I just read a statistic that women initiate 70% of divorces and it’s got me feeling a type of way like what’s the point?
I just read a statistic that women initiate 70% of divorces and it’s got me feeling a type of way like what’s the point?
I seen bad things happen to niggas who get married, but If I feel safe enough with someone I’d try it
I just read a statistic that women initiate 70% of divorces and it’s got me feeling a type of way like what’s the point?
White women
I don’t plan on living that long
White women
The study didn’t separate based on race so I guess we’ll never know if it’s just white women or not
Ain’t nobody gonna marry fr tho. Got 5 kids with 3 different baby mamas bih
70%? i mean i wasn’t high on marriage to begin with but that...nah im cool
I’ve always seen marriage as a goal, that statistic broke my heart. Maybe just don’t marry an American woman?
i don’t see a point personally, if it were important to the person i’m with then i’d do it but i’m not gonna go out of my way to do it
I’ve always seen marriage as a goal, that statistic broke my heart. Maybe just don’t marry an American woman?
I feel like it's mostly an American problem tbh
At this rate, no but who knows what the f*** can happen.
I feel like it's mostly an American problem tbh
That’s what I was thinking, because I found data saying that among unmarried couples, the person likely to initiate the breakup is about the same between men and women. Maybe when it comes to marriage, men have more to lose in a divorce, so they’re less likely to initiate one?