal and work towards it. I got two grad degrees with very little effort. I had job offers a year before I even graduated. I’m not smart at all. Just takes a little effort
congrats on the degrees
i just think sometimes for people it seems so hopeless they give in to the s***,
i agree that goal setting and all that should always be chosen over scamming and robbing but idk s*** gets f***ed up
and doesn't help that people glorify it without explaining the whole deal of whats happening
"if it comes to that I won't hesitate to do you"
Hip hop has always been centered around violence now if you change that, you basically change the whole culture
And then it looses it's appeal
It's sad that niggas are losing their lives though
i mean niggas dont have to hold hands and s*** but perhaps we (fans) should stop glorifying and glamorizing all this self destructive real street nigga s***
A man just died bro
Leave your 40yo soap boxing for another time
bro whats up w these fbg niggahs on twitter like a bunch niggas just pretending to be in fbg
FBG Connor 🦅 is typing....
congrats on the degrees
i just think sometimes for people it seems so hopeless they give in to the s***,
i agree that goal setting and all that should always be chosen over scamming and robbing but idk s*** gets f***ed up
I understand that part of it too but if you’re willing to invest into crime, why not invest 1 hour if your time talking to someone that is mores successful than you and get some pointers? From my experience, a lot of successful ppl will give you advice cuz at one point they were just like you
A man just died bro
Leave your 40yo soap boxing for another time
idk why you're acting like anything i said was disrespectful ?
i made an observation about fans, including myself ? not the person that died ?