Expand on that 1st sentence
I wanna know to what you compare it to
I don’t compare it to anything
The US was the sole country standing after WW2 within the major core countries (UK, Germany, France, Italy) that’s economy was devastated by war.
The other major capitalist powers (Japan and Germany) were completely destroyed
The capital accumulation process was restarted as the US could invest in these countries to rebuild them up and make them subservient to the US. While also creating blocs such as NATO as a way to contain the Soviet Union
There is no other point in history to compare it to. because the world hadn’t been as interconnected and integrated at such a scale was devastating war was even a possibility
They had nukes first and took advantage of the fact that the rest of the world powers were pooched after WW2. They took a massive gamble and won tbh so I'm not mad about it. Neither should China or Russia be cause they would've been exterminated if it wasn't for the States harrying the Japanese and Germans.
Uh the Soviets did the majority of the fighting on the Eastern front, the deadliest front in the war.
They lost 27 million civilians. It was the Soviets who did the majority of the work defeating the Nazis.
America joined after Pearl Harbor as a counter to Japanese capital dominating American capital in the pacific.
But you can’t even compare the two because the US is on an isolated continent apart from Asia and Europe
The Soviets were also facing against extermination so the circumstanced of their fighting was much different than the average America
Also the Soviets planned on invading Japan but the US dropped the nukes to deter the Soviets and show off their new toys
Running with the “America saved the allies” narrative is just ahistorical fan fiction
I don’t compare it to anything
The US was the sole country standing after WW2 within the major core countries (UK, Germany, France, Italy) that’s economy was devastated by war.
The other major capitalist powers (Japan and Germany) were completely destroyed
The capital accumulation process was restarted as the US could invest in these countries to rebuild them up and make them subservient to the US. While also creating blocs such as NATO as a way to contain the Soviet Union
There is no other point in history to compare it to. because the world hadn’t been as interconnected and integrated at such a scale was devastating war was even a possibility
Yeah I know it's an unique position because of globalization
That makes their influence and impact bigger, but their behaviour not different from earlier superpowers though. It's the same behaviour, but on a larger scale as many empires before them
Yeah I know it's an unique position because of globalization
That makes their influence and impact bigger, but their behaviour not different from earlier superpowers though. It's the same behaviour, but on a larger scale as many empires before them
Uh the Soviets did the majority of the fighting on the Eastern front, the deadliest front in the war.
They lost 27 million civilians. It was the Soviets who did the majority of the work defeating the Nazis.
America joined after Pearl Harbor as a counter to Japanese capital dominating American capital in the pacific.
But you can’t even compare the two because the US is on an isolated continent apart from Asia and Europe
The Soviets were also facing against extermination so the circumstanced of their fighting was much different than the average America
Also the Soviets planned on invading Japan but the US dropped the nukes to deter the Soviets and show off their new toys
Running with the “America saved the allies” narrative is just ahistorical fan fiction
No I get that and more or less agree, definitely not trying to say USA single-handedly won the war. Not enough people give credit to the U.K. for being the only one standing up to the Nazis for nearly 2 years and act like the West forsook the Soviet Union, but really Russia could have jumped in to Britain's aid anytime.
There are a few things people like to ignore or forget;
there was absolutely no reason for Russia to lose so many civilians, It only happened because Stalin was so paranoid. He ignored warnings from literally everybody, including his own spies that the Germans were mounting an invasion. He crippled his own military by purging tens of thousands of his most experienced officers, which he never replaced. He refused to evacuate the cities of civilians under the premise that the soldiers would fight even harder knowing their families were in direct harm.
if America didn't invade and send 20 million tons of lend lease aid the Russians would have been crushed
The Soviets did invade Japan after the bombs were dropped and that's actually when Japan surrendered. They were praying in the back of their minds that they could make an alliance with the Russians and found out that was not the case
The Americans did drop the bombs to show off their new toys, but I've seen a lot of interviews with Japanese people from back then that said if it wasn't for that show of force, they would have fought until the last men in Japan was dead. I know it's grim, but the math of of dropping the bombs versus a land invasion is real and both sides would have lost way more people otherwise. It took them several days to even process the fact that the emperor had announced their surrender over the radio.
if America didn't have that show force then there would have been nothing to stop the Red Army from seizing the rest of the European continent, and I know enough immigrants from Eastern Europe to know that living in the USSR was not amazing times so probably for the best
Japan basically did to the rest of Asia what Germany was doing to Europe, and if you ask an elder from one of the other Asian countries what they thought of Americans, they would likely be a fan. Even with Mao's genius and highly influential geurilla tactics, the Chinese militaries were just not advanced enough and far too embroiled in their own decades long civil war to contend with the Japanese at all.
i'm well aware that America was in a lucky position on the other side of the planet.
