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  • May 7, 2021
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    not an good argument either, buying retail priced/resold sneakers is to fulfill that same purpose anyways

    You don't buy retail sneakers to have a Dior logo on your feet

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    You don't buy retail sneakers to have a Dior logo on your feet

    yes you do

    people buy dior b23s at the stupid retail price so they can flex how expensive and gaudy it is

    reps do the same thing effectively

  • May 7, 2021

    yes you do

    people buy dior b23s at the stupid retail price so they can flex how expensive and gaudy it is

    reps do the same thing effectively

    I'm sorry by "retail sneakers" i thought you meant shoes that arent hyped up

  • May 7, 2021
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    i don't blame people for buying reps, the game is f***ed

    there's more bots registering in these raffles and purchasing stock than humans, camping out is dead for the foreseeable future, there is no hobbyist community for the current hype wave, only commodity

    you can be mad that a person obtained a product that is resold at a horrific value for near-retail or below because "you put in the work" but ask yourself if the conditions which made people turn to buying reps should be in the sneaker game in the first place?

    It's not being mad about putting in the work. It's knowing how it feels

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    It's not being mad about putting in the work. It's knowing how it feels

    should artificial scarcity even exist in this day and age, given on how systems get exploited to purchase more stock than humanly possible by bots

  • May 7, 2021

    should artificial scarcity even exist in this day and age, given on how systems get exploited to purchase more stock than humanly possible by bots

    If there was no artificial scarcity people wouldn't even want these shoes

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    i don't blame people for buying reps, the game is f***ed

    there's more bots registering in these raffles and purchasing stock than humans, camping out is dead for the foreseeable future, there is no hobbyist community for the current hype wave, only commodity

    you can be mad that a person obtained a product that is resold at a horrific value for near-retail or below because "you put in the work" but ask yourself if the conditions which made people turn to buying reps should be in the sneaker game in the first place?

    those people probably wouldn't want those shoes if the conditions that made them hype/limited in the first place weren't there

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    You have to think the shoes that people buy reps of are like dior jordans and expensive dunks, people don't buy reps because they like the shoe, they just want to look like they can afford it

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    If you wear reps and you convince a girl to have s***with you, it's misleading her and it's rape

  • May 7, 2021
    2 replies
    class wario

    those people probably wouldn't want those shoes if the conditions that made them hype/limited in the first place weren't there

    what is wrong about someone that circumvents the system which hamstrings them into getting cucked by bots every release, instead turning to replicas?

  • May 7, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    If you wear reps and you convince a girl to have s***with you, it's misleading her and it's rape

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    what is wrong about someone that circumvents the system which hamstrings them into getting cucked by bots every release, instead turning to replicas?

    The answer is buy a different shoe

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    You have to think the shoes that people buy reps of are like dior jordans and expensive dunks, people don't buy reps because they like the shoe, they just want to look like they can afford it

    this is the same thing people do when they splurge on hyped sneakers that are authentic

    people really go into credit card debt for that s***, it's insane

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    this is the same thing people do when they splurge on hyped sneakers that are authentic

    people really go into credit card debt for that s***, it's insane

    Yes i agree

    But if you have the money to pay for an authentic pair who am i to judge

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    The answer is buy a different shoe

    if they want the shoe they want, they can buy it, even through "illicit" means

    alternatives won't necessarily fill the niche for some people

    you can make the argument that they're a "poser", but are they really one when the people buying the authentics use them for the same purpose?

  • May 7, 2021

    if they want the shoe they want, they can buy it, even through "illicit" means

    alternatives won't necessarily fill the niche for some people

    you can make the argument that they're a "poser", but are they really one when the people buying the authentics use them for the same purpose?

    If you buy reps you're literally posing as a poser think about that LMAO

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    what is wrong about someone that circumvents the system which hamstrings them into getting cucked by bots every release, instead turning to replicas?

    My point is that they are not really circumventing anything. They are hooked into thinking they like a certain shoe by hype/artificial scarcity and are spending money to tap into that. Thinking you are somehow immune to that is insane.

  • ragedsycokiller

    most of the time people who hate on reps are just as insecure about their pockets and about the flex as someone who loves reps.

    two sides of the same coin

    Damn this real

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply
    class wario

    My point is that they are not really circumventing anything. They are hooked into thinking they like a certain shoe by hype/artificial scarcity and are spending money to tap into that. Thinking you are somehow immune to that is insane.

    but what is inferior about someone who does it?

    that's what im asking, i see this cringy brand loyalty d***riding superiority complex from the fashion/sneaker community when it comes to replicas when you're all feeding into the f***ing beast of consumerism and these companies don't give a f*** about you, they just want as much money possible, that's why artificial scarcity exists, it is what generates hype and capital for nike/adidas/etc.

    you're all consumers, you're not better than one another because of what you choose to purchase and how you purchase it

    that's why i hate these s***ty moral arguments when it's not down to that at all

    it's just people mad that other people can get "limited shoes" and circumvent the bullshit that comes with the current game, thus they're seen as "posers" because they didn't spend the ludicrous amount of money made to set up bots or pay resale

    there's nothing wrong with either and i partake in purchasing authentic garments myself and i know how it feels, but it's just good to be grounded and not on a high horse

  • May 7, 2021

    most of the time people who hate on reps are just as insecure about their pockets and about the flex as someone who loves reps.

    two sides of the same coin

    nail on the head

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    I don't blame people who buy reps,its honestly so annoying to pay 300% more because some idiot decided to buy all of them.

    AF1s are sold out every time and dudes are reselling them for 250 bucks lmfaoo.
    Id rather buy a 1:1rep then pay for that.

    But those who buy reps from really expensive brands just so they can flex are WOAT.

  • May 7, 2021
    2 replies

    Also ppl itt talking about the high they got because they bought some retail s*** kills me.

    High off consumerism im crine

  • May 7, 2021

    just dont fall for the hype

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    Also ppl itt talking about the high they got because they bought some retail s*** kills me.

    High off consumerism im crine

    High off working hard and rewarding yourself dafuck

  • May 7, 2021
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    Also ppl itt talking about the high they got because they bought some retail s*** kills me.

    High off consumerism im crine

    capitalism won

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