Please tell me that’s just the art style for cgi trailer and the game looks nothing like that
Also why is the music so bad lmao that’s not the tone of dragon age at all
Please tell me that’s just the art style for cgi trailer and the game looks nothing like that
Also why is the music so bad lmao that’s not the tone of dragon age at all
Each DA has had a different tone. What do you mean by this?
Each DA has had a different tone. What do you mean by this?
Music has Disney channel vibes, none of the game trailers for 1-3 have anything like that, the world of all the games is more serious, even if the characters themselves are sometimes hilarious, it’s usually snarky, sarcastic humor
Please tell me that’s just the art style for cgi trailer and the game looks nothing like that
Also why is the music so bad lmao that’s not the tone of dragon age at all
Seriously what the f***. Are they really chasing the Fortnite bag here or what? This s*** looks like a phone game
When this s*** flops they really might shelf BioWare for good, damn shame where these RPG goats have fallen from
This will be either a redemptive renaissaince or the definitive nail in the coffin lmao. Waiting for the 11th to give a proper judgement but yeah, this s*** is not promising lmao
Thank God for BG3.
I remember Inquisition being -rightly- overshadowed and compared to The Witcher 3 to death, I see history repeating itself this generation too unfortunately lmao
This will be either a redemptive renaissaince or the definitive nail in the coffin lmao. Waiting for the 11th to give a proper judgement but yeah, this s*** is not promising lmao
People are aware that BioWare is BioWare in name only at this point right?
Like, pretty much everyone who made their best games is gone at this point.
People are aware that BioWare is BioWare in name only at this point right?
Like, pretty much everyone who made their best games is gone at this point.
Any notable names workin' on this or nah? Because well, guess the series is done lmao
Any notable names workin' on this or nah? Because well, guess the series is done lmao
From the game’s Wiki:
The project has been marked by a high turnover of leading staff. Several veteran Dragon Age staff, including Laidlaw, left the company in response to Joplin's cancellation in 2017.7 After the 2018 restart, Mark Darrah remained as an executive producer, while Matthew Goldman took over the position of creative director for the project from 2017 to 2021.14 By December 3, 2020, Darrah had resigned from BioWare, replaced by BioWare Austin studio head Christian Dailey as executive producer.15 Goldman left BioWare by November 2021,9 and was replaced as Creative Director by John Epler.16 Dailey left BioWare in February 2022.17 Corinne Busche became game director thereafter, Benoit Houle director of product development, and Mac Walters production director.17 Walters in turn left BioWare in January 2023.18 In March 2023, Darrah returned as a consultant for the game and the Mass Effect team joined the production of Veilguard, according to EA.19
In August 2023, BioWare fired 50 people working on Veilguard and the next Mass Effect game;21 this included Mary Kirby who was one of the series' original writers and credited with "creating Varric and the Qunari".22 PC Gamer commented "that's not to say there are no veterans of the good old days left, but you're looking at a very different group of people than the one that made the studio's greatest hits".22 In October, seven of them sued BioWare for additional compensation, complaining that BioWare's NDAs prevented them from adding their work on Veilguard to their portfolio.23
Not looking too good.
Bioware is done if this fails
If the new mass effect fails people will be rioting in the streets
Larian and CDPR do kind of feel like the new generation BioWare and Bethesda.
It's gonna be difficult to compare.
The former of those studios were putting out banger after banger.
Nowadays it takes like 5 years to drop a game.
Larian has done incredible but it'll be a long time before we hear from them again.
Cd projekt red has made one incredible game and then a great game that was a fixer upper.
Definitely still have some good will but they can't miss on this next one
When I think of Dragon Age: Origins I picture everyone covered in blood and grime.
And then there’s this.