This is the first 2 hours of a 100-hour game, they aren’t recapping stuff constantly
I’m about 20 hours in and the dialogue isn’t holding back the story in any way for me, the characters are all interesting and fleshed out people, I like the writing overall. It’s definitely not Disney, it gets dark.
I liked inquisition but this is way better. The voice actors are great and I’m vibing with all the new companions. Warrior combat is solid, you can also refund your specializations and rebuild your character whenever you want, so I’ve been playing as champion, slayer and reaper interchangeably. Wish more rpgs gave you that freedom.
I just started Inquisition. It's solid so far even for a decade old game
I just started Inquisition. It's solid so far even for a decade old game
I like that game personally, idk why it gets hate. It’s 40-80hrs for most playthroughs
I'm starting Inquisiton now just to see how Dragon Age is.
How long is it?
If you looking to 'speedrun' it grab some of the qol mods from the nexus site. Always worth checking cause the mods are quite extensive at this point
My gripes are it’s not truly a dragon age game either if you’ve played origins , 2 or even inquisition
Seems like the dialogue treats you, the player, as a toddler thinking you lack intelligence. I’m seeing unbiased reviews focus on the main story plot and skipping companion quest.
I can write off a lot in this game but not truly having a classic RPG choice system that old dragon age and mass effect trilogy had to where you can actually be evil in those games if you choose too. If you enjoy the game that’s cool.
If someone wanted me to recommend a recent rpg to play I would be recommending them Baldurs Gate 3… hell Baldurs gate 3 got me interested in diving into other CRPG like games like pathfinder or rouge trader.
I played all 3, the dialogue isn’t amazing but it’s solid, overall I think the strengths of the writing is in the lore and world and character arcs and choices and stuff like that.
This is a lot better than mass effect andromeda so they’re moving in a good direction imo, at least so far from where I’m at in the game, maybe I haven’t gotten to the cringe yet
In terms of being evil, eh I feel like I appreciate the new style of just complex decisions overall and not this old good vs evil archetype, I mean you can be an a****** in conversations but other than that i kinda like it now. That would fit better in a new KOTOR or mass effect though
I played all 3, the dialogue isn’t amazing but it’s solid, overall I think the strengths of the writing is in the lore and world and character arcs and choices and stuff like that.
This is a lot better than mass effect andromeda so they’re moving in a good direction imo, at least so far from where I’m at in the game, maybe I haven’t gotten to the cringe yet
In terms of being evil, eh I feel like I appreciate the new style of just complex decisions overall and not this old good vs evil archetype, I mean you can be an a****** in conversations but other than that i kinda like it now. That would fit better in a new KOTOR or mass effect though
In the end you are literally super Hero in here
Is this constantly for anyone else on Xbox? I can't go an hour or sometimes 10 minutes without my Xbox on this. Every other game seems to work normally.
Is this constantly for anyone else on Xbox? I can't go an hour or sometimes 10 minutes without my Xbox on this. Every other game seems to work normally.
runs great on my end
I'm starting Inquisiton now just to see how Dragon Age is.
How long is it?
Long as s***
I'm starting Inquisiton now just to see how Dragon Age is.
How long is it?
took me 250+ hours to do everything