The very first gore video I ever saw was when I was around 12 gave me nightmares and I had trouble sleeping. Now I’m desensitized from those type of video.
What you listed isn’t that wild . Choppy videos of cops shooting and killing someone etc.
Only recent video I’ve come across that had me cringe from the wtf of it, think it was trending but it was a video of some uk guys in the mall arguing and then trying to fight and some guy pulled out a razor blade or knife and slash some dudes jugular and that dude bled the f*** out right there, there was no saving him he was gone in a minute
What’s so crazy about it
Everything man, ignores all context and differences as well as the negative mental impacts of watching death for pleasure has always had.
Like yeah Romans watched slaves kill each other in the Coliseum as an escape from starvation and plague so yeah y’all just sensitive.
What you listed isn’t that wild . Choppy videos of cops shooting and killing someone etc.
Only recent video I’ve come across that had me cringe from the wtf of it, think it was trending but it was a video of some uk guys in the mall arguing and then trying to fight and some guy pulled out a razor blade or knife and slash some dudes jugular and that dude bled the f*** out right there, there was no saving him he was gone in a minute
That one f***ed me up more than any other gore video I've seen. Felt sick for a whole day
Yea lowkey like traumatized myself somewhat by watching these kinds of vids as a kid but def try to avoid them now
technically you're right, death has been a spectacle for a very long time
lynchings, witch burnings, public execution in the town square, propaganda of the deed, etc.
but i do think that death has lost its sacredness in the current consciousness, and there is something visceral to real-world violence that can't be replicated in media that affects people a lot in different ways
violence is much more mechanized and efficient now, you can watch combat footage videos with POVs of dudes doing insurgency with no remorse and all the brutality that entails in a short amount of time
theres a reason death videos/combat footage are always put out by various paramilitary groups and d*** cartels because its effective propaganda, its intense and it resembles the media we consume, it also defiles the enemy in death
Great a***ysis
I think it helps us cope with death tbh the generation raised on gore videos and videos of police killings are gonna be less afraid of death because that curiosity has been indulged so much
Also a reminder of how truly fragile life is you could be gone in a second
What you listed isn’t that wild . Choppy videos of cops shooting and killing someone etc.
Only recent video I’ve come across that had me cringe from the wtf of it, think it was trending but it was a video of some uk guys in the mall arguing and then trying to fight and some guy pulled out a razor blade or knife and slash some dudes jugular and that dude bled the f*** out right there, there was no saving him he was gone in a minute
Damn I remember that one rip
Can be argued it’s normal
I mean people would gather to watch public executions like it’s a sporting event
Is there any study that’s been on this before? People like to say this s*** should be so bad for the human psyche, but humanity has seen a lot of death over it’s time as entertainment, battle, hunting, disease, etc
And why would it only be bad for humans, what about other animals?
Everything man, ignores all context and differences as well as the negative mental impacts of watching death for pleasure has always had.
Like yeah Romans watched slaves kill each other in the Coliseum as an escape from starvation and plague so yeah y’all just sensitive.
I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying lol
Online, sure. But people have been watching others die in public forums for a verrry long time.
I’ve personally seen dozens and dozens (maybe triple digits) of people die irl while I was inches away tryna save them
I never go out of my way to watch those kinds of videos. Never even click on them. Not that it would make me queasy or f*** me up, just that seeing someone kill another person doesn’t interest me in the slightest. Just lmk what happened in the video and I’ll use my imagination.
I do think it makes a lot of people wrongfully detached. Hardly anyone has real tangible experience with death. Watching all those videos all the time, idk. People think s*** is jokes or a game or something.
I’m not desensitized to that s***
I missed that wave of watching gory s*** online
Yeah seeing that s*** when i super young has made me stale to it a few years back I’m glad i stay away from that now
I think it helps us cope with death tbh the generation raised on gore videos and videos of police killings are gonna be less afraid of death because that curiosity has been indulged so much
Also a reminder of how truly fragile life is you could be gone in a second
Last part for sure
Just because you watch some basketball videos doesn't mean you're gonna be OK with your friends getting murdered
I’ve personally seen dozens and dozens (maybe triple digits) of people die irl while I was inches away tryna save them
I never go out of my way to watch those kinds of videos. Never even click on them. Not that it would make me queasy or f*** me up, just that seeing someone kill another person doesn’t interest me in the slightest. Just lmk what happened in the video and I’ll use my imagination.
I do think it makes a lot of people wrongfully detached. Hardly anyone has real tangible experience with death. Watching all those videos all the time, idk. People think s*** is jokes or a game or something.
Realest thing you’ve said tbh
I’m not desensitized to that s***
I missed that wave of watching gory s*** online
You n me. Never seen any bestgore stuff and I thank God. I stay away from it all
What you listed isn’t that wild . Choppy videos of cops shooting and killing someone etc.
Only recent video I’ve come across that had me cringe from the wtf of it, think it was trending but it was a video of some uk guys in the mall arguing and then trying to fight and some guy pulled out a razor blade or knife and slash some dudes jugular and that dude bled the f*** out right there, there was no saving him he was gone in a minute
Sounds awful
This gonna sound weird cause i can’t articulate it better but seeing people die online, no matter which way, made me cope better when seeing/hearing about friends or fam die. Death is normal no matter the circumstances. Some people just have the pleasure of not witnessing it throughout their lives.
Is there any study that’s been on this before? People like to say this s*** should be so bad for the human psyche, but humanity has seen a lot of death over it’s time as entertainment, battle, hunting, disease, etc
And why would it only be bad for humans, what about other animals?
Other animals aren’t watching people die on twitter
I don't taint my soul with that smut.
People quick to click on videos of mass shootings have issues.