  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Definitely a white people thing but also conservative white people hate it. And none of my latino/latina friends use it, so I’m not sure who’s pushing for it in the first place.

  • Mar 11, 2021

    obviously the people I know don't speak for the entire community, but my girlfriend and close latino friends all think it's disrespectful to the history of the culture

  • Mar 11, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    It’s not my place to really speak on this but I’ve seen Latinas use that on twitter and Facebook. This would be the wrong place to ask that tho.

  • loading 🧊
    Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    how do you pronounce latinx? is it LatinX like StockX?

  • FREE 💜
    Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply
    Very Peaceful

    Definitely a white people thing but also conservative white people hate it. And none of my latino/latina friends use it, so I’m not sure who’s pushing for it in the first place.

    Latino academics and LGBT/feminist people Idk how white people or anyone but Latinos getting the blame for this ITT tbh everyone just following they lead.

    This Is a classic case of a none issue in real life like no one is debating this really just don't use it if you don't want too or unless someone says too.

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    its some bullshit

    its like twitch using womxn

  • Mar 11, 2021

    Latino academics and LGBT/feminist people Idk how white people or anyone but Latinos getting the blame for this ITT tbh everyone just following they lead.

    This Is a classic case of a none issue in real life like no one is debating this really just don't use it if you don't want too or unless someone says too.

    I think you’re right, looking back the first time I ever heard of it was a few years ago in college when one of my roommates took a Latino History class and started telling us about it when he got back to the dorm. What is school without a little brainwashing I guess.

    And big facts in that second part of your post.

  • Mar 11, 2021

    It is lmao

  • Mar 11, 2021

    I feel like the broader the group the whiter the terms are 😂

  • Mar 11, 2021

    its some bullshit

    its like twitch using womxn

    It’s so funny cuz most enbies/trans females hate that term. Like breh, they wanna be INCLUDED as women not have a whole nother word made up for em

  • Mar 11, 2021


  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    it's a term for spiritually anglo-american people, of any race, whose minds have been colonized by boutique bohemian race theory

    ofc, not that big of a deal to use or not either way, but it is funny to act offended that it is some horrendous anglo imposition sometimes

  • Mar 11, 2021

    Im not latino so i wnt speak on this

    If only other groups afforded black people this same respect

  • Mar 11, 2021

    I'm hxrny

  • Mar 11, 2021

    A lot of the terms are white created terms

    I prefer Chicano

  • Mar 11, 2021
    Sir Swagalot

    yes white people are trying to tell us how to feel and its f***ing disrespectful

  • May 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Interestingly enough, France is kind of going through this as well, where the letter "e" at the end of words makes things more "feminine" in French, and they're kind of also trying to make the language more inclusive.

  • May 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Where I live (South America) I'm considered white but when I lived in Canada for a year I was considered latino. I cringed on how they pronounce my name, man. Made me feel so bad fr. RAWDREYGOW or some s***... I started calling every Peter, Pedro and William, Guilherme

  • May 8, 2021

    Glad I saw this thread

  • May 8, 2021

    yes its disgusting.
