  • Nov 16, 2021
    2 replies

    big yikes if you unironically say "yes" to this question

    Why is it "big yikes." If you believe in a book that was sent down by what you believe as your creator why would you say anything but yes?

  • Sloth

    Yeah Allah doesn't send those who never heard the message to hell. But, if you know the word and still disbelieve it's said in the Quran they go to eternal hellfire.

    Idk if that applies to skeptics or to those who saw profound things and believed, but refused Allah (satanists for example).

    but what does "know the word" mean? does it mean if someone knows about allah / islam? or does it mean if someone actually knows what islam stands for?

    lets say someone learns his islam from someone that doesnt know what islam actually is about? would be unfair then

    there are hadith that talk about only the people that actually know the true form of islam and still disbelieving going to hell

    also Allah is the most merciful, so we can't ever say for certain someone will or won't go to hell

  • Nov 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Why is it "big yikes." If you believe in a book that was sent down by what you believe as your creator why would you say anything but yes?

    by saying that your book is the only "correct" one you are objectively demeaning everyone else's experience just because they weren't born into/chose your religion.

    a better perspective would be to acknowledge the validity of everyone else's books too while being faithful to yours without deeming it to be the only "correct" option. that's literally the first step to becoming a zealot.

    your opinion and beliefs are important to you only. period. that doesn't mean s*** to anyone else

  • Nov 16, 2021
    2 replies

    by saying that your book is the only "correct" one you are objectively demeaning everyone else's experience just because they weren't born into/chose your religion.

    a better perspective would be to acknowledge the validity of everyone else's books too while being faithful to yours without deeming it to be the only "correct" option. that's literally the first step to becoming a zealot.

    your opinion and beliefs are important to you only. period. that doesn't mean s*** to anyone else

    by giving validity to another you are delegitimizing your own

    also contradictory to say its objectively demeaning and then to say my belief only matters to me period and no one else cares obviously both of these things cant be true

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    by saying that your book is the only "correct" one you are objectively demeaning everyone else's experience just because they weren't born into/chose your religion.

    a better perspective would be to acknowledge the validity of everyone else's books too while being faithful to yours without deeming it to be the only "correct" option. that's literally the first step to becoming a zealot.

    your opinion and beliefs are important to you only. period. that doesn't mean s*** to anyone else

    You can believe one is correct and still respect other religions and the people that follow them.

  • Nov 16, 2021
    2 replies

    by giving validity to another you are delegitimizing your own

    also contradictory to say its objectively demeaning and then to say my belief only matters to me period and no one else cares obviously both of these things cant be true

    bro. you can "believe" whatever you want. that's up to you.

    but if you actually rationally think that your imaginary sky person is "correct" compared to anyone else's imaginary sky person, you're f***ing delusional.

  • Nov 16, 2021


  • Nov 16, 2021

    You can believe one is correct and still respect other religions and the people that follow them.

    giving someone else's religion a sense of token respect doesn't mean anything if you believe their fundamental view of the universe and everything within it is completely wrong.

  • Nov 16, 2021

    by giving validity to another you are delegitimizing your own

    also contradictory to say its objectively demeaning and then to say my belief only matters to me period and no one else cares obviously both of these things cant be true

    the "sensible opinion" on religion at the moment is that "religion is cool, unless you actually believe in its tenets, in which case you're a wackjob"

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    idk about this, I follow Buddhism myself and don’t believe this

    i mean thats buddhism. everything is an illusion/dream, including the experience of a self. theres no essential substance to reality

  • Nov 16, 2021
    2 replies

    bro. you can "believe" whatever you want. that's up to you.

    but if you actually rationally think that your imaginary sky person is "correct" compared to anyone else's imaginary sky person, you're f***ing delusional.

    tell me you're a rootless, lifeless, metropolitan drone with a permanent thousand-yard stare due to an existence void of any meaning other than waiting for the next iPhone without telling me you're a rootless, lifeless, metropolitan drone with a permanent thousand-yard stare due to an existence void of any meaning other than waiting for the next iPhone

