Interestingly enough, France is kind of going through this as well, where the letter "e" at the end of words makes things more "feminine" in French, and they're kind of also trying to make the language more inclusive.
This should be expected though. People coming from Latin America are often coming from some of the poorest conditions in the world, this would be very low on their hierarchy of needs.
This should be expected though. People coming from Latin America are often coming from some of the poorest conditions in the world, this would be very low on their hierarchy of needs.
Hierarchy of needs? I dont think its that serious
Hierarchy of needs? I dont think its that serious
Absolutely a thing. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological principle.
A lot of people in Latin America struggle to have the first two levels of their basic needs met. Americans, among others, have the privilege to be born with those basic needs met, so we continue up the hierarchy to issues like this
It is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen and I will never use that term when referring to a latino or latina
Where I live (South America) I'm considered white but when I lived in Canada for a year I was considered latino. I cringed on how they pronounce my name, man. Made me feel so bad fr. RAWDREYGOW or some s***... I started calling every Peter, Pedro and William, Guilherme
Lmao you’re a f***ing d*** then. It’s not any Canadians’ fault they have trouble pronouncing a foreign name
Get over yourself
LatinX is a dope broad term that fits a unisex lense and deconstructs the Latin gender presumptions/standards deeply embedded in the language (masculine and feminine ways of speaking the language).
As a Mexican American - I love it and I approve this mensajé ! 💗 f*** masculinity and power to “femininity” .
LatinX is a dope broad term that fits a unisex lense and deconstructs the Latin gender presumptions/standards deeply embedded in the language (masculine and feminine ways of speaking the language).
As a Mexican American - I love it and I approve this mensajé ! 💗 f*** masculinity and power to “femininity” .
If you think about it. Wouldn’t every Spanish speaker start saying Americanx, Francesx, europex etc. ?
Delete this post bro
Only seen this being used on twitter.
we also use the term in academia, policy formation , in literature review/research + in the nonprofit sector . 🤓
All I know is that it's stupid af
it's a term for spiritually anglo-american people, of any race, whose minds have been colonized by boutique bohemian race theory
ofc, not that big of a deal to use or not either way, but it is funny to act offended that it is some horrendous anglo imposition sometimes
Boutique bohemian race theory?
Seems quite Latin to me ;)
Nom. — latinx — latingēs
Gen. — latingis — latingum
Dat. — latingī — latingibus
Acc. — latingem — latingēs
Abl. — latinge — latingibus
Voc. — latinx — latingēs