D’Meta’s Crossing this place looks sick
Took my break just now before i went there . Guess i avoided another hour in my session 😂
How is it?
Reception in here is positive but much of the gameplay I've seen is bad. The dialogue is baby town frolics and the mouth animations are rubbish.
Which race is best for dialogue?
Probably Elf considering it's about defeating Elf gods...
How is it?
Reception in here is positive but much of the gameplay I've seen is bad. The dialogue is baby town frolics and the mouth animations are rubbish.
Better than starfield, worse than bg3
Been watching some footage, and I’m gonna be honest, I’m not a big fan of how “gamey” the level design seems to be, none of it gives a sense of being a real, lived in world.
Also, playing Metaphor rn, and I feel like the more idealistic tone is pulled off far better there than here.
Are there any info on how much the previous choices from the games, or Inquisition at least, influence the story?
Are there any info on how much the previous choices from the games, or Inquisition at least, influence the story?
I think it was this review I watched that said they wished more from the previous game carried over...I haven't played the others myself so cannot comment
Is mage gameplay aby good?
I tried each of the 3 classes and got the feeling they were each worth their own playthrough, not to mention the 3 specializations they each branch out to.
You can learn about all 9 specializations and see videos of their gameplay when selecting in the character creator
I’m playing warrior because I like how fast paced it is, but I’ll probably do a mage playthrough too
just beat the ogre
still early but this GOTY for sure
we're in november how is it early