at the reviews for this that ste knocking it for being too violent. Dude it's a violent action movie that's what its supposed to be. If you dont want to reccomend it because of that then dont review it. Grade the movie on what it's trying to be.
Saw a few people say the trailer kinda oversold it a bit but that's its still enjoyable like you stated.
Funny as some complain when their is an action hero with no backstory and apparently this movie he has some and people still nitpick. I'm gonna see the film anyway as it looms dope to me, I just have a strange desire for reading reviews and picking them apart sometimes. They all entitled to their opinion though lol
Pretty enjoyable but I think I had my expectations too high. Thought it was going to be a artsy action flick with amazing visuals. It was fun though..
I wrote a whole long ass paragraph about how much I love movie n the page REFRESHED !!! I'll rewrite it tomorrow but to sum it rq this was incredible
I really liked it. Dev’s depiction of India is raw and gritty and feels very alive, with some cool references to Hinduism included.
The plot is too loose and the way that characters are introduced and then quickly fade into irrelevance was a bit of a bummer, but the visuals and vibes were so f***in good it makes up for most of its faults.
If Dev had cleaned up the story a bit this could’ve been a legit 9+, but an impressive debut from him nonetheless.
So this ain't Indian John Wick?
This didn't feel very Stahelski to me tbh, don't rlly get the comparisons
Gave me more John Hyams vibes if anything
Seeing this tonight with my gurl
u should seeing this w your boys instead
I’ll give this a 6.5/7
Dialogue was pretty hard to understand no cap
Someone a****** kept breathing hard throughout the movie
I feel like while some people are docking points for writing and story, it was the direction holding me back tbh.
So claustrophobic, close, dark and muddy. Many times I didn’t know where characters were meant to be or the lay out of the sets.
And it carries over to the action scenes. there’s a scene where a character jumps from the back of truck car to the hood of a car, and we just see 1 close shot from behind of him jumping and then 1 close shot from in front of him landing. Felt so tight and squished when you don’t see the actual movement from a 3rd, further view. One tiny example but I felt this in basically every sequence
Lot of times during action scenes I was waiting for just really jaw dropping beats/moments/peaks and when they’d happen, it’d be so close up and dark that they kinda didn’t hit
But by the time there’s a surprisingly unique and inspired training montage and great energy going into the final act I didn’t care
I think the direction was the best aspect of it. Honestly I didn't expect the editing to be as raw and distinct as it was. It is very Hyams-esque but also quite mainstream and epic at just the right points, I feel like Dev Patel actually has flair as a filmmaker as opposed to some other actor-directors in recent times like a Michael B Jordan or Joel Edgarton that really just come off as generic, mostly fueled to make a vanity project. Not to say this is not a vanity project but there is definitely talent and a real eye for cinema watching this, which I definitely cannot say the same for many other actor-directors.
Also, I love that this is not an action movie that is constantly filled with fights every second. That's been a big issue I've had with action films in Hollywood the past few years from MI to John Wick to Bullet Train to Atomic Blonde because its honestly so repetitive and nonsensical. Even if the storytelling here was pretty basic, atleast there is something substantial to it
I think the direction was the best aspect of it. Honestly I didn't expect the editing to be as raw and distinct as it was. It is very Hyams-esque but also quite mainstream and epic at just the right points, I feel like Dev Patel actually has flair as a filmmaker as opposed to some other actor-directors in recent times like a Michael B Jordan or Joel Edgarton that really just come off as generic, mostly fueled to make a vanity project. Not to say this is not a vanity project but there is definitely talent and a real eye for cinema watching this, which I definitely cannot say the same for many other actor-directors.
yeah ... I have to give Dev credit there. boy has an eye. some of the direction was really great. my man definitely knows what to do with a camera. but still, the movie as a whole is messy af.
yeah ... I have to give Dev credit there. boy has an eye. some of the direction was really great. my man definitely knows what to do with a camera. but still, the movie as a whole is messy af.
yeah but I think the messiness adds to the charm of it. It is a very raw film and I think the execution plays a big part in ultimately really selling you on just how untouchable his enemies really are in this world.
For a first time filmmaker getting a small budget to make something that feels artistic but also like its for a big crowd is insanely impressive.
Surprised nobody is f***ing with this heavy like that . I thought it was a near perfect movie
yeah but I think the messiness adds to the charm of it. It is a very raw film and I think the execution plays a big part in ultimately really selling you on just how untouchable his enemies really are in this world.
For a first time filmmaker getting a small budget to make something that feels artistic but also like its for a big crowd is insanely impressive.
I like your second point