  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    it was impossible to fake at the time

  • gangy 🟢
    Jul 25

    Yes I do

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Im always down for a good conspiracy, but this one isn’t it. Theres a lot of independent ways you can prove we went there. Them losing the high og high quality tapes was extremely strange though.

  • Jul 25
    5 replies

    We went. The moon landing is impressive but the Russians did satellites first, first person in space, first animal in space, first anything in space really.

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jul 25
    2 replies

    most likely

    but their reactions really got me thinking they might have discovered something unsettling there

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    Yeah they visited but I kicked em out

    Don’t disturb me at the crib

  • Does this answer your question OP

  • XODoors

    Yeah they visited but I kicked em out

    Don’t disturb me at the crib

    @Extraterrestrial u know this guy??? Lol..

  • BillyShears

    We went. The moon landing is impressive but the Russians did satellites first, first person in space, first animal in space, first anything in space really.

    It’s funny we say we won the space race when the stat sheet says otherwise

  • niggas on the moon

  • BillyShears

    We went. The moon landing is impressive but the Russians did satellites first, first person in space, first animal in space, first anything in space really.

    They even had robot land on venus, first time anything like that was sent to another planet. First surface pictures of another planet. It melted after a few minutes though.

  • Obviously we did

  • Jul 25
    5 replies

    We went. The moon landing is impressive but the Russians did satellites first, first person in space, first animal in space, first anything in space really.

    The moon landing is easily the most impressive out of those things by a long shot

    We sent two people to another rock in space, got them down to its surface, back up, and back home. With less technology than our phones. That is literally insane lol.

  • Jul 25

    With that many people working on it there would have been way more evidence and way more people speaking out of it was fake

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Jul 25
    1 reply

    Yes. Only annoying people think we didn't.

  • Jul 25
    1 reply
    k dog 99

    The moon landing is easily the most impressive out of those things by a long shot

    We sent two people to another rock in space, got them down to its surface, back up, and back home. With less technology than our phones. That is literally insane lol.

    idk dawg, the Soviets managed to beam live video from the surface of Venus back to earth in 1972. thats pretty damn crazy.

  • Niggas who don't believe this s*** b thinking they so smart

  • more and more nowadays i lean towards yes

    we would've been exposed had that not been the case i feel like

  • If you don't you are genuinely brain-dead

  • Jul 25
    1 reply
    k dog 99

    The moon landing is easily the most impressive out of those things by a long shot

    We sent two people to another rock in space, got them down to its surface, back up, and back home. With less technology than our phones. That is literally insane lol.

    Tbh i think first person in space is more impressive. America propagandized the achievement a lot, while neglecting other more important achievements.

  • I met someone last year who was convinced no one had ever landed on the moon and the upcoming moon mission is to plant evidence that it happened decades ago. F***ing cooker lol

  • k dog 99

    The moon landing is easily the most impressive out of those things by a long shot

    We sent two people to another rock in space, got them down to its surface, back up, and back home. With less technology than our phones. That is literally insane lol.

    Goes to show how much of modern internet technology is wasted on sloppy programming and adware tracker infested websites, not to mention the wasted electricity this causes and its contribution to climate change. F*** javascript 💯

  • BillyShears

    We went. The moon landing is impressive but the Russians did satellites first, first person in space, first animal in space, first anything in space really.

    post to avi goes crazy