No I get that and more or less agree, definitely not trying to say USA single-handedly won the war. Not enough people give credit to the U.K. for being the only one standing up to the Nazis for nearly 2 years and act like the West forsook the Soviet Union, but really Russia could have jumped in to Britain's aid anytime.
There are a few things people like to ignore or forget;
there was absolutely no reason for Russia to lose so many civilians, It only happened because Stalin was so paranoid. He ignored warnings from literally everybody, including his own spies that the Germans were mounting an invasion. He crippled his own military by purging tens of thousands of his most experienced officers, which he never replaced. He refused to evacuate the cities of civilians under the premise that the soldiers would fight even harder knowing their families were in direct harm.
if America didn't invade and send 20 million tons of lend lease aid the Russians would have been crushed
The Soviets did invade Japan after the bombs were dropped and that's actually when Japan surrendered. They were praying in the back of their minds that they could make an alliance with the Russians and found out that was not the case
The Americans did drop the bombs to show off their new toys, but I've seen a lot of interviews with Japanese people from back then that said if it wasn't for that show of force, they would have fought until the last men in Japan was dead. I know it's grim, but the math of of dropping the bombs versus a land invasion is real and both sides would have lost way more people otherwise. It took them several days to even process the fact that the emperor had announced their surrender over the radio.
if America didn't have that show force then there would have been nothing to stop the Red Army from seizing the rest of the European continent, and I know enough immigrants from Eastern Europe to know that living in the USSR was not amazing times so probably for the best
Japan basically did to the rest of Asia what Germany was doing to Europe, and if you ask an elder from one of the other Asian countries what they thought of Americans, they would likely be a fan. Even with Mao's genius and highly influential geurilla tactics, the Chinese militaries were just not advanced enough and far too embroiled in their own decades long civil war to contend with the Japanese at all.
i'm well aware that America was in a lucky position on the other side of the planet.
this like a bingo card of fascist wwii propaganda. the idea of the red army "seizing" europe is literally a paranoid west german neonazi talking point.
I don’t question why. But what am I - as an American - supposed to do about it?
Use the guns your constitution so kindly gives you the divine right to and revolt against your government lol
this like a bingo card of fascist wwii propaganda. the idea of the red army "seizing" europe is literally a paranoid west german neonazi talking point.
Dont know about all that but he was already willing to cut up the continent with the Nazis before their relationship soured so don't see why it's unbelievable they'd want to do it afterwards.
"Tsar Alexander made it all the way to Paris"
Dont know about all that but he was already willing to cut up the continent with the Nazis before their relationship soured so don't see why it's unbelievable they'd want to do it afterwards.
"Tsar Alexander made it all the way to Paris"
bro you dont know what youre talking about, sorry. the soviets weren't the ones invading their neighbors in the 30s and setting up fascist puppet regime failstates that only functioned as meat grinders for jews. every other country in europe had normalized relations with the nazis before the ussr. had the red army not taken the war directly to berlin the imperialists wouldve negotiated with hitler.
bro you dont know what youre talking about, sorry. the soviets weren't the ones invading their neighbors in the 30s and setting up fascist puppet regime failstates that only functioned as meat grinders for jews. every other country in europe had normalized relations with the nazis before the ussr. had the red army not taken the war directly to berlin the imperialists wouldve negotiated with hitler.
No the Soviets we're the ones doing mass purges and mass forced migrations of indigenous tribes off to remote corners of the of empire to make room for more pure Russians on valuable land.
I'm not sure how getting invaded and occupied with a terrifying army equates to normalized relations. Nobody else wanted smoke with Nazis understandably. Obviously there were a lot of secret fascists in America, but not everybody. Even the OG spook Bill Donovan was setting the stage for full collaboration with the Chinese Communists before MacArthur ruined it. People like to forget the CIA founder had meetings with Mao in Yenan.
