duh. like every experiment in creating a fake country out of the dispossession of native land, it will fall.
Not really honestly
I dont love it either
I just take it for what it is. I’m glad I’m from here because I am grateful to be me and have lived my life and had my experiences but I also recognize the bad things about it and the evils
I hate how systems are set up in America. I hate how politicians blatantly play in the face of poor people constantly trying to gain the votes of the middle class specifically and only pandering to them while pretending lower class doesn’t exist or matters. Nobody is helped in the end. But it’s a blatant disgust our 2 party system equally has for those on the poverty line or lower. I hate how obtuse people are in this country to those belonging to marginalized groups in general. Living somewhere else might genuinely be worse. But it’s the fact this country CAN be much better and we choose not to be they pisses me off. And the constant desire to turn clocks back and make things worse.
In Europe we call it the United States and not America. Or are you referring to the e tire continent ?
Short of writing out a full think piece, KD’s answer is as good as I can get. I love it and I hate it. It’s bullshit and it’s beautiful
In Europe we call it the United States and not America. Or are you referring to the e tire continent ?
I don't think y'all should be commenting on what's a continent and what's not
There are aspects of American history that are very difficult to reconcile as a black man , but for me to sit in Nationals Park or Camden Yards , eating a hot dog , wearing Nike sneakers , D***ies skinny straight double knee pants and a tommy hilfeger t shirt and then to say I hate this country , it's not gonna happen . I won't do that
In Europe we call it the United States and not America. Or are you referring to the e tire continent ?