how is it so far? super excited to play. weird how mad this game is making people
how is it so far? super excited to play. weird how mad this game is making people
Honestly having a lot of fun . I just have to take more breaks than i did with inquisition but it’s not a knock on the game . It being more linear means you can feel bigger plot points quicker and less time to just f*** around so i have to spread it out
it’s called bloom and I hate when devs do this smh, might be wishful thinking but maybe they’ll patch a way to turn it off? Metaphor got a patch that made it so you could turn off the speed/blur effect when running, so devs are getting better at adding choices these days
how is it so far? super excited to play. weird how mad this game is making people
I liked inquisition but this is way better. The voice actors are great and I’m vibing with all the new companions. Warrior combat is solid, you can also refund your specializations and rebuild your character whenever you want, so I’ve been playing as champion, slayer and reaper interchangeably. Wish more rpgs gave you that freedom.
I liked inquisition but this is way better. The voice actors are great and I’m vibing with all the new companions. Warrior combat is solid, you can also refund your specializations and rebuild your character whenever you want, so I’ve been playing as champion, slayer and reaper interchangeably. Wish more rpgs gave you that freedom.
Why are so many YouTube pricks saying the voice acting is bad? I don’t know who to believe lol
Why are so many YouTube pricks saying the voice acting is bad? I don’t know who to believe lol
They not saying the voice acting is bad. They’re saying the writing and dialogue/choices is terrible. Specifically companion dialogue
I’ve seen a few hours and it is terrible, like a disney show tier writing. Some fans saying they totally shift this from dark fantasy to high fantasy.
They not saying the voice acting is bad. They’re saying the writing and dialogue/choices is terrible. Specifically companion dialogue
I’ve seen a few hours and it is terrible, like a disney show tier writing. Some fans saying they totally shift this from dark fantasy to high fantasy.
I’m about 20 hours in and the dialogue isn’t holding back the story in any way for me, the characters are all interesting and fleshed out people, I like the writing overall. It’s definitely not Disney, it gets dark.
I havent played the first game but im looking for a good RPG to play is this worth it?
It looks pretty but yeah I think this game would piss me off.
Haven’t watched but I’m gonna assume this is yet another video that just cherry picks the goofiest dialogue from a 100-hour rpg and acts like that’s gonna be the whole experience.
I see it everywhere. It’s weird that criticism doesn’t get made of other games this year, even when something like Metaphor was chock full of it
Haven’t watched but I’m gonna assume this is yet another video that just cherry picks the goofiest dialogue from a 100-hour rpg and acts like that’s gonna be the whole experience.
I see it everywhere. It’s weird that criticism doesn’t get made of other games this year, even when something like Metaphor was chock full of it
Metaphor is an anime game so it does get more of a pass. Not saying that's right but I've never played an anime game without corny ass dialogue
There's barely any anime that don't have corny ass moments fr lmao
I do think veilguard is getting a little more hate than warranted but you can't tell me this is a perfect rpg.
It Can be overhated and flawed at the same time
Haven’t watched but I’m gonna assume this is yet another video that just cherry picks the goofiest dialogue from a 100-hour rpg and acts like that’s gonna be the whole experience.
I see it everywhere. It’s weird that criticism doesn’t get made of other games this year, even when something like Metaphor was chock full of it
Dunkey was trying too hard, bro was getting upset that the main characters were "recapping" the story when they were telling the other characters what happened in their encounter with of course they are going to mention a world ending threat has suddenly appeared
Metaphor is an anime game so it does get more of a pass. Not saying that's right but I've never played an anime game without corny ass dialogue
There's barely any anime that don't have corny ass moments fr lmao
I do think veilguard is getting a little more hate than warranted but you can't tell me this is a perfect rpg.
It Can be overhated and flawed at the same time
We can agree on that. It’s definitely not perfect, but I’m having a ton of fun. I’m really surprised the writing is considered one of the flaws, for me I don’t have any problem with it. I’m enjoying the story and characters a lot. If anything I think the major flaw is the mouth animations feel like they’re from 2009, maybe a budget issue? Idk. They gotta up their mouth tech lol.
Dunkey was trying too hard, bro was getting upset that the main characters were "recapping" the story when they were telling the other characters what happened in their encounter with of course they are going to mention a world ending threat has suddenly appeared
Yeah I think dragon age is easy to goof on now and he’s trying to make the funniest thing possible so he took some stuff out of context. Dunkey also made fun of death stranding in a similar way when it first came out, using all the popular discourse “walking simulator” jokes but then years later made a follow up video where he changed his mind and actually enjoyed it.
I don't think Charlie tries as hard as dunkey but the constant recapping is something he also complained about.
I don't think Charlie tries as hard as dunkey but the constant recapping is something he also complained about.
This is the first 2 hours of a 100-hour game, they aren’t recapping stuff constantly
I’m about 20 hours in and the dialogue isn’t holding back the story in any way for me, the characters are all interesting and fleshed out people, I like the writing overall. It’s definitely not Disney, it gets dark.
My gripes are it’s not truly a dragon age game either if you’ve played origins , 2 or even inquisition
Seems like the dialogue treats you, the player, as a toddler thinking you lack intelligence. I’m seeing unbiased reviews focus on the main story plot and skipping companion quest.
I can write off a lot in this game but not truly having a classic RPG choice system that old dragon age and mass effect trilogy had to where you can actually be evil in those games if you choose too. If you enjoy the game that’s cool.
If someone wanted me to recommend a recent rpg to play I would be recommending them Baldurs Gate 3… hell Baldurs gate 3 got me interested in diving into other CRPG like games like pathfinder or rouge trader.
this s*** so good man