  • Nov 16, 2021
    Clb sexman

    the point of religion isn't for there to be 1 'right one', its there for spiritual teachings and guidance and u can get that from any of the religions


    we could say this is the "point of religion" in that it is an socio-evolutionary explanation for how the phenomenon of religion developed through the cultural development of mankind by providing its adherents with spiritual teachings and guidance that allowed their civilizations to progress

    but religion in actual practice has demanded an assumption of verity -- if people throughout history did not actually believe their religions were the correct religions -- and feel compelled to act as if it they were as well -- "religion" would not have had the aforementioned salutary effect

    now that it is increasingly impossible for people to have the ability to truly believe in the fashion of "That Old Time Religion," religion has become more of an ideological consumer choice, but at that point it is qualitatively a different thing than what religion has been throughout human history -- it is the trappings of religion infused with a wholly secular sensibility

    which I am not saying is bad, but it is indeed different

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    bro. you can "believe" whatever you want. that's up to you.

    but if you actually rationally think that your imaginary sky person is "correct" compared to anyone else's imaginary sky person, you're f***ing delusional.

    "imaginary sky person"

    Not worth arguing this with an anti theist

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    tell me you're a rootless, lifeless, metropolitan drone with a permanent thousand-yard stare due to an existence void of any meaning other than waiting for the next iPhone without telling me you're a rootless, lifeless, metropolitan drone with a permanent thousand-yard stare due to an existence void of any meaning other than waiting for the next iPhone

    Your sensitivity says more than I could ever possibly hope to convey.

    Life has meaning only if you yourself go out and find that meaning.

    Meaning doesn't come from a book someone handed you as a child that is meant to give you connect-the-dots instructions to all of life's answers.

    Peace and love ✌️

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I don’t believe in religion at all but there are some religions where most believers definitely do think their religion is “correct”. Islam is one example.

    Islam is one of the few religions that wasn’t “created” by humans. It’s the literal words of Allah transcribed without error by Muhammad.

    Other religions like Christianity and Judaism have long acknowledged that their religions were created by humans after being inspired by figures such as Christ and Moses.

  • Nov 16, 2021
    2 replies

    You talk about respect then say "imaginary sky person"

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Your sensitivity says more than I could ever possibly hope to convey.

    Life has meaning only if you yourself go out and find that meaning.

    Meaning doesn't come from a book someone handed you as a child that is meant to give you connect-the-dots instructions to all of life's answers.

    Peace and love ✌️

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Why is it "big yikes." If you believe in a book that was sent down by what you believe as your creator why would you say anything but yes?

    Religion is an evolving concept. Believing that your religion is “correct” means there’s no room for criticism and improvement. It’s a dangerous belief when you consider how outdated and primitive some ideas in religion are

    These days most religions are open to criticism and even reform. We’ve seen religions like Christianity accept evolution under the pretense that God is responsible.

    It’s small things like that where we see that no religion is correct. They’re all trying to answer the same questions just in different ways and perspectives

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    You talk about respect then say "imaginary sky person"

    pivoted quick lol

    "big yikes"
    "sky person"
    "fucking delusional"


    "peace and love"

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    You talk about respect then say "imaginary sky person"

    by saying that your god is the only correct one, you are also calling everyone else's god an "imaginary sky person".

    I'm just letting you know how ridiculous that sounds. seems like you agree.

  • Nov 16, 2021

    The only religion that matters it the one that hails Jared Leto as the Prophet.

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    pivoted quick lol

    "big yikes"
    "sky person"
    "fucking delusional"


    "peace and love"

    i can wish you peace, love and respect since those are universal emotions. not a mythology built on intangible belief.

    clearly you are incapable of separating one from the other.

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    by saying that your god is the only correct one, you are also calling everyone else's god an "imaginary sky person".

    I'm just letting you know how ridiculous that sounds. seems like you agree.

    It's the language "imaginary sky person" that is the problem. It's blatantly disrespectful.

    I'm not even religious myself but using such language makes you look like someone who frequents r/atheism

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    It's the language "imaginary sky person" that is the problem. It's blatantly disrespectful.

    I'm not even religious myself but using such language makes you look like someone who frequents r/atheism

    ok, fair enough. I apologize for the lack of tact.

    still, that doesn't affect the validity of what I said. if someone states that their book and god are "correct", by implication everyone else's are imaginary, aren't they?
