i think u enter a certain oneness/eternity state kinda like a waiting room until the eventual heat death of the universe, prompting the cyclical big bang where the universe will restart again and you are born again as yourself in the same place at the same time
No idea. I’ll know when my time comes.
Live life here and don’t worry about what comes after
No idea. I’ll know when my time comes.
Live life here and don’t worry about what comes after
i think u enter a certain oneness/eternity state kinda like a waiting room until the eventual heat death of the universe, prompting the cyclical big bang where the universe will restart again and you are born again as yourself in the same place at the same time
So are we conscious in the waiting room or we have no feels about anything
So are we conscious in the waiting room or we have no feels about anything
No feels, time doesn't exist. Trillions of years pass in an instant
Edit: actually I change my mind. Probably do experience heaven or hell for an instant/eternity. Hard to quantify when time doesn't exist
Believing in afterlife same as flat earth and antivaxx
You only get excepted into after life if you have 9% body fat, so op you got nothing to worry about
You suddenly found yourself here in this world, scared and confused. As did your parents after they were "born." I don't know much, but I could see someone or something wanting to take advantage of that vulnerable state and intentionally skewing our perspective of where we are and why...
You suddenly found yourself here in this world, scared and confused. As did your parents after they were "born." I don't know much, but I could see someone or something wanting to take advantage of that vulnerable state and intentionally skewing our perspective of where we are and why...
Wtf did I just read lol