KTT can't discuss this album without angry sexist s***posts so threads like this are pointless
I feel like Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers deserves the acclaim this album got
im a rlly big fan of fiona apple's earlier work.
fetch the boltcutters is cool i guess
overhyped tbh
Fetch the Bolt Cutters
The Turning Wheel
Glow On
Ants from up there
These the type of albums that have precum dripping from music critics' ears but they really not that enjoyable
Fetch the Bolt Cutters
The Turning Wheel
Glow On
Ants from up there
These the type of albums that have precum dripping from music critics' ears but they really not that enjoyable
drake stan
yea u can argue it’s a little overrated but idk songs like «i want you to love me* fr feel like joni mitchel blue level of songwriting, it’s just great music
Quirky white woman singer songwriter ahhhhhhhhh
anime avi mental illness ahhhhhhhhh
I dont get the hype of the album it doesnt slund all that to me and im a person that does like "out the box" and "artsy" music.
I dont get it. I tried to get into it a few times but its one of those times i feel completely disconnected.
It’s an album exclusively for white women who hate their boyfriends so don’t feel bad
you really just have 0 taste across the board, huh?
That s*** has the most likes itt
i still don’t “get” it and prolly never will unfortunately
Listen to Cosmonauts or Newspaper
What’s there to “get”?
This album just sounds like millenial standup comedy to me
Zoey DeChanel ass album
A song like the title track certainly can come across like this
Dylan hired Fiona to play on his album after her album came out
That s*** has the most likes itt
no surprise. he’s one of the Yeat “representatives” so that’s who’ll be liking that dog s*** post
Great album, still gets plays from me.
Def not a 10 even though it's a nice album.
Fiona herself has at least 2 other albums in her discog more deserving of this grade. The context in which they gave it to her was very suspect too as it seemed that they were just itching to erase the fact that MBDTF was the last one to earn a 10
This album just sounds like millenial standup comedy to me
Zoey DeChanel ass album