And yes, I agree about the Red army in Berlin, but are you denying that America's lend lease? 20 million tons worth of equipment was not helpful?
If you can not be condescending I'm open to hearing how everything I'm saying is a bingo card from fascist propaganda, or at least recommend a book or video that can illustrated how wrong I've been. Felt like I've been taking my information from a lot of different sources.
No the Soviets we're the ones doing mass purges and mass forced migrations of indigenous tribes off to remote corners of the of empire to make room for more pure Russians on valuable land.
I'm not sure how getting invaded and occupied with a terrifying army equates to normalized relations. Nobody else wanted smoke with Nazis understandably. Obviously there were a lot of secret fascists in America, but not everybody. Even the OG spook Bill Donovan was setting the stage for full collaboration with the Chinese Communists before MacArthur ruined it. People like to forget the CIA founder had meetings with Mao in Yenan.
And yes, I agree about the Red army in Berlin, but are you denying that America's lend lease? 20 million tons worth of equipment was not helpful?
If you can not be condescending I'm open to hearing how everything I'm saying is a bingo card from fascist propaganda, or at least recommend a book or video that can illustrated how wrong I've been. Felt like I've been taking my information from a lot of different sources.
this first paragraph is what I'm talking about. forget whatever you think you know about the ussr, the soviet constitution of 1936 was probably the most important legal document of all time (right up there with the magna carta or the treaty of westphalia) and set the standard for the modern 20th century progressive nation-state. concepts like indigenous rights, ethnic federalism, and restored land rights didn't even exist until they were put into practice by the soviet government. russians didnt have secret rights over tajiks or armenians.
No I get that and more or less agree, definitely not trying to say USA single-handedly won the war. Not enough people give credit to the U.K. for being the only one standing up to the Nazis for nearly 2 years and act like the West forsook the Soviet Union, but really Russia could have jumped in to Britain's aid anytime.
There are a few things people like to ignore or forget;
there was absolutely no reason for Russia to lose so many civilians, It only happened because Stalin was so paranoid. He ignored warnings from literally everybody, including his own spies that the Germans were mounting an invasion. He crippled his own military by purging tens of thousands of his most experienced officers, which he never replaced. He refused to evacuate the cities of civilians under the premise that the soldiers would fight even harder knowing their families were in direct harm.
if America didn't invade and send 20 million tons of lend lease aid the Russians would have been crushed
The Soviets did invade Japan after the bombs were dropped and that's actually when Japan surrendered. They were praying in the back of their minds that they could make an alliance with the Russians and found out that was not the case
The Americans did drop the bombs to show off their new toys, but I've seen a lot of interviews with Japanese people from back then that said if it wasn't for that show of force, they would have fought until the last men in Japan was dead. I know it's grim, but the math of of dropping the bombs versus a land invasion is real and both sides would have lost way more people otherwise. It took them several days to even process the fact that the emperor had announced their surrender over the radio.
if America didn't have that show force then there would have been nothing to stop the Red Army from seizing the rest of the European continent, and I know enough immigrants from Eastern Europe to know that living in the USSR was not amazing times so probably for the best
Japan basically did to the rest of Asia what Germany was doing to Europe, and if you ask an elder from one of the other Asian countries what they thought of Americans, they would likely be a fan. Even with Mao's genius and highly influential geurilla tactics, the Chinese militaries were just not advanced enough and far too embroiled in their own decades long civil war to contend with the Japanese at all.
i'm well aware that America was in a lucky position on the other side of the planet.
I’m not arguing the necessity of the purges but you blame Stalin for the deaths of civilians when it was the Soviet Leadership that prevented the Nazis from storming Leningrad & Moscow?
The SU was fighting a war of extermination on their homeland, their was nowhere to “run” to. Both the civilians and military understood that the Nazis were their to make them into slaves and build a eastern German settlement. The Nazis were absolutely brutal in purposely targeting civilians in masse. If it wasn’t for the combined effort of the Red Army, who had full support and was working with the civilian population to repeal the invaders. It was total war.
Blaming the Soviets instead of the actual Nazis for invading as to why their was so many causalities is….
The Soviets never invaded Japan main islands, they invaded Manchuria and other Japanese occupied territories in Asia. As agreed by the Soviets once the Eastern front was finished.
