buy a house bruh bruh
dont waste your $ on rent. you should never rent in your life IMO. If i were you....I would keep stacking and use that s*** on a house
Buy a house when the market is about to crash lol?
Don't bother moving out just to rent
Wait a couple years at least and buy your own place
Buy a house when the market is about to crash lol?
They been saying the bubble finna burst for a good minute now lol
Buy a house when the market is about to crash lol?
you thought you had one
Reading comprehension bruh bruh … check the last sentence of what you quoted
I didn’t tell the man to buy a house this year. I told him to stack money & stay home with the fam
nigga got 70k in savings asking us for s***… lol
this! niggas be doing better than 95% of the forum but will come on to ask us for advice lmaoo
@op i got kicked out my mom’s house with barely any money to my name. I got my own place but still trying to pick up the pieces bc I’m struggling badly. you can obviously afford a place on your own and it seems you want to so you can improve your social life. and you obviously have a good relationship w parents so if it doesn’t work out they can take you back.
just do what you want, idk what you want us to tell you
I moved out early and regret my decision greatly. Stack as much bread as possible, take risks, invest in the stock market (especially since it’s falling rn) etc
All of this gets way more complicated to do when you live on your own
Staying at home is the smartest thing any young adult (with drive and ambition) can do in these times.
i got kicked out right after highschool, so my advice is deff stay home if you can. the money you save makes it all worth it
You can save like 90% of your income by living at your parents house. Spend a few years doing that and you'll have enough for a nice down payment and be way ahead of other people who decided to move out and rent.
this man can do whatever the f*** he wants with savings and income like that
It looks bad if you live at home and don’t work.
You work and got money, you’re good.
i also feel like i look like a little silly dumb boy for owning a tesla but not a crib
this is literally the most loser thing i could possibly say, but i don’t really care for s***and would rather wait until im married or in a committed relationship
i also feel like i look like a little silly dumb boy for owning a tesla but not a crib
Flex thread
i also feel like i look like a little silly dumb boy for owning a tesla but not a crib
man you’re good. There are plenty of people in their 20s making good bread with a nice car living with their parents. You aren’t alone, enjoy your success
I hope I’m not being trolled lol