Like, seems like every other day a new police shooting video comes out.
Some of the more recent examples:
That white b**** who said a racial slur on her dying breath right before being killed by the cop. That thread did numbers.
Dude who twitch streamed himself mass killing black people while shopping. People f***ing actively seeked out that video.
Or even the kid getting (almost - he's in the ER right now) killed for eating a cheeseburger. Thread went crazy too.
Like doesn't seeing this s*** just deteriorate your mental health? I feel like the average person isn't meant to see that - you're watching someone KILL another person. I still have the George Floyd video burned into my retinas, man
That's traumatizing, and people really just scroll through twitter, see it - actively think, yep, I want to click that - watch it, then think "damn." then keep scrolling.
IDK bout you guys, but I can't watch those videos, they're just too traumatizing. It's way too f***ing normalized for that s*** to just be uploaded for all to see
I don’t mean to sound like one of those edgy gore lords but I have genuinely been seeing people get murdered online since I was like 8 years old, so my mind is pretty much numb to seeing that kind of thing atp, as sad as that sounds.
Now at 24 I’m not going out of my way to look at people dying, but if something pops up on Twitter or Reddit or something it’s not gonna ruin my day.
I be seeing that s*** against my will. I remember the day PNB Rock died some dumb ass posted a screenshot of him lying in his own blood with the “RIP he was my fave” as a caption
Can be argued it’s normal
I mean people would gather to watch public executions like it’s a sporting event
empathy was already dying but the age of social media has finished it off
I've been so densentized already from the internet. Especially being close to 30 and growing up with it. I get what you mean but some of us are already to far gone lol. I try me best not to look at stuff like that anymore but we all have a morbid curiosity for the most part
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
Exposure to it at a young age will definitely deteriorate ur mental health n sense of empathy . I’ve become completely desensitized to most gore n broadcasted death when it should make me sick to my stomach . Nothing is borderline unwatchable anymore but nowadays seeing that stuff just makes me incredibly sad more than anything. Especially to the families of the victim that don’t want their deaths to be out there n played for amusement
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
Yea but with the internet it's on a whole other scale
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
There’s a difference in how death was experienced then vs now
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
I was thinking about this. We used to gather up and watch people get executed or throw stones at them. Not saying it's good but seeing people die is something we as a race just do. I think because we have no idea what death is like we just watch out of pure curiosity.
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
What a crazy rationalization lol.
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
technically you're right, death has been a spectacle for a very long time
lynchings, witch burnings, public execution in the town square, propaganda of the deed, etc.
but i do think that death has lost its sacredness in the current consciousness, and there is something visceral to real-world violence that can't be replicated in media that affects people a lot in different ways
violence is much more mechanized and efficient now, you can watch combat footage videos with POVs of dudes doing insurgency with no remorse and all the brutality that entails in a short amount of time
theres a reason death videos/combat footage are always put out by various paramilitary groups and d*** cartels because its effective propaganda, its intense and it resembles the media we consume, it also defiles the enemy in death
Humans have been seeing people die throughout their whole existence. Nowadays there are simply some people more sensitive than others
Rt. Fellas used to gather around the town square to watch beheadings and hangings and straight up torture just for fun.
S*** I would’ve bought first class tickets to the colosseum
Nah death use to ne way more normal
Can be argued it’s normal
I mean people would gather to watch public executions like it’s a sporting event
Yeah this is standard s*** for people unfortunately