Had the Soviets invaded Japan homeland they would have overthrown the Emperor and socialized all the industries. Instead they got to make a deal with the West where the Emperor stayed and most of the Zaibatsu kept most their wealth and transitioned into modern capitalist monopolies
The Soviet Union was in no position or desire to “invade” all of Europe after or before WW2. The Soviets agreed to march into Poland but they were reclaiming territory lost from the 1917 war when they were too weak to hold on to it. The Nazis were there to just set up a fascist government to kill Jews.
They were in devastated from the war and didn’t have the capacity or will from the population to even continue fighting. They were just trying to eradicate the Nazis
Yes Japan was trying to establish a settler colony in Asia.
China had its own internal contradictions as to why Japan had overpowered it. But the main fact is just that Japan had industrialized faster and was a more advanced capitalist economy than China at the time.
Citing Mao alone is weird, the CPC was one faction among many fighting for control of China, the “embroiled in a civil war” makes me think you didn’t understand that there was many united fronts made between CPC, Kuimintang and local Warlords to team up and repel Japanese invaders. I don’t get what you are saying here tbh, it was a combined factors that led to Japan losing. The CPC won the civil war as well lol
They had nukes first and took advantage of the fact that the rest of the world powers were pooched after WW2. They took a massive gamble and won tbh so I'm not mad about it. Neither should China or Russia be cause they would've been exterminated if it wasn't for the States harrying the Japanese and Germans.
insanely ahistorical take lol
there was absolutely no reason for Russia to lose so many civilians
Not enough people give credit to the U.K.
gah dam its like these users do everything for me to not like em
I don't question why anything gets hate. I'm smart enough to realize everything in this world sucks
I don't question why anything gets hate. I'm smart enough to realize everything in this world sucks
You’re dumb as bricks then
there was absolutely no reason for Russia to lose so many civilians
Not enough people give credit to the U.K.
gah dam its like these users do everything for me to not like em
Why are you guys like this just tell me where I'm wrong how about. I don't want to be regurgitating "fascist neonazi propaganda" but youre always sassy and condescending instead of informative
Why are you guys like this just tell me where I'm wrong how about. I don't want to be regurgitating "fascist neonazi propaganda" but youre always sassy and condescending instead of informative
didnt people spent like 5+ pages on explaining some of that stuff to you a few months back? why do you have to dismiss ppl just because things dont go your way?
me I just dont find it very appealing to toot the horn of a country that was deliberately starving an entire nation that was under their control at the time of ww2 and then dismiss another as 'not good enough' due to their inadequate resolution of a war
Why are you guys like this just tell me where I'm wrong how about. I don't want to be regurgitating "fascist neonazi propaganda" but youre always sassy and condescending instead of informative
I mean its important that you understand where this fake history of wwii comes from, the pathetic failed children of european nazis who landed book deals in the US once they could emigrate here in the late 80s.
the atomic bombings were war crimes and this is pretty universally agreed upon, lies about "fighting until the last man" are just a weird racist fantasy by americans who project an orientalist characature of hiveminded nationalism onto the japanese army. the war was virtually over once the soviet liberation of manchuria wiped out a large amount of the standing japanese army.
didnt people spent like 5+ pages on explaining some of that stuff to you a few months back? why do you have to dismiss ppl just because things dont go your way?
me I just dont find it very appealing to toot the horn of a country that was deliberately starving an entire nation that was under their control at the time of ww2 and then dismiss another as 'not good enough' due to their inadequate resolution of a war
Yeah y'all literally tried to put me on to the tenets of Marxism-Leninism showed me a good interview with Stalin and Wells which didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know.
How about some receipts on how everything I know is wrong and all my facts are neonazi propaganda.
didnt people spent like 5+ pages on explaining some of that stuff to you a few months back? why do you have to dismiss ppl just because things dont go your way?
me I just dont find it very appealing to toot the horn of a country that was deliberately starving an entire nation that was under their control at the time of ww2 and then dismiss another as 'not good enough' due to their inadequate resolution of a war
You're referring to Britain starving India? Yeah foul as f*** but that a totally different topic. Do you deny UK stood against the Nazis for nearly 2 years by themselves?
And I'm not saying the Russian people aren't good enough, obviously nobody went through more hell than they did. I'm saying Stalin was such a paranoid a****** that he made things much worse than they had to be. It's well known that he eventually started listening to his generals and that's what gave him the edge over Hitler in the end and he deserves credit for learning to adapt